lHighest Degree:Ph.D. Natl. Taiwan Ocean Univ., R.O.C.
lSpecialty:Fisheries Biology and Management
lTEL:02-2462-2192 ext 5039
lLAB:Fish Population Dynamics
Refereed Papers │ Conference Papers │ Other Publications
Refereed Papers
- Ng. S. L., C. H., Lin, K. M. Liu, and S. J., Joung*. (2023). New records of three mesopelagic fish species from Southwestern Taiwan, with descriptions on otolith morphologies. Accepted in Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences. (SCI)
- Ng. S. L., K. M. Liu, and S. J., Joung*. (2023). Malakichthys formosus, a new species of small seabass (Acropomatiformes: Malakichthyidae) from southwestern Taiwan. Zootaxa. 5380(4):380-386. (SCI)
- Ng. S. L., K. M. Liu, and S. J., Joung*. (2023). First specimen-based and genetic record of the little gulper shark Centrophorus uyato (Rafinesque, 1810) (Squaliformes: Centrophoridae) from Southwestern Taiwan. Accepted in Platax.
- Dutton, J., J.C. Hobbs, S.J. Joung, and J.V. Schmidt*. (2023). Mercury Concentrations in Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus) embryo muscle tissus. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. (2023)111:23. (SCI)
- Ng. S. L., H. C., Ho, S. J., Joung*, and K. M., Liu (2023). Okamejei picta sp. nov., a new rajid skate from the South China Sea (Rajiformes: Rajidae). Zootaxa, 5278 (1), 103–118. (SCI)
- Ng. S. L., K. M. Liu, and S. J., Joung* (2023). Occurrence of the milk-eye catshark Apristurus nakayai (Carcharhiniformes: Pentanchidae) from the South China Sea. Zootaxa, 5244(1), 51–60. (SCI)
- Ng, S. L.*, K. M., Liu, and S. J., Joung (2022). New record of a rare grenadier Kuronezumia macronema (Gadiformes: Macrouridae) off Dongsha Atoll. Platax, 19, 25–32.
- Ng, S.L., H.C. Ho, K.M. Liu, and S.J. Joung*. (2022). Redescription of the longnose houndshark Iago garricki (Carcharhiniformes: Triakidae), based on specimens recently collected from the South China Sea. Zootaxa, 5189(1), 67-77. (SCI)
- Ng, S.J. and S.J. Joung*. (2022). Feeding ecology of the blacktip sawtail catshark Galeus sauteri from northeastern Taiwan. Fisheries Science, 1-18. (SCI)
- Joung, S.J., Z.Y. Hsu, and K.M. Liu*. (2022). Age and growth of the Spot-Tail Shark, Carcharhinus sorrah, in the Taiwan Strait. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(3), 413. (SCI)
- Ng, S. L., C. R. Yu, S. H. Su, and S. J. Joung*. (2022). A new record of the rare Bigeye Sand Tiger shark Odontaspis noronhai Maul, 1955 (Lamniformes: Odontaspididae) from the northwestern Pacific, with notes on dentition. Zootaxa, 5094(1): 92-102. (SCI)
- Ju, Y. R., C. F. Chen, C. W. Chen, M. H. Wang, S. J. Joung, C. J. Yu, K. M. Liu, W. P. Tsai, S. Y. Vanson Liu, and C. D. Dong*. (2021). Profile and consumption risk assessment of trace elements in megamouth sharks (Megachasma pelagios) captured from the Pacific Ocean to the east of Taiwan. Environmental Pollution, 269, 116161. (SCI)
- Liu, K. M.*, L. H. Huang, K. Y. Su, and S. J. Joung. (2021). Vulnerability Assessment of Pelagic Sharks in the Western North Pacific by Using an Integrated Ecological Risk Assessment. Animals, 11(8), 2161. (SCI)
- Yu, C. J., S. J. Joung *, H. H. Hsu, C. Y. Lin, T. C. Hsieh, K. M. Liu, and A. Yamaguchi. (2021). Spatial–Temporal Distribution of Megamouth Shark, Megachasma pelagios, Inferred from over 250 Individuals Recorded in the Three Oceans. Animals, 11(10), 2947. (SCI)
- Lin, T. C., W. V. Hsiao, S. J. Han, S. J. Joung, and J. C. Shiao*. (2021). A direct multiplex loop‐mediated isothermal amplification method to detect three CITES‐listed shark species. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 31(8), 2193-2203. (SCI)
- Ng, S. L.*, S. J. Joung, and K. M. Liu. (2021). New record of the cucumberfish Paraulopus oblongus (Aulopiformes: Paraulopidae) from Southwestern Taiwan. Platax, 18: 1-6.
