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Wang Yi-Chen Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor詹謹萍

lHighest DegreePh.D. Natl. Taiwan Ocean Univ.,R.O.C.
lSpecialtyMarine zooplankton ecology,Ecological structure of ocean food chain, Marine ecology and environment monitoring
lTEL:(02)2462-2192 ext 5022
lLAB :

Refereed Papers │ Conference Papers │ Other Publications

Refereed Papers

  1. Mammel, M., Lee, M. A., Naimullah, M., Liao, C. H., Wang, Y. C., Semedi, B. (2023). Habitat changes and catch rate variability for greater amberjack in the Taiwan Strait: The effects of El Niño–southern oscillation events. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, 1024669. (SCI)
  2. Lee, H.J.*, Lee, M.A., Ho, C.Y., Hsu, P.C., Wang, Y.C. (2022). Crescent-shaped low-temperature distribution along the convex topography in the southeastern edge of Taiwan Bank in summer. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 52(11), 2705-2723. (SCI)
  3. Mammel, M., Wang Y.C.*, Lan Y.C., Hsu C.M., Lee M.A., Liao C.H. (2022) Ontogenetic diet shifts and feeding dynamics of Trichiurus japonicus Temminck & Schlegel, 1844, off Guishan Island, Southern East China Sea. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 49: 102104. (SCI)
  4. S. Mondal, Y.C. Lan, M.A. Lee*, Y.C. Wang, B. Semedi, W.Y. Su (2022) Detecting the feeding habitat zone of albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) in the southern Indian Ocean using multisatellite remote sensing data. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, (accept). (SCI)
  5. S. Mondal, M.A. Lee*, Y.C. Wang, B. Semedi (2022) Long-term variation of sea surface temperature in relation to sea level pressure and surface wind speed in southern Indian Ocean. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 29 (6): 784-793. (SCI)
  6. Y.C. Wang*, S.C. Tsai, W.Y. Chen (2022). Diel vertical distribution patterns of pelagic fish larvae in Yilan Bay, Taiwan. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 29 (6): 776-783. (SCI)
  7. Lee M.A., W.P. Huang, Y.L. Shen, J.S. Weng, B. Semedi, Y.C. Wang*, J.W. Chan (2022) Long-term observations of interannual and decadal variation of sea surface temperature in the Taiwan Strait. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 29 (4): 525-536. (SCI)
  8. Teng, S.Y., Su N.J., Lee M.A. Lee*, Lan K.W., Chang Y., Weng J.S., Wang Y.C., Sihombing R.I., Vayghan A.H. (2021) Modeling the Habitat Distribution of Acanthopagrus schlegelii in the Coastal Waters of the Eastern Taiwan Strait Using MAXENT with Fishery and Remote Sensing Data. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(12): 1442.
  9. Wang Y.C., M.A. Lee* (2021) Composition and spatiotemporal distribution of ichthyoplankton on the continental shelf of the southern East China Sea. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 32 (2): 241-260. (SCI)
  10. S. Mondal, A.H. Vayghan, M.A. Lee*, Y.C. Wang, B. Semedi (2021) Habitat suitability modeling for the feeding ground of immature albacore in the southern Indian Ocean using satellite-derived sea surface temperature and chlorophyll data. Remote sensing, 13(14): 2669. (SCI)
  11. Y.K. Chen, C.Y. Pan, Y.C. Wang, H.J. Tseng, B.K. Su, M.A. Lee*(2021) Interannual variability of larval fish assemblages associated with water masses in winter in the Taiwan Strait during 2007–2013. Fisheries Science, 87(1), 131-144. (SCI)
  12. Y.C. Wang*, C.M. Hsu, H.M. Yeh, J.S. Weng, Y.C. Wang, M. Mubarak (2020) Length–weight relationship of Trichiurus japonicus in the surrounding waters of Guishan Island off northeastern Taiwan. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 47(3), 145-151.
  13. A.H. Vayghan, M.A. Lee*, J.S. Weng, S. Mondal, C.T. Lin, Y.C. Wang (2020) Multisatellite-Based Feeding Habitat Suitability Modeling of Albacore Tuna in the southern Atlantic Ocean. Remote sensing, 12 (16): 2515. (SCI)
