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Lee Ming-An Professor & Vice President

Highest Degree: Ph.D. Natl.Taiwan Ocean Univ., R.O.C
Specialty: Satellite Oceanography、Fishery Instruments、Descriptive Fishery Oceanography
TEL:02-2462-2192 ext 5025
Email: malee@mail.ntou.edu.tw
Lab : Remote sensing and ecological sustainable development laboratory

Ou Ching-Hsiewn Professor

Highest Degree: Ph.D. Hokkaido Univ. , Japan
Specialty: Fishery Management, Fishery Policy and Regulations, Fishing Gear and Methods, Fishery Compensation
TEL:02-2462-2192 ext 5025
Email: b0093@mail.ntou.edu.tw
Lab : Laboratory of Fishery Management

Liao Cheng-Hsin Professor & Dean of College Of Ocean Science and Resource

Highest Degree: Ph.D. Natl. Taiwan Ocean Univ., R.O.C
Specialty : Conservation of Marine Environment, Fi she ry Instruments
TEL:02-2462-2192 ext 5050
Email : chliao@mail.ntou.edu.tw
Lab : Laboratory of Coastal Fisheries Research

Cheng Sha-Yen Professor & Dean of Oiffice Of Student Affairs

Highest Degree: Ph.D. Natl. Taiwan Ocean Univ., R.O.C .
Specialty: Ecotoxicology, Environmental Chemistry, Water Quality Chemistry
TEL:02-2462-2192 ext 5049
Email: eric@mail.ntou.edu.tw
Lab : Lab. of Marine Environmental Chemistry and Eco-Toxicology 

Lu Hsueh-Jung  Professor

Highest Degree:Ph.D. Natl. Taiwan Ocean Univ. , R.O.C.
Specialty: Fishery Oceanography, Fishery
Instrumentation, Geographic Information System
TEL:02-2462-2192 ext 5033
Email: hjlu@mail.ntou.edu.tw
Lab : Lab of Fishing Ground Information

Joung Shoou-Jeng Professor

Highest Degree: Ph.D. Natl. Taiwan Ocean Univ., R.O.C.
Specialty: Fi she ries Biology and Management
TEL:02-2462-2192 ext 5039
Email: f0010@mail.ntou.edu.tw
Lab : Fish Population Dynamics

Wang Sheng-Ping Professor

Highest Degree:Ph.D. Natl. Taiwan Univ. , R.O.C.
Specialty: Population Dynamics, Fisheries Biology, Statistics
TEL:02-2462-2192 ext 5028
Email: wsp@mail.ntou.edu.tw
Lab : Laboratory of Population Dynamics

Wang Chia-Hui Professor

Highest Degree:Ph.D. The University of LIVERPOOL
Specialty:Biogeochemistry, Marine invertebrates, Otolith 、Fishery Biology
TEL:02-2462-2192 ext 5029

Lan Kuo-Wei  Associate Professor

Highest Degree:Ph.D. Natl. Taiwan Ocean Univ., R.O.C . 
Specialty:Fishing ground environment Climatic Change、Oceanographic remote sensing
TEL:02-2462-2192ext 5027
Email: kwlan@mail.ntou.edu.tw 
Lab : Fishery Environmental Dynamics and Fishing Gear Research Laboratory

Ho Ping-Ho  Associate Professor

Highest Degree: Ph.D. Natl. Taiwan Ocean Univ., R.O.C
Specialty: Crustacean Taxonomy and Evolution,
Marine Invertebrate Ecology, Marine Ecology
TEL:02-2462-2192 ext 5021
Email: pingho@mail.ntou.edu.tw

Su Nan-Jay  Assistant Professor

Highest Degree:Ph.D. Natl. Taiwan Univ. , R.O.C. 
Specialty:Ethnic dynamics, resource assessment, Fisheries and Oceans
TEL:02-2462-2192ext 5046
Email: nanjay@mail.ntou.edu.tw 
Lab : Lab for Environment and Fishery Resources

Tseng Huan-Sheng  Assistant Professor

Highest Degree:Ph.D. Natl. Taiwan Ocean Univ., R.O.C . 
Specialty:Fisheries administrative management, Fishery Laws and Regulations, Fisheries enforcement
TEL:02-2462-2192ext 5024
Email: hstseng@mail.ntou.edu.tw   
Lab : Lab of Fisheries Law Enforcement 

