Wang Chia-Hui Professor



lHighest DegreePh.D. The University of LIVERPOOL
lSpecialtySpecialtyBiogeochemistry, marine invertebrates, Otolith, Fishery Biology
lTEL02-2462-2192 ext.5029

Refereed Papers │ Conference Papers  Other Publications

Refereed Papers

  1. Wu LI, Wang CH, Chen CS (2023) Applying life history traits to eco-labelling schemes for fisheries management: A case study in Taiwan. Marine Policy, 148, 105412.
  2. Chiang CI, Lu CY, Wang CH (2023) Stable isotopes in scales of mangrove snapper Lutjanus argentimaculatus as an indicator for origin discrimination. Aquaculture International, 1-18.
  3. Chiang CI, Chung MT, Shiao JC, Wang PL, Wang CH (2023) Thermal histories reveal spatiotemporal distribution and population overlapping of Sepioteuthis lessoniana. ICES Journal of Marine Science, fsad187.
  4. Nien YL, Chen CY, Wang CH, Shen KN, Chang CW (2023) Comparison of roe development and somatic growth for different cryptic species of Mugil cephalus cultured in tropical Taiwan. Marine Research, 1(5),83-95.
  5. Chen HL, Chang NN, Hsiao WV, Chen WJ, Wang CH*, Shiao JC* (2022). Using molecular phylogenetic and stable isotopic analysis to identify species, geographical origin and production method of mullet roes. Food Control, doi:10.1016/j.foodcont.2022.109206.
  6. Martino J*, Chung MT, Chiang CI, Wang CH, Shirai K, Doubleday ZA (2022). Systematic evaluation of oxygen isotopes in cephalopod statoliths as thermal proxies. ICES Journal of Marine Science, doi:10.1092/icesjms/fsac102.
  7. Ching TY, Yagishita N, Yamaguchi A, Wang CH, Chen CS (2022). Geographical variations in genetic group composition, life-history traits, and statolith shape for Sepioteuthis spp. In the Northwest Pacific. Marine and Freshwater Research, doi:10.1071/MF21312.
  8. Chung MT, Chen CY, Shiao JC, Shirai K, Wang CH* (2021). Metabolic proxy for cephalopods: Sable carbon isotope values recorded in different biogenic carbonates. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 12(9): 1648-1657. doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.13630.
  9. Yang SH, Chen C, Hsieh YE, Yang SY, Li HW, Ching TY, Wang CH, Chang CF, Tang SL, Wu GC* (2021). Bacterial dynamics in the accessory nidamental gland of Sepioteuthis lessoniana throughout maturation. Microbes and Environments, 36(4):ME21030. doi:10.1264/jsme2.ME21030.
  10. Tran NT*, Labonne M, Chung MT, Wang CH, Huang KF, Durand J-D, Grudpan C, Chan B, Hoang HD, Panfili J (2021). Natal origin and migration pathways of Mekong catfish (Pangasius krempfi) using strontium isotopes and trace element concentrations in environmental water and otoliths. PLoS One, 16(6): e0252769.doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0252769. 106-2611-M-019-004. 本人為通訊作者.
  11. Ching TY, Chen CS*, Yagishita N, Yamaguchi A, Wang CH, Shen KN (2021). Variations in life-history traits and statolith shape for Sepioteuthis spp. in the waters off southwestern Japan. Fisheries Science 87, 173–185.
  12. Chung MT, Chen CY, Shiao JC, Lin S, Wang CH* (2020). Temperature-dependent fractionation of stable oxygen isotopes differs between cuttlefish statoliths and cuttlebones. Ecological Indicators, 115, 106457. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106457.
  13. Wang CH*, Chiu SJ, Nien YL (2020). Studies on age and growth of Acanthopagrus latus off western Taiwan. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, doi:  10.29822/JFST.201906_46(2).0002.
  14. Wang CH*, Yeh YT, Chiang CI (2020). Reproductive biology study of Lutijanus argentimaculatus off western Taiwan. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, doi: 10.29822/JFST.201906_46(2).0001.
  15. Chiang CI, Chung MT, Shiao JC, Wang PL, Chan TY, Yamaguchi A, Wang CH* (2020). Seasonal movement pattern of the bigfin reef squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana predicted using statolith δ18O values. Frontiers in Marine Science, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00249.
  16. Chung MT, Huang KF, You CF, Chiao CC, Wang CH* (2020). Elemental ratios in cuttlebone indicate growth rates in the cuttlefish Sepia pharaonisFrontiers in Marine Science, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00796.
  17. Wang CH*, Walther BD, Gillanders BM (2019). Introduction to the 6th International Otolith Symposium. Marine and Freshwater Research, 70, i-iii.
  18. Chiang CI, Chung MT,Shih TW, Chan TY, Yamaguchi A, Wang CH* (2019). Evaluation of the 137Ba mass-marking technique and potential effects in the early life history stages of Sepioteuthis lessonianaMarine and Freshwater Research, 70 (12), 1698–1707.
  19. Ching TY, Chen CS*, Wang CH* (2019). Spatiotemporal variations in life-history traits and statolith trace elements of Sepioteuthis lessoniana populations around northern Taiwan. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 99(1), 203-213.
  20. Hsiao CD, Shen KN, Ching TY, Wang YH, Ye JJ, Tsai SY, Wu SC, Chen CH, Wang CH* (2016). The complete mitochondrial genome of the cryptic "lineage A" big-fin reef squid, Sepioteuthis lessoniana (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae) in Indo-West Pacific. Mitochondrial DNA, 27(4), 2433-2434.
  21. Zhou L, Jin Z, Wang CH, Li F, Wang Y, Wang X, Zhang F, Chen L, Du J (2015). Otolith microchemistry of modern versus well-dated ancient naked carp Gymnocypris przewalskii: Implication for water evolution of Lake Qinghai. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 105: 399-407.
  22. Wang CH* (2014). Otolith elemental ratios of flathead mullet Mugil cephalus in Taiwanese waters reveal variable patterns of habitat use. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 151: 124-130.
  23. Lin YT, Wang CH, You CF, Tzeng WN (2013). Ba/Ca ratios in otoliths of Southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) as a biological tracer of upwelling in the Great Australian Bight. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 21(6): 733-741. 