- Ng, S. L.*, K. M. Liu, and S. J. Joung. (2021). Southernmost record of the starry pipefish Halicampus punctatus (Syngnathiformes: Syngnathidae). Platax, 18: 25-32.
- Liu, K. M.*, C. B. Wu, S. J. Joung, W. P. Tsai, and K. Y. Su. (2021). Multi-model approach on growth estimation and association with life history trait for elasmobranchs. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 108. (SCI)
- 邵廣昭,余欣怡,姚秋如,蘇淮,呂翊維,莊守正,黃世彬 (2020) 臺灣百種海洋動物,海洋委員會海洋保育署,272頁。
- Liu, K. M.*, Y. H. Lin, S. K. Chang, S. J. Joung, and K. Y. Su. (2020). Examining an ontogenetic shift in the diet of the whitespotted bamboo shark Chiloscyllium plagiosum in northern Taiwanese waters. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 35, 101234. ttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.rsma.2020.101234. (SCI)
- Hsu, H. H., C. Y. Lin, and S. J. Joung*. (2020). Somniosus (Rhinoscymnus) cheni sp. nov., A New Species of Sleeper Shark (Squaliformes: Somniosidae) from Eastern Taiwan, with Aspects of Embryo Biology. Zoological studies, 59. (SCI)
- Ng, S. L.* and S. J. Joung. (2020). Two rare teleosts Paraulopus brevirostris (Aulopiformes: Paraulopidae) and Acropoma lecorneti (Perciformes: Acropomatidae) from Taiwan, Northwestern Pacific Ocean. FishTaxa, 17, 17-21.
- Wang, S. B.*, K. Y. Lau, K. M. Liu, S. J. Joung, and C. H. Liu. (2020). Reproductive characteristics of the hermaphroditic yellowfin seabream Acanthopagrus latus in the waters off western Taiwan. Aquaculture Research, 51(12), 5015-5028. (SCI)
- Wang, S. B.*, T. L. Hsu, and S. J. Joung. (2020). The reproductive biology of the hermaphroditic goldlined seabream Rhabdosargus sarba in the central waters of the Taiwan Strait. Fisheries Science, 86(5), 793-805. (SCI)
- Joung, S. J., Y. Y. Shyh, K. M. Liu*, and S. B. Wang. (2019). Age, growth and mortality of the goldlined seabream Rhabdosargus sarba in waters off southwestern Taiwan. Pacific Science, 73(3), 389-402. (SCI)
- Joung, S. J., Y. Y. Shyh, K. M. Liu, and S. B. Wang. (2018). Estimate of age and growth of goldlined seabream, Rhabdosargus sarba, in the waters off Penghu, southwestern Taiwan. Marine and Freshwater research. (Accepted)
- Liu, K. M., R. D. Sibagariang, S. J. Joung, and S. B. Wang. (2018). Age and growth of the shortfin mako shark in the southern Indian Ocean. Marine and Coastal Fisheries. 10(6): 577-589. . (SCI)
- Joung, S. J., G. T. Lyu, H. H. Hsu, K. M. Liu, and S. B. Wang. (2018). Age and growth estimates of the blue shark Prionace glauca in the central South Pacific Ocean. Marine and Freshwater Research, 69:1346-1354. (SCI)
- Liu, S. Y. V., S. J. Joung, C. J. Yu, H. H. Hsu, W. P. Tsai, and K. M. Liu. (2018). Genetic diversity and connectivity of the megamouth shark (Megachasma pelagios). PeerJ, 6, e4432. (SCI)
- Joung, S. J., G. T. Lyu, K. Y. Su, H. H. Hsu, and K. M. Liu*. (2017). Distribution Pattern, Age, and Growth of Blue Sharks in the South Atlantic Ocean. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 9(1): 38-49. (SCI)
- Yu, C. J*., S. J. Joung, K. M. Liu, H. H. Hsu, and C. Y. Lin. (2016). Stable isotope analysis for the whale shark in the waters off Taiwan. QScience Proceedings, 68. (abstract only).