  14. Lee M.A.*, J.S. Weng, K.W. Lan, A.H. Vayghan, Y.C. Wang, J.W. Chan (2020) Empirical habitat suitability model for immature albacore tuna in the North Pacific Ocean obtained using multisatellite remote sensing data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 41 (15): 5819-5837. (SCI)
  15. J.S. Weng, S.F. Yu, Y.S. Lo, J.C. Shiao, M.A. Lee*, K.M. Liue, H.H. Huang, Y.C. Wang, L.J. Wu (2020) Reproductive biology of the narrow-barred Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson) in the central Taiwan Strait, Western Pacific. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 175: 104755. (SCI)
  16. Y.C. Wang, M.A. Lee* (2020) Ontogenetic habitat differences in Benthosema pterotum during summer in the shelf region of the southern East China Sea. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 175: 104739. (SCI)
  17. Y.C. Wang, M.A. Lee* (2019) Composition and distribution of fish larvae surrounding the upwelling zone in the waters of northeastern Taiwan in summer. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 27(5): 463-471. (SCI)
  18. Y.C. Wang, W.Y. Chen, Y.K. Chen, Y.C. Kuo, M.A. Lee* (2018) Winter abundance and species composition of anchovy larvae associated with hydrological conditions in the coastal waters of Tanshui, Taiwan. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 26(3): 465-474. (SCI)
  19. Y.C. Wang, J.W. Chan, Y.C. Lan, W.C. Yang, M.A. Lee * (2018) Satellite observation of the winter variation of sea surface temperature fronts in relation to the spatial distribution of ichthyoplankton in the continental shelf of the southern East China Sea. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 1-15. (SCI)
  20. Y.C. Kuo, J.W. Chan, Y.C. Wang, Y.L. Shen, Y. Chang, M.A. Lee * (2018) Long-term observation on sea surface temperature variability in the Taiwan Strait during the northeast monsoon season. International Journal of Remote sensing, 1-13. (SCI)
  21. K.C. Lo, S.Y. Teng, Y.C. Wang, M.A. Lee *, J.L. Lin, T.H. Lu, I.L. Huang (2017) Resource structure of an artisanal gillnet fishery in the coastal waters of Tamsui, Taiwan. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 44(3):147-157.
  22. Y.C. Wang*, L.P. Lin, Y.L. Sheng, J.S. Weng, M.A. Lee, (2017) Stomach content analysis of Etrumeus micropus in the coastal waters of Penghu off Taiwan in late summer. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 44(2):135-145.
  23. Y.C. Lan, Y.L. Sheng, M.A. Lee, Y. Chang, W.S. Tsai, Y.C. Wang* (2017) The change in copepod abundance and diversity possibly influenced by an anomalous China Coastal Current in the southern Taiwan Strait. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 44(2):111-123.
  24. Y.K. Chen, W.Y. Chen, Y.C. Wang, M.A. Lee* (2016). Winter assemblages of ichthyoplankton in the waters of the East China Sea Shelf and surrounding Taiwan. Fisheries Science, 82(5), 755-769. (SCIE)
  25. Y.C. Wang, W.Y. Chen, M.A. Lee* (2014) Early-summer Composition and Diversity of Fish Larvae in the Coastal Waters of Hualien, eastern Taiwan. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 41(1):1-14.
  26. Y.C. Wang, W.Y. Chen, Y. Chang, M.A. Lee* (2013) “Ichthyoplankton community associated with oceanic fronts in early winter on the continental shelf of the southern East China Sea” Journal of Marine Science and Technology. 21: 65-76. (SCI)
  27. M.A. Lee, Y.C. Wang, Y.K. Chen, W.Y. Chen*, L.J. Wu, D.C. Liu, J.L. Wu, S.Y. Teng (2013) “Summer assemblages of ichthyoplankton in the waters of the east China Sea shelf and around Taiwan in 2007” Journal of Marine Science and Technology. 21: 41-51. (SCI)
  28. W.Y. Chen, Y.C. Wang, M.A. Lee* (2012) Early-summer ichthyoplankton biodiversity associated with oceanic factors on the continental shelf of the southern East China Sea. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 20(6): 698-706. (SCI)