  24. Chung MT, Wang CH* (2013). Age validation on growth lamellae of cuttlebone from cultured Sepia pharaonis at different stages. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 447: 132-137.
  25. Jessop BM, Wang CH, Tzeng WN, Shiao JC, You CF, Lin SH (2012). Otolith Sr:Ca and Ba:Ca may give inconsistent indications of estuarine habitat use for American eels (Anguilla rostrata). Environmental Biology of Fishes, 93(2): 193-20 .
  26. Ibanez AL, Chang CW, Hsu CC, Wang CH, Iizuka Y, Tzeng WN (2012). Diversity of migratory environmental history of the mullets Mugil cephalus and M. curema in Mexican coastal waters as indicated by otolith Sr:Ca ratios. Ciencias Marinas, 38(1A ): 73-87.
  27. Wang CH*, Geffen AJ, Nash RDM (2012). Geographical variation on chemical composition of the statolith of veined squid Loligo forbesiZoological Studies, 51(6): 755-761.
  28. 王佳惠*、張惟翔 (2012) 頭足類的日記。科學發展 477: 28-33 。
  29. 王佳惠*、沈康寧、張至維 (2012) 淡水河烏魚大量死亡之魚群來源探討。海洋及水下科技季刊 22(3): 28-34 。
  30. 周玲、金章東、李福春、王佳惠、游鎮烽 (2011) 青海湖裸鯉耳石的礦物成及其Sr/Ca 對洄游習性的潛在示蹤。中國科學 42(1): 1-8.
  31. 鍾明宗、游鎮烽、 王佳惠* (2011) 海洋軟體動物內骨骼之環境紀錄 : 以烏賊骨板為例。國立臺灣博物館學刊 64 (2): 17-31 .
  32. Chung MT, Wang CH, Chen HL (2011). Age validation on growth lamellae of cuttlebone from cultured Sepia pharaonisJournal of Shellfish Resrarch, 30(3), 998-999.
  33. Wang CH*, Chung MT, Chen HL, You CF, Chiao CC (2011). Temperature effect on stable isotope and trace element partition in statolith and cuttlebone of the cuttlefish Sepia pharaonisJournal of Shellfish Research, 30(3), 1023-1023.
  34. Wang CH, Hsu CC, Tzeng WN, You CF, Chang CW* (2011) Origin of the mass mortality of the flathead grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) in the Tanshui River, northern Taiwan, as indicated by otolith elemental signatures. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 62: 1809–1813.
  35. Liu SYV, Wang CH, ShaoJC, Dai CF* (2010) Stock origin and population connectivity of neon damsel, Pomacentrus coelestis inferred from otolith microchemistry and mtDNA. Marine and Freshwater Research, 61: 1416-1424.
  36. Wang CH, Hsu CC, Chang CW, You CF, Tzeng WN (2010). The migratory environmental history of freshwater resident flathead mullet Mugil cephalus L. in the Tanshui River of Taiwan. Zoological Studies, 49: 504-514.
  37. Wang CH, Lin YT, Shiao JC, You CF, Tzeng WN (2009) Spatio-temporal variation in the elemental compositions of otoliths of southern bluefin tuna Thunnus maccoyii in the Indian Ocean and its ecological implication. Journal of Fish Biology 75: 1173-1193.
  38. Chang MY, Tzeng WN, Wang CH, You CF (2008) Difference in elemental composition in otolith of larval goby Rhinogobius giurinus among estuaries of western Taiwan : Implication for comprehending the larval dispersal and metapopulation connectance. Zoological Studies 47(6), 676-684.
  39. Tzeng WN, Chang CW, Wang CH, Shiao JC, Iizuka Y, Yang YJ, You CF, Lozys L (2007) Misidentification of the migratory history of anguillid eels by Sr/Ca ratios of vaterite otoliths. Marine Ecology Progress Series 348, 285-295. 
  40. Chu YW, Han YS, Wang CH, You CF, Tzeng WN (2006) The sex-ratio reversal of the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica in the Kaoping River of Taiwan: The effect of cultured eels and its implication. Aquaculture 261, 1230-1238. 
  41. Chang MY, Wang CH, You CF, Tzeng WN (2006) The individual-based dispersal patterns of larval gobies in the estuary as indicated by otolith elemental fingerprints. Scientia Marina 70, 165-174.
  42. Tzeng WN, Severin KP, Wang CH, Wickstrom H (2005) Elemental composition of otoliths as a discriminator of life stage and growth habitat of European eel Anguilla anguillaMarine and Freshwater Research 56, 629-635. 
  43. Wang CH, Geffen AJ, Nash RDM (2002) Three-dimensional imaging of statoliths in the veined squid Loligo forbesiBulletin of Marine Science 71, 1143-1144. 
  44. Tzeng WN, Wang CH, Wickstrom H, Reizenstein M (2000) Occurrence of the semi-catadromous European eel Anguilla anguilla in the Baltic Sea. Marine Biology 137, 93-98.
  45. Wang CH, Tzeng WN (2000) The timing of metamorphosis and growth rates of American and European eel leptocephali – a mechanism of larval segregative migration. Fisheries Research 46, 191-205.
  46. Tzeng WN, Lin HR, Wang CH, Xu SN (2000) Differences in size and growth rates of male and female migrating Japanese eels in Pearl River, China. Journal of Fish Biology 57, 1245-1253.
  47. Tzeng WN, Severin KP, Wickstrom H, Wang CH (1999) Strontium bands in relation to age marks in otoliths of European eel Anguilla anguillaZoological Studies 38, 452-457.
  48. Tzeng WN, Wu YT, Wang CH (1998) Optimal growth temperature of American eel, Anguilla rostrata (Le Sueur). Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan 25(2), 111-115.
  49. Wang CH, Tzeng WN (1998) Interpretation of geographic variation in size of American eel Anguilla roatrata elvers on the Atlantic coast of North American using their life history and otolith ageing. Marine Ecology Progress Series 168, 35-43.
  50. Liao IC, Kuo CL, Tzeng WN, Hwang ST, Wu CL, Wang CH, Wang YT (1996) The first time of leptocephali of Japanese eel Anguilla japonica collected by Taiwanese researchers. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan 4(2), 107-116.