Lu Ching-Ping  Assistant Professor

Highest Degree:Texas A&M Univ, College Station, Texas, USA Ph.D. of the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences
Specialty:Population Genetics;
Fisheries ecology and marine conservation in molecular methods;
Genetic population structure of aquatic organisms, with emphasis on pelagic fishes.
TEL:02-2462-2192ext 5035
Email: cplu@mail.ntou.edu.tw   

Lu Yu Heng  Assistant Professor

Highest Degree:Tokyo University
Specialty:Fisheries Business Administration、Marketing、Fisheries Management、Fisheries Policy
TEL:02-2462-2192ext 5051
Email: yhlu@mail.ntou.edu.tw

Wang Yi-Chen Assistant Professor

Highest Degree:Ph.D.Natl. Taiwan Ocean Univ.,R.O.C.
Specialty:Marine zooplankton ecology, Ecological structure of ocean food chain, Marine ecology and environment monitoring
Email: live723@mail.ntou.edu.tw

William Hsu Joint Appointment Associate Professor

Highest Degree:Department of Science & Information Engineering National Taiwan University
TEL:02-2462-2192ext 6657
Email: wwyhsu@ntou.edu.tw 

Hung-Tai Lee

Highest Degree:Ph.D. University of St. Andrews, UK
Specialty:Fish physiology and Ecology、Fry Release and its Benefit Assessmrnt、Application on Next Generation Sequencing
TEL:02-2462-2192ext 5016
Email: htlee@ntou.edu.tw

沙志一 兼任教授

Highest Degree: 國內最高學歷:國立台灣海洋大學水產製造究所 國外最高學歷:美國羅德島大學海洋事務碩士
Specialty: 國際談判、漁業管理、水產加工

蔡日耀 兼任教授

Highest Degree: 國立臺灣海洋大學應用經濟研究所碩士
Specialty: 海洋事務、漁業行政與管理、國際漁業談判與合作

曾振德 兼任助理教授

Highest Degree:
TEL:02-2462-2101 ext. 2203
Email: cttseng@mail.tfrin.gov.tw

葉信明 兼任助理教授

TEL:02-2462-2101 ext. 2401
Email: cttseng@mail.tfrin.gov.tw

Chow Yau-shou Professor

Highest Degree: Kyoto Univ., Japan
Specialty:Fishing Gear and Method
Email: a0006@mail.ntou.edu.tw

Lee Kuo-Tien  Professor

Highest Degree:Ph.D. Tokyo Univ. , Japan
Specialty:Fisheries Science, Biological Oceanography
TEL:02-2462-2192 ext 5031
Email: tienlee@mail.ntou.edu.tw

Chang Yung-Sheng

Highest Degree:臺灣省立海洋學院


Huang Bao-Quey Professor

Highest Degree: Aberdeen Univ. , British
Specialty: Fish physiology, ecology & biology
Email: b0093@mail.ntou.edu.tw

Ho Chuan-Hung  Professor

Highest Degree: Tokyo Univ. , Japan
Specialty: Fish Behavior, Fishing Gear and Method
Email: chho@mail.ntou.edu.tw

Ni I-Hsun Professor

Highest Degree:Ph.D. British Columbia Univ.  Canada
Specialty:Biological Resources Management,
Fishery and Wild Animal Management, Ecology, Ichthyology, Marine Mammal
Email: niih@mail.ntou.edu.tw

Liu Chun-Chen Associate Professor

Highest Degree: Ph.D. Natl. Taiwan Ocean Univ., R.O.C.
Specialty: Oceanography, Fisheries Oceanography,
Underwater Acoustics, Navigation
Email: ccliu@mail.ntou.edu.tw

Hsieh Kuan-Yung  Associate Professor

Highest Degree: Ph.D. Hokaido Univ. , Japan
Specialty: Fishing gear materials & mechanics
Email: kyhsieh@mail.ntou.edu.tw

Cheng Chao-Hsiung  Assistant Professor

Highest Degree:Ph.D. Natl. Taiwan Ocean Univ., R.O.C.
Specialty: Fish Behavior, Conservation Fisheries, Fishing Gear and Method
Email: chcheng@mail.ntou.edu.tw

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