Conference Papers

  1. 王怡甄* (2022) 台灣淺灘水域之生物相組成及魚類食階之時空間變動研究。2022TGA 台灣地球科學聯合學術研討會,台北南港,臺灣。2022/6/7-10.
  2. 王怡甄* (2021) 夏季台灣淺灘湧升水域之魚類組成及食階研究。2021海洋科學年會暨科技部海洋學門成果發表會,澎湖,臺灣。2021/4/28-30.
  3. 王怡甄* (2020) 臺灣龜山島海域之日本帶魚攝食研究,2020 中華民國魚類學會,屏東,臺灣。2020/8/26-27.
  4. Wang Yi-Chen*, Lee Ming-An. (2020) Ontogenetic habitat differences in Benthosema pterotum during summer in the shelf region of the southern East China Sea. Ocean Sciences meeting, San Diego, USA. 2020/02/16-21.
  5. Kao Szu-Chia, Lee Ming-An, Teng Sheng-Yuan, Wang Yi-Chen*. (2019) The acoustic characteristics of shrimp school associated with the environment factors in the waters of I-Lan Bay, Taiwan. The Thirteenth Annual Meeting of Asian Fisheries Acoustics Society, Keelung, Taiwan. 2019/11/10-13.
  6. Wang Yi-Chen*. (2019) Community structure and two monsoons seasonal variation of fyke-net fishery in the coastal waters of Tanshui, Taiwan. 第八屆 海峽兩岸海洋環境監測及預報技術研討會。武漢,中國。2019/10/24-28.
  7. Wang Yi-Chen*, Lin Li-Ping, Sheng Yi-Le, Weng Jinn-Shing, Lee Ming-An. (2019) Feeding ecology of Etrumeus micropus in the coastal waters of Penghu off Taiwan in late summer. 2019 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly (TGA), Taipei, Taiwan. 2019/5/14-17.
  8. 王怡甄*,李明安,鐘金水,洗宜樂 (2019) 澎湖周邊水域秋季之浮游魚類群聚特性。108年度台灣水產學會學術論文發表會,台北,臺灣。2019/1/12.
  9. Wang Yi-Chen*, Lee Ming-An. (2018) Spatio-temporal distribution of Benthosema pterotum larvae in the shelf region of the southern East China Sea in summer. 中華民國魚類學會2018年學術研討會,台南,臺灣。2018/8/9-10.
  10. Wang Yi-Chen*, Lee Ming-An. (2018) Hydrographic features influence on larval fish assemblages across the continental shelf of the southern East China Sea during the northeasterly monsoon period. The International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO&SI 2018), Hsinchu, Taiwan. 2018/7/1-3.
  11. 王怡甄*,馬英普,李明安 (2018) 夏季東海陸棚水域仔稚魚及浮游動物組成及群聚結構與水文環境變動。2018海洋科學年會,台北,臺灣。2018/5/2-3.
  12. Wang Yi-Chen*, Lee Ming-An. (2018) 夏季東海陸棚水域之七星底燈魚分布特性。台灣水產學會107年度學術論文發表大會,高雄,臺灣。2018/01/19.
  13. Wang Yi-Chen*, Lee Ming-An. (2017) Ichthyoplankton community possibly influenced by the thermal front on the continental shelf of southern East China Sea in winter. 2017 Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Singapore. 2017/8/6-11.
  14. Wang Yi-Chen*, Lee Ming-An, Lo Kuo-Cheng. (2017) Summer spatial distribution of Benthosema pterotum larval on the continental shelf of the East China Sea. The International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO&SI 2017), Yilan, Taiwan. 2017/6/25-27.
  15. Wang Yi-Chen*, Jui-Wen Chan, Yan-Chi Lan, Wan-Chen Yang, Lee Ming-An. (2017) Satellite observation of the winter variation of sea surface temperature fronts in relation to the spatial distribution of ichthyoplankton in the continental shelf of the southern East China Sea. The International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO&SI 2017), Yilan, Taiwan. 2017/6/25-27.