Conference Papers

  1. 吳沁芸*、葉芸婷、王佳惠 (20241)。鰻魚產地來源鑑別方法研究,臺灣水產學會113年度學術論文發表會暨會員大會,屏東,臺灣。
  2. 葉芸婷*、吳沁芸、粘育苓、江俊億、沈康寧、王佳惠 (20241)。烏魚子產地鑑別方法之建立,臺灣水產學會113年度學術論文發表會暨會員大會,屏東,臺灣。
  3. 江俊億*、鍾明宗、王珮玲、蕭仁傑、王佳惠 (20241)。以氧穩定同位素揭開難以觸及的頭足類族群生態學:以萊氏擬烏賊為例,臺灣水產學會113年度學術論文發表會暨會員大會,屏東,臺灣。
  4. Chia-Hui Wang, Chun-I Chiang, Pei-Ling Wang, Ming-An Lee (2023.10) Growth and feeding ecology studies on two cephalopod species off southwestern Taiwan waters. 7th International Otolith Symposium, Vina del Mar, Chile.
  5. Chun-I Chiang*, Ming-Tsung Chung, Pei-Ling Wang, Jen-Chieh Shiao, Chia-Hui Wang (2023.10) Thermal and metabolic histories of inaccessible cephalopods revealed from statolith stable isotopes: a case approach on Sepioteuthis lessoniana. 7th International Otolith Symposium, Vina del Mar, Chile.
  6. Yeh, Yun-Ting*, Nien, Yu-Ling, Lu, Chien-Yu, Chiang, Wan-Chen, Wang, Chia-Hui (2023.10) Life history traits and migration of wild mangrove snapper (Lutjanus argentimaculatus) in the waters off Taiwan. 7th International Otolith Symposium, Vina del Mar, Chile.
  7. Qin-Yun Wu*, Chia-Hui Wang (2023.10) Otolith shape variation among ontogenetic stages and cryptic species of the flathead grey mullet Mugil cephalus in Taiwan. 7th International Otolith Symposium, Vina del Mar, Chile.
  8. Yu-Ling Nien*, Chia-Hui Wang (2023.10) The effects of climate change on spatial-temporal distribution and early life history of three cryptic mullet species in Taiwan. 7th International Otolith Symposium, Vina del Mar, Chile.
  9. Chia-Hui Wang*, Yu-Ling Nien (2023.5). Effect of annual temperature variation on species composition of grey mullet. 6Th International Sclerochronology Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
  10. Chun-I Chiang*, Yu-Qian Weng, Min-Huang Xiao, Chia-Hui Wang (2023.5). Dynamics of growth, maturity and trophic ecology of small cephalopod species in the south Taiwan Strait. 6Th International Sclerochronology Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
  11. 蕭民煌、江俊億、王珮玲、李明安、王佳惠(20235月)。利用碳氮穩定同位素探討臺灣淺灘中國槍魷(Uroteuthis chinensis)及貝瑞氏四盤耳烏賊(Euprymna berryi)之營養特徵,2023 海洋年會暨國科會成果發表會表,台中,臺灣。
  12. 王佳惠、江俊億、翁語謙、蕭民煌、王珮玲、李明安(20235月)。臺灣西南海域小型頭足類物種之漁業生物學研究,2023 海洋年會暨國科會成果發表會表,台中,臺灣。
  13. 沈康寧、粘育苓、陳青毅、王佳惠、張至維*20231月)。臺灣熱帶區養殖場不同隱蔽種烏魚卵巢發育之比較,臺灣水產學會112年度學術論文發表會暨會員大會,基隆,臺灣。
  14. 江俊億、吳沁芸、蕭民煌、王珮玲、王怡甄、李明安、王佳惠(20231月)。臺灣淺灘周邊海域頭足類多樣性及生活史特徵研究,臺灣水產學會112年度學術論文發表會暨會員大會,基隆,臺灣。
  15. 粘育苓、王佳惠(20229月)。年間水溫變動對烏魚苗種類組成之影響,中華民國魚類學會2022年學術研討會,台北,臺灣。
  16. 高立瓴、王佳惠(20229月)。Early life history investigation of hairtail (Trichiurus japonicus) around Taiwan (臺灣周邊海域日本帶魚( Trichiurus japonicus)初期生活史之研究),中華民國魚類學會2022年學術研討會,台北,臺灣。
  17. 高立瓴、粘育苓、江俊億、王佳惠(20226月)。臺灣周邊海域日本帶魚 (Trichiurus japonicus) 初期生活史之研究,2022 年海洋科學年會暨科技部海洋學門成果發表,台北,臺灣。
  18. 粘育苓、王佳惠(20226月)。年間水溫變動對烏魚苗種類組成之影響,2022 年海洋科學年會暨科技部海洋學門成果發表,台北,臺灣。
  19. 李明安、李宏仁、王佳惠、王怡甄、江俊億(20226月)。台灣淺灘海域之水文環境與生態系動態變動特性,2022 年海洋科學年會暨科技部海洋學門成果發表,台北,臺灣。
  20. 江俊億、鍾明宗、蕭仁傑、王珮玲、王佳惠(20226月)。臺灣西南海域之萊氏擬烏賊時空分布研究,2022 年海洋科學年會暨科技部海洋學門成果發表,台北,臺灣。
  21. 王佳惠、江俊億、吳沁芸、葉芸婷、王怡甄、李明安、王珮玲(20226月)。臺灣淺灘周邊海域頭足類多樣性及生活史特徵研究,2022 年海洋科學年會暨科技部海洋學門成果發表,台北,臺灣。
  22. Chun-I Chiang, Ming-Tsung Chung, Jen-Chieh Shiao, Pei-Ling Wang, Chia-Hui Wang (2022.4). Ontogenetic changes in statolith δ13C values of Sepioteuthis lessoniana: An evaluation for metabolic proxy. Cephalopod International Advisory Council 2022, Sesimbra, Portugal (Online conference).