  16. Wang Yi-Chen*, Lee Ming-An. (2017) Ichthyoplankton community possibly influenced by the thermal front on the continental shelf of southern East China Sea in winter. The International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO&SI 2017), Yilan, Taiwan. 2017/6/25-27.
  17. 王怡甄*,李明安 (2017) 冬季東海陸棚水域浮游魚類群聚結構與水溫鋒面變動特性。2017 海洋科學年會,高雄,臺灣。2017/5/3-5.
  18. 王怡甄*,李明安,陳郁凱 (2017) 夏季東海陸棚水域之七星底燈魚及眶燈魚屬魚類分布特性。台灣水產學會106年度學術論文發表大會,高雄,臺灣。2017/01/17.
  19. Wang Yi-Chen, Lee Ming-An*, Yang-Chi Lan. (2016) Later winter species assemblages of fish larvae and copepods in relation to hydrography across the continental shelf of southern East China Sea. 12th Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference (PORSEC), Fortaleza, Brazil. 2016/11/6-13.
  20. Wang Yi-Chen*, Lee Ming-An, Wen-Yu Chen. (2016) Summer variation of fish larvae assemblages in the coastal waters off the Changjiang River estuary, East China Sea. 2016 Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Beijing, China. 2016/7/27-30.
  21. Wang Yi-Chen*, Lee Ming-An, Yang-Chi Lan. (2016) Later winter species assemblages of ichthyoplankton in relation to hydrography across the continental break of southern East China Sea. 台灣水產學會104年度論文發表會,屏東,台灣。2016/1/19.
  22. Wang Yi-Chen*, Lee Ming-An, Wen-Yu Chen. (2015) Summer species composition and abundance of fish larvae possibly influencing by the Changjiang River runoff in the East China Sea. 39th Annual Larval Fish Conference, Vienna, Republic of Austria.2015/7/12-17.
  23. 王怡甄*,李明安,陳玟妤 (2015) 淡水河口域魩鱙漁業物種多樣性之季節變動。2015海洋科學年會,高雄,台灣。2015/4/30-5/1.
  24. 王怡甄*,李明安,陳玟妤 (2014) 臺灣東北部湧昇海域仔稚魚分布及組成變動特性。台灣水產學會一0二年度論文發表會,嘉義,台灣。2014/01/18.
  25. Wang Yi-Chen*, Lee Ming-An. (2014) Summer composition and distribution of fish larvae in the upwelling zone off northeastern Taiwan. International conference on earth observations and societal impacts, Miaoli, Taiwan. 2014/6/22-24.
  26. Wang Yi-Chen*, Lee Ming-An, Wen-Yu Chen. (2012) Spring distribution and composition of ichthyoplankton in the upwelling zone of northeastern Taiwan, 2011. 台灣水產學會100年度論文發表會,高雄,台灣。2012/1/19.
  27. Wang Yi-Chen*, Lee Ming-An, Wen-Yu Chen, Liu-Chi Chen (2010) Summer and winter distribution and composition of ichthyoplankton associated with the environment in the Southern East China Sea. 台灣水產學會九十九年度論文發表會,高雄,台灣。2010/12/10-11.
  28. Wang Yi-Chen*, Wen-Yu Chen, Lee Ming-An, Jia-Yi Pan. (2009) Winter distribution and composition of ichthyoplankton associated with the environment in the Southern East China Sea, 2006 and 2007. 台灣水產學會九十八年度論文發表會,高雄,台灣。2009/12/19-20.

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