  23. 高立瓴、王佳惠(20221月)。臺灣海域日本帶魚( Trichiurus japonicus)初期生活史之研究,臺灣水產學會111年度學術論文發表會暨會員大會,嘉義,臺灣。
  24. 江俊億、鍾明宗、蕭仁傑 、王珮玲、陳天任、山口敦子、王佳惠(20221月)。以平衡石氧穩定同位素推估萊氏擬烏賊之時空分布與移動模式,臺灣水產學會111年度學術論文發表會暨會員大會,嘉義,臺灣。
  25. 吳沁芸、江俊億、粘育苓、葉芸婷、王佳惠(20221月)。澎湖縣姑婆嶼黃錫鯛放流效益評估,臺灣水產學會111年度學術論文發表會暨會員大會,嘉義,臺灣。
  26. 李佳蓉、葉芸婷、王佳惠(20211月)。臺灣澎湖海域之圓眼燕魚 (Platax orbicularis ) 年齡成長初探,臺灣水產學會110年度學術論文發表會暨會員大會,基隆,臺灣。
  27. 吳沁芸、葉芸婷、王佳惠(20211月)。利用耳石形態判別臺灣沿近海帶魚屬物種之可行性研究,臺灣水產學會110年度學術論文發表會暨會員大會,基隆,臺灣。
  28.  張桓愷、王佳惠、江俊億、粘育苓、朱永桐(20211月)。以茜素絡合物作為幼魚硬棘標識方法研究,臺灣水產學會110年度學術論文發表會暨會員大會,基隆,臺灣。
  29. 江俊億、鐘明宗、蕭仁傑、王珮玲、陳天任、王佳惠(20214月)。穩定同位素技術在萊氏擬烏賊生態研究之應用,2021 海洋年會暨科技部成果發表會,澎湖,臺灣。
  30. 粘育苓、王佳惠(20214月)。臺灣河口三個隱蔽種烏魚苗種類組成之年間差異,2021 海洋年會暨科技部成果發表會,澎湖,臺灣。
  31.  Chun-I Chiang*, Min-Tsung Chung, Jen-Chieh Shiao, Pei-Ling Wang, Tin-Yam Chan, Chia-Hui Wang (2021.9) Geographical and interannual movement patterns of the bigfin reef squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana predicted using statolith δ18O values. World Fisheries Congress 2021, Adelaide, Australia.
  32. Yu-Lin Nien, Chia-Hui Wang (2021.9) Early life history of cryptic mullet species (Mugil cephalus) by otolith chemistry analysis. World Fisheries Congress 2021, Adelaide, Australia.
  33. 李佳蓉、飯塚義之、張至維、盛英傑、王佳惠(202112月)。波利黃唇魚生活史初探,中華民國魚類學會2021年學術研討會,台北,臺灣。
  34. Chiang CI, Chan TY, Yamaguchi A, Wang CH (2018, Nov). Applications of statolith 137Ba mass-marking technique and oxygen stable isotopes on individual movement patterns of Sepioteuthis lessoniana in Taiwan. Cephalopod International Advisory Council Conference, St. Petersburg, USA.
  35. Nien YL, Shen KN, Wang CH (2018. Nov) Early life history of the three cryptic grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) species in Taiwan based on otolith microstructure and microchemistry. The Annual Conference of the Asian Society of Ichthyologists 2018, Nanning, China.
  36. Wang CH (2018. Oct) Species variation of early growth history pattern of grey mullet in Taiwan. PICES-2018 Annial Meeting, Yokohama, Japan.
  37. Wang CH (2018. Oct) Using otolith microchemistry to discriminate wild and released red snapper. PICES-2018 Annial Meeting, Yokohama, Japan.
  38. Wang CH (2018. Sep) Fish otolith biogeochemistry research in Taiwan. Coatal Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation, Malang, Indonesian.
  39. Yeh YT, Wang CH (2018. Sep) Age, growth and reproductive study of the mangrove snapper (Lutjanus argentimaculatus) in the waters off Taiwan. Coatal Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation, Malang, Indonesian.
  40. Nien YL, Shen KN, Wang CH (2018. Sep) Spatial-temporal distribution and early growth life history of the three cryptic grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) species in Taiwan. Coatal Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation, Malang, Indonesian.
  41. Hsu ZZ, Wang CH (2018, Apr). Hatching cohort discrimination in statolith microstructure and chemical signatures of swordtip squid (Uroteuthis edulis) off northeastern Taiwan. 6th International Otolith Symposium 2018, Keelung, Taiwan.
  42. Yeh YT, Wang CH (2018, Apr). Age, growth and reproductive study of the mangrove snapper (Lutjanus argentimaculatus) in the waters off Taiwan. 6th International Otolith Symposium 2018, Keelung, Taiwan.
  43. Chen CY, Chung MT, Shiao JC, Wang CH (2018, Apr). Effect of temperature on calcium carbonate structure δ18O and δ13C of cuttlefish. 6th International Otolith Symposium 2018, Keelung, Taiwan.
  44. Chiang CI, Shih TW, Chan TY, Chung MT, Wang CH (2018, Apr). Evaluation of 137Ba mass-marking technique in the early life-history stages of Sepioteuthis lessoniana. 6th International Otolith Symposium 2018, Keelung, Taiwan.
  45. Ching TY, Chen CS, Wang CH, Shen KN, Yamaguchi A, Yagishita N (2018, Apr). Composite variations in genetic structure, life-history traits, and statolith morphology of Sepioteuthis lessoniana populations around Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan. 6th International Otolith Symposium 2018, Keelung, Taiwan.
  46. Chiu SJ, Hsu ZZ, Nien YL, Wang CH (2018, Apr). Studies on age and growth of Sparus latus in the waters off Taiwan. 6th International Otolith Symposium 2018, Keelung, Taiwan.
  47. Huang YR, Lu CY, Nien YL, Chung MT, Wang CH (2018, Apr). Using otolith microchemistry to discriminate wild and released red snapper (Lutjanus argentimaculatus). 6th International Otolith Symposium 2018, Keelung, Taiwan.
  48. Li GY, Hsu ZZ, Wang CH (2018, Apr). Study on age growth of Acanthopagrus schlegelii in Kinmen area. 6th International Otolith Symposium 2018, Keelung, Taiwan.
  49. Lu CY, Wang CH (2018, Apr). Discriminating wild and hatchery red snapper by using stable C and N isotopic signals on fish scales. 6th International Otolith Symposium 2018, Keelung, Taiwan.
  50. Nien YL, Shen KN, Wang CH (2018, Apr). Early growth history differences of the three cryptic grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) species in Taiwan. 6th International Otolith Symposium 2018, Keelung, Taiwan.
  51. Hsu ZZ, Wang CH* (2017, Nov). Hatching cohort discrimination in statolith microstructure and chemical signatures of swordtip squid (Uroteuthis edulis) off northeastern Taiwan. The 11th International Workshop on the Oceanography and Fisheries Science of the East China Sea, Nagasaki, Japan.
  52. Lu CY, Wang CH* (2017, Nov). Discriminating wild and hatchery red snapper by using stable C and N isotopic signals on fish scales. The 11th International Workshop on the Oceanography and Fisheries Science of the East China Sea, Nagasaki, Japan.
  53. Nien YL, Shen KN, Wang CH* (2017, Nov). Early growth history differences of the three cryptic grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) species in Taiwan. The 11th International Workshop on the Oceanography and Fisheries Science of the East China Sea, Nagasaki, Japan.
  54. Wang CH* (2017, Nov). Fishery biological studies on the 3 cryptic mullet species in Taiwan. The 11th International Workshop on the Oceanography and Fisheries Science of the East China Sea, Nagasaki, Japan.
  55. Chiang CI, Atsuko Yamaguchi, Shin TW, Chan TY, Wang CH (2017, Mar). Evaluation of 137Ba mass-marking technique in the early life-history stages of the squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana. 2017 Spring Conference, the Japanese Society of Fisheries Science, Tokyo, Japan.
  56. Lu CY, Wang CH* (2017, Mar). Stable isotopes analyses in scales use for determination the origin of red snapper. The 9th University Consortium on Aquatic Sciences Postgraduate Symposium, Hong Kong. 
  57. Wang CH* (2017, Mar). Researches on the cryptic mullet species in Taiwan. The 9th University Consortium on Aquatic Sciences Postgraduate Symposium, Hong Kong. 
  58. Wang CH*, Chen PC, Shen KN (2016, Jun). Biological parameters and migration pattern of the two cryptic mullet species around Taiwan. The International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO & SI 2016), Keelung, Taiwan.
  59. Cai JY, Wang CH* (2016, May). Distinguishing restocked and wild Pompano around southwestern Taiwan by growth parameters and otolith microchemistry. 7th World Fisheries Congress, Busan, Korea.
  60. Shen KN, Ye JJ, Wang YH, Wang CH (2015, Nov). Multiplex COI haplotype-specific PCR for rapid molecular identification of Sepioteuthis cf. lessoniana and its application to population structure analysis in Taiwan. The Cephalopod International Advisory Council Meeting (CIAC 2015 Hakodate) , Hakodate, Japan.
  61. Wang CH, Hsu ZZ (2015, Nov). Hatching cohort discrimination in statolith microstructure and chemical signatures of swordtip squid (Uroteuthis edulis) off northeastern Taiwan. The Cephalopod International Advisory Council Meeting (CIAC 2015 Hakodate), Hakodate, Japan.
  62. Wang CH, Wang TH (2015, Nov). Seasonal and ontogenetic differences in ecological tracer of Uroteuthis edulis from the water off Northeastern Taiwan. The Cephalopod International Advisory Council Meeting (CIAC 2015 Hakodate), Hakodate, Japan.
  63. 楊憶華、王佳惠、黃瀛生(2015年01月)。日本鰻人工放流效益及策略評估之研究。台灣水產學會103年度會員大會暨學術論文發表會,台北,台灣。
  64. 王佳惠、沈康寧、葉政嘉、陳柏均(2015年01月)。台灣周邊海域三個烏魚隱蔽種之時空分佈與生活史差異。台灣水產學會103年度會員大會暨學術論文發表會,台北,台灣。
  65. 王雅嫺、王佳惠、沈康寧(2015年01月)。以次世代基因體定序篩選台灣軟絲的微衛星基因座及其族群遺傳結構分析。台灣水產學會103年度會員大會暨學術論文發表會,台北,台灣。
  66. 粘育苓、王佳惠、沈康寧、葉政嘉(2015年01月)。台灣不同河口三個隱蔽種烏魚苗之時空分布及其初期生活史。台灣水產學會103年度會員大會暨學術論文發表會,台北,台灣。
  67. 蔡之庸、王佳惠(2015年01月)。以耳石特徵來區分台灣西南海域放流與野生黃鱲鰺。台灣水產學會103年度會員大會暨學術論文發表會,台北,台灣。
  68. 邱群凱、王佳惠、陳志炘(2015年01月)。臺灣海峽鎖管物種組成之季節變動與優勢物種之生活史參數。台灣水產學會103年度會員大會暨學術論文發表會,台北,台灣。
  69. 金子芸、王佳惠、陳志炘(2015年01月)。應用生活史參數與平衡石微化學分析北臺灣水域軟絲鎖管之族群結構。台灣水產學會103年度會員大會暨學術論文發表會,台北,台灣。
  70. Ching TY, Chen CS, Wang CH (2014, Oct). Spatial and temporal variation in statolith elemental signatures of the Sepioteuthis lessoniana around northern Taiwan. 5th International Otolith Symposium, Mallorca, Spain.
  71. Wang CH, Chen PC, Shen KN (2014, Oct). Spatial-temporal distribution and migratory pattern among mullet species in Tanshui River. 5th International Otolith Symposium, Mallorca, Spain.
  72. Wang TH, Hsu ZZ, Wang CH (2014, Oct). Tracing the impact of oil spills event by using chemical signatures in squid statoliths and tissues. 5th International Otolith Symposium, Mallorca, Spain.
  73. Yang YH, Wang CH (2014, Oct). Life history of three conger eel species in the waters of Northeast Taiwan. 5th International Otolith Symposium, Mallorca, Spain.
  74. 王佳惠、金子芸、陳志炘(2014年09月)。平衡石微量元素分析應用於軟絲鎖管族群結構之研究。浙台現代漁業發展論壇,舟山市,中國。
  75. 王佳惠、張原謀、萬乃容(2014年08月)。以穩定碳同位素判定蜂蜜真偽。穩定性同位素在生命科學研究應用研討會,台北,台灣。
  76. 王佳惠、沈康寧(2014年05月)。臺灣烏魚增殖放流品系選擇研究及展望。2014年海峽兩岸漁業增殖放流研討會,台北,台灣。
  77. 徐至正、王佳惠(2014年01月)。臺灣東北部劍尖槍鎖管平衡石微結構之季節變動水產年會。台灣水產學會102年度會員大會暨學術論文發表會,嘉義,台灣。
  78. 王姿樺、王佳惠(2014年01月)。漏油對劍尖槍鎖管(Uroteuthis edulis)組織中微量元素濃度的影響。台灣水產學會102年度會員大會暨學術論文發表會,嘉義,台灣。
  79. 鄭力綺、陳柏均、楊憶華、沈康寧、王佳惠(2014年01月)。台灣周圍海域烏魚的年齡組成與成長速率差異之比較。台灣水產學會102年度會員大會暨學術論文發表會,嘉義,台灣。
  80. 金子芸、王佳惠、陳志炘(2014年01月)。臺灣北部水域軟絲鎖管族群結構之時空間變異。台灣水產學會102年度會員大會暨學術論文發表會,嘉義,台灣。
  81. 陳柏均、王佳惠、沈康寧(2014年01月)。淡水河烏魚(Mugil cephalus)年齡成長與系群結構。台灣水產學會102年度會員大會暨學術論文發表會,嘉義,台灣。
  82. Chang WH, Wang CH (2013, Sep). Age validation and endolymph chemistry of cephalopods. 9th International Conference on the Marine Biodiversity and Environmental Fisheries Science of the East China Sea, Keelung, Taiwan.
  83. Chen PC, Wang CH (2013, Sep). Age and growth of mullet (Mugil cephalus) in Tanshui River. 9th International Conference on the Marine Biodiversity and Environmental Fisheries Science of the East China Sea, Keelung, Taiwan.
  84. Ching TY, Wang CH, Chen CS (2013, Sep). Spatial variation in statolith elemental signatures of the Sepioteuthis lessoniana around northern Taiwan. 9th International Conference on the Marine Biodiversity and Environmental Fisheries Science of the East China Sea, Keelung, Taiwan.
  85. Hsu ZZ, Wang CH (2013, Sep). Seasonal influences on statolith growth at early life history of swordtip squid (Uroteuthis (P.edulis). 9th International Conference on the Marine Biodiversity and Environmental Fisheries Science of the East China Sea, Keelung, Taiwan.
  86. Wang TH, Wang CH (2013, Sep). The impact of oil spills event on trace elements of Uroteuthis (Photoloigoedulis. 9th International Conference on the Marine Biodiversity and Environmental Fisheries Science of the East China Sea, Keelung, Taiwan.
  87. Yang YH, Wang LP, Chen HM, Wang CH (2013, Sep). Life history of three Conger eel species in the waters off northeastern Taiwan. 9th International Conference on the Marine Biodiversity and Environmental Fisheries Science of the East China Sea, Keelung, Taiwan. 
  88. Wang CH (2013, Jun). Otolith chemistry of flathead mullet Mugil cephalus L. in the waters of Taiwan reveals variable patterns of habitat use. 9th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference (9th IPFC), Okinawa, Japan. 
  89. 王佳惠(2013年09月)。以耳石微化學解析臺灣海峽周邊烏魚之洄游及棲地利用情形。海峽兩岸海洋漁業資源養護和共同開發青年科學家研討會,福州,中國。
  90. 張惟翔、王佳惠(2013年01月)。真章魚 (Octopus vulgaris) 內骨骼 (Stylet) 輪紋形成週期初探。2012台灣水產學會學術論文發表會,基隆,台灣。
  91. 徐至正、王佳惠(2013年01月)。臺灣東北海域劍尖槍鎖管初期生活史之研究。2012台灣水產學會學術論文發表會,基隆,台灣。
  92. 楊憶華、陳鴻鳴、王佳惠(2013年01月)。台灣東北部海域三種深海糯鰻之成長與生殖探討。2012台灣水產學會學術論文發表會,基隆,台灣。
  93. 王律棚、王佳惠(2013年01月)。台灣周邊海域虎斑烏賊 (Sepia pharaonis)的成長與生殖。2012台灣水產學會學術論文發表會,基隆,台灣。
  94. 王姿樺、王佳惠(2013年01月)。「瑞興輪」船難洩漏油對劍尖槍鎖管微量元素含量影響。2012台灣水產學會學術論文發表會,基隆,台灣。
  95. 金子芸、王佳惠、陳志炘(2013年01月)。北臺灣水域軟絲鎖管 (Sepioteuthis lessoniana) 族群結構之初步分析。2012台灣水產學會學術論文發表會,基隆,台灣。
  96. 陳柏均、王佳惠、沈康寧(2013年01月)。淡水河烏魚族群結構及洄游行為之探討。2012台灣水產學會學術論文發表會,基隆,台灣。
  97. Wang CH (2012) Otolith chemistry of flathead mullet Mugil cephalus L. in the waters of Taiwan reveals variable patterns of habitat use. International symposium on survey, evaluation and sustainable utilization of fishery resources, Keelung , Taiwan , July 2012.
  98. Wang CH , Chung MT, Chen HL, You CF, Chiao CC (2011) Temperature effect on stable isotope and trace element partition in statolith and cuttlebone of the cuttlefish Sepia pharaonis. EuroCeph 2011 Meeting, 7-10 April 2011, Naples , Italy .
  99. 張惟翔、王律棚、王佳惠 (2011) 頭足類平衡石輪紋形成周期初探。 2011 台灣水產學會學術論文發表會,摘要集第 98 頁。
  100. Wang CH (2012) Otolith ecogeochemistry researches: applications of isotopic composition analytical techniques on fish ecological studies. Joint Seminar Isotope Research in Ecogeochemistry (IRE2012), 17-20 September 2012, Tulln , Austria .
  101. Chung MT, Chen HL, Chen HY, Wang CH (2011) Age validation on growth lamellae of cuttlebone from cultured Sepia pharaonis. EuroCeph 2011 Meeting, 7-10 April 2011, Naples , Italy .
  102. 王佳惠 、鍾明宗、陳慧倫、游鎮烽、焦傳金 (2010) 溫度對烏賊平衡石及骨板穩定同位素及微量元素分佈的影響。 2010 台灣水產學會學術論文發表會,摘要集第 80 頁。
  103. 林育廷、 王佳惠 、游鎮烽、曾萬年 (2010) 耳石鋇鈣比是湧升流訊號的生物指標:以印度洋南方黑鮪的研究為例。 2010 台灣水產學會學術論文發表會,摘要集第 176 頁。
  104. 陳靜瑜、 王佳惠 、陳志炘 (2010) 臺灣東北水域頭足類組織微量元素含量之季節變化。 2010 台灣水產學會學術論文發表會,摘要集第 179 頁。
  105. 陳慧倫、鍾明宗、 王佳惠 、焦傳金 (2010) 溫度對頭足類的初期成長過程是否為一個限制因子 ? - 以虎斑烏賊 (Sepia pharaonis) 為例來探討。 2010 台灣水產學會學術論文發表會,摘要集第 190 頁。
  106. Wang CH , Chen HL (2010) Biological studies of the oval squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana population in northern Taiwan . PICES International Symposium on Climate Change Effects on Fish and Fisheries, 25-29 April 2010, Sendai , Japan .
  107. Hsu CC, Chang CW, Wang CH , Chang YM, You CF, Tzeng WN (2010) The fluctuations of solar activity on catch data of mullet and eel. PICES International Symposium on Climate Change Effects on Fish and Fisheries, 25-29 April 2010, Sendai , Japan .
  108. 許智傑、 王佳惠 、游鎮烽、曾萬年 (2010) 台灣沿岸水域烏魚洄游環境史。 2010 年動物行為、生態暨環境教育研討會 ,摘要集第 114 頁。
  109. Chiang CI, Tzeng WN, Wang CH , You CF (2010) Differences in elemental composition among three pairs of otoliths of Japanese eel Anguilla japonica. 2010 年動物行為、生態暨環境教育研討會 ,摘要集第 147 頁。
  110. 張承容、李英周、林曉武、 王佳惠 、林皇安、胡哲瑋 (2009) 利用石墨式原子吸收光譜儀 (GFAAS) 分析鱗片微量元素濃度以判別放流與野生黑鯛。 2009 台灣省水產學會學術論文發表會,摘要集第 4 6 頁。
  111. 陳靜瑜、 王佳惠 、陳志炘 (2009) 頭足類組織中微量元素分析初探。 2009 台灣省水產學會學術論文發表會,摘要集第 138 頁。
  112. 林育廷、曾萬年、 王佳惠 、蕭仁傑、游鎮烽 (2009) 從耳石微量元素組成的棲地特異性與湧升流訊號來看南方黑鮪洄游路徑的變異。 2009 台灣省水產學會學術論文發表會,摘要集第 333 頁。
  113. Wang CH , Hsu CC, You CF, Tzeng WN (2009) Otolith elemental composition as natural tag in studying migratory environmental history of flathead mullet Mugil cephalus L. in the coastal waters of Taiwan . Fourth International Otolith Symposium, 23-28 August, Monterey , California , USA .
  114. Wang CH, Hsu HY, Chang CW (2009) Studies on the relationship between fish otolith metal accumulation and water chemistry. Fourth International Otolith Symposium, 23-28 August, Monterey , California , USA .
  115. Chang CW, Ju YC, Wang CH, You CF (2009) Otolith-based life history examination of the Darwin's roughy Gephyroberyx darwinii of southwestern Taiwan. Fourth International Otolith Symposium, 23-28 August, Monterey, California , USA .
  116. Chang CW, Chen CJ, Wang CH , You CF, Shao KT (2009) Use of otolith microstructure and microchemistry to study life history of the slickhead Alepocephalus bicolor in the northeastern waters off Taiwan. Fourth International Otolith Symposium, 23-28 August, Monterey, California , USA .
  117. Chiang CI, Tzeng WN, Wang CH, You CF (2009) Differences in elemental composition among three pairs of otoliths of Japanese eel Anguilla japonica . Fourth International Otolith Symposium, 23-28 August, Monterey, California , USA .
  118. Chang MY, Wang CH, You CF, Shiao JC (2009) Using otolith elemental composition of demersal fishes as a biological indicator of benthic environment. Fourth International Otolith Symposium, 23-28 August, Monterey, California, USA.
  119. Lin YT, Wang CH, You CF, Tzeng WN (2009) Elemental composition in otoliths of southern bluefin tuna ( Thunnus maccoyii ) in the Indian Ocean : Habitat-specific differences and upwelling signal. Fourth International Otolith Symposium, 23-28 August, Monterey, California, USA .
  120. Shen KN, Hsu CC, Wang CH , You CF, Tzeng WN (2009) Population genetic structure and migratory life history of the flathead mullet Mugil cephalus in the coastal waters of Taiwan as indicated by microsatellites and otolith elemental signature. Fourth International Otolith Symposium, 23-28 August, Monterey , California , USA .
  121. Wang CH , Lin YT, Shiao JC, You CF, Tzeng WN (2009) Spatio-temporal variation in the elemental compositions of otoliths of southern bluefin tuna Thunnus maccoyii in the Indian Ocean and its ecological implication. International Symposium on Advances and Applications of Mass Spectrometry to Environmental and Ecological Studies, 9 March 2009, Tainan , Taiwan .
  122. Chang CW, Chen CJ, Wang CH , You CF, Shao KT (2009) Use of otolith microstructure and microchemistry to study life history of the slickhead Alepocephalus bicolor in the northeastern water off Taiwan. International Symposium on Advances and Applications of Mass Spectrometry to Environmental and Ecological Studies, 9 March 2009, Tainan , Taiwan .
  123. Chang CW, Ju YC, Wang CH , You CF (2009) Otolith-based life history examination of the blueberry roughy Gephyroberyx japonicus off southwestern coast of Taiwan. International Symposium on Advances and Applications of Mass Spectrometry to Environmental and Ecological Studies, 9 March 2009, Tainan , Taiwan .
  124. 張承容、李英周、林曉武、 王佳惠 、林皇安、張惟哲 (2008) 利用感應耦合電漿質譜儀分析耳石與石墨式原子吸收光譜儀分析鱗片微量元素濃度以判別放流與野生黑鯛。台灣省水產學會九十七年度會員大會暨學術論文發表會,摘要集第 28 頁。
  125. 江俊億、韓玉山、 王佳惠 、林世寰、曾萬年 (2008) 日本鰻耳石中的錳元素在初期發育階段的上升現象及其生理意義。台灣省水產學會九十七年度會員大會暨學術論文發表會,摘要集第 55 頁。
  126. 王佳惠 、曾萬年 (2008) 耳石是魚類計時器同時也是環境記錄器:談解析方法及生態應用。台灣省水產學會九十七年度會員大會暨學術論文發表會,摘要集第 59 頁。
  127. 陳慧倫、 王佳惠 * (2008) 台灣北部海域軟絲的年齡成長研究。台灣省水產學會九十七年度會員大會暨學術論文發表會,摘要集第 59 頁。
  128. 陳 君睿、張至維、 王佳惠 、邵廣昭 (2008) 以耳石微細構造及微化學研究台灣東北海域黑頭魚之生活史。台灣省水產學會九十七年度會員大會暨學術論文發表會,摘要集第 62 頁。
  129. 許智傑、曾萬年、 王佳惠 、游鎮烽 (2008) 利用耳石微化學分析不同族群烏魚之洄游環境史。台灣省水產學會九十七年度會員大會暨學術論文發表會,摘要集第 65 頁。
  130. 許弘佑、 王佳惠 、游鎮烽、張至維 (2008) 以耳石元素組成解析二仁溪河口魚類之棲地選擇及污染蓄積。台灣省水產學會九十七年度會員大會暨學術論文發表會,摘要集第 70 頁。
  131. 朱永淳、 王佳惠 、游鎮烽、張至維 (2008) 台灣西南海域日本橋燧鯛之生活史研究。台灣省水產學會九十七年度會員大會暨學術論文發表會,摘要集第 71 頁。
  132. 陳??、鍾明宗、 王佳惠 * (2008) 烏賊平衡石及骨板輪紋應用於日齡判讀之驗證研究。台灣省水產學會九十七年度會員大會暨學術論文發表會,摘要集第 166 頁。
  133. 鍾明宗、 王佳惠 、張至維、游鎮烽 (2008) 深海魚類耳石之鉛含量及鉛同位素紀錄初探。中華民國地質學會九十七年年會暨學術研討會。
  134. 江俊億、 王佳惠 、林世寰、曾萬年 (2008) 耳石的錳元素在日本鰻初期發育階段的異常升高現象 : 其生理及生態意義。 2008 年中華民國魚類學會論文發表大會,摘要集第 84 頁。
  135. Wang CH , Chung MT, Chang CW, You CF (2008) Preliminary investigation of lead and other trace elemental composition in blueberry roughy otolith. 5th World Fisheries Congress, 20-24 Oct. 2008, Yokohama , Japan .
  136. Wang CH , You CF, Tzeng WN (2008) Geographic variation of otolith elemental composition in the juvenile grey mullet ( Mugil cephaus ) collected from Taiwanese estuaries. Advances in Tagging and Marking Technologies for Fisheries Management and Research, 24-28 February 2008, Auckland, New Zealand.
  137. 林皇安、李英周、 王佳惠 、張惟哲 (2007) 利用耳石化學元素中鎂及錳差異判別放流與野生黑鯛之研究。台灣省水產學會九十六年度會員大會暨學術論文發表會,摘要集第 35 頁。
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  139. 江俊億、韓玉山、 王佳惠 、曾萬年 (2007) 鰻魚耳石中的高錳鈣比值及其成因之探討。台灣省水產學會九十六年度會員大會暨學術論文發表會,摘要集第 207 頁。
  140. Wang CH , Yang CS, You CF, Iizuka Y, Tzeng WN (2007) Relationships between water chemistry and otolith elemental concentrations of Pacific Tarpon ( Megalops cyprinoides ) during metamorphosis. 8th Asian Fisheries Forum, 20-23 November, 2007, Kochi , India .

Other Publications

  1. Shen KN, Wang CH, Chang CW, Durand JD (2022). The Mugil cephalus species complex: from Taiwan to the world. In: Mullet and its Aquaculture (eds.) Liao IC & Leano EM. (ISBN: 978-986-99811-7-0) World Aquaculture Society, Asian Fisheries Society, National Taiwan Ocean University and the Fisheries Society of Taiwan co-published, p1-12.
  2. Panfili J, Aliaume C, Anastasopoulou A, Berrebi P, Casellas C, Chang CW, Diouf PS, Durand JD, Flores Hernandez D, García de León FJ, Lalèyè P, Morales-Nin B, Ramos Miranda J, Rendon von Osten J, Shen KN, Tomas J, Tzeng WN, Vassilopoulou V, Wang CH, Whitfield AK. Grey Mullet as Possible Indicator of Coastal Environmental Changes: the MUGIL Project. Biology, Ecology and Culture of Grey Mullets (Mugilidae) (ISBN: 978-1-4822-5213-2). Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press. Jan, 2016: p514-522. 
  3. Tomas J, Anastasopoulou K, Berrebi P, Cowley PD, Darnaude A, Diouf PS, Durand JD, Flores-Hernandez D, Morales-Nin B, Tzeng WN, Wang CH , Whitfield AK, Panfili J (2008) Mugil Migration Studies. Deliverable 4 of the Sixth EU Framework Programme (FP6) -Main Uses of the Grey mullet as Indicator of Littoral environmental changes.
  4. Panfili J, Aliaume C, Berrebi P, Casellas C, Chang CW, Diouf PS, Durand JD, Flores-Hernandez D, Garcia de Leon F, Laleye P, Morales-Nin B, Tomas J, Tzeng WN, Vassilopoulou V, Wang CH , Whitfield AK (2007) State of the Art on Mugil Research. Report of the Sixth EU Framework Programme (FP6) -Main Uses of the Grey mullet as Indicator of Littoral environmental changes (Project number INCO-CT-2006-026180).