- Joung, S. J., N. F. Chen, H. H. Hsu, and K. M. Liu*. (2016). Estimates of life history parameters of the oceanic whitetip shark, Carcharhinus longimanus, in the Western North Pacific Ocean. Marine Biology Research, 12(7): 758-768. (SCI)
- Joung, S. J., C. C. Chen, and K. M. Liu*, and T. C. Hsieh. (2016). Age and growth estimate of the Kwangtung skate, Dipturus kwangtungensis in the northern waters off Taiwan. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 96(7): 1395-1402. (SCI)
- Hsu H. H., G. T. Lyu, S. J. Joung*, and K. M. Liu. (2015). Age and growth of the blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the south Atlantic ocean. Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 71(6): 2573-2584.
- Liu, K. M.*, and S. J. Joung. (2015). A review of chondrichthyan research in Taiwan. International Workshop on Fisheries Resources, Taipei, Taiwan, June 30 – July 1, 2015. (abstract only).
- Hsu, H.H*, D. A. Ebert, S. J. Joung, K. M. Liu, C. Y. Lin, and C. J. Yu. (2015.07). Catch and Preliminary Fishery Biological Information of Megamouth Sharks Megachasma pelagios in Eastern Waters off Taiwan. 2015 Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Reno, Nevada. (Poster exhibition).
- 李匡悌 * , 莊守正 .2014. 論鵝鑾鼻史前聚落的鯊魚獵捕 . 台灣史前史專論 .31 頁。
- Hsu, H.H.*, C.Y. Lin, and S.J. Joung . 2014. The first record, tagging, and release of a neonatal whale shark Rhincodon typus in Taiwan. Journal of Fish Biology, (accepted)
- Hsu, H. H., S.J. Joung *, R.E. Hueter, and K.M. Liu. 2014. Age and growth of the whale shark Rhincodon typus in the northwest Pacific. Marine and Freshwater Research , (accepted). (SCI)
- Wang, S.B.*, W.K. Chen, and S.J. Joung . 2013. Seasonal dynamic of flat fish assemblage in coastal waters off northeastern Taiwan: with implications for shift in species dominance of the ecosystem. Journal of Marine Science and Technology , 21: 23-30. (SCI)
- Hsu, H. H.*, M. Y. Leu, W. H. Wang, T. C. Hsieh, and S. J. Joung. 2013. Tagging and release of a captive whale shark after eight years in Taiwan's aquarium: A case study. J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan , 40(3): 143-151.
- Hsu, H. H., S. J. Joung *, D. A. Ebert, and J. Y. Lin. 2013. Records of new and rare elasmobranchs from Taiwan. Zootaxa , 3752(1): 249-255. (SCI)
- Cruz, F. A., S. J. Joung *, K. M. Liu, H. H. Hsu , and T. C. Hsieh. 2013. A preliminary study on the feasibility of whale shark ( Rhincodon typus ) ecotourism in Taiwan. Ocean & Coastal Management , 80: 100-106. (SCI)
- Hsu, H.H., S.J. Joung * and K.M. Liu. 2012. Fisheries, management, and conservation of the whale shark Rhincodon typus in Taiwan. Journal of Fish Biology , 80: 1595-1607. (SCI)
- Liu, K.M., S.J. Joung, W.P. Tsai. 2008. Preliminary estimates of blue and mako sharks bycatch and CPUE of Taiwanese longline fishery in the Atlantic Ocean . Sci. Par. ICCAT, SCRS/2008/153.
- Chang, L.M., S.J. Joung* , C.C. Wu, W.C. Su and L.J. Wu. 2008. Reproductive biology of thornfish Terapon jarbua from the southwestern waters off Taiwan . J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan , 35(4):289-304. (優)
- Joung, S.J. , C.T. Chen, H.H. Lee, K.M. Liu*. 2008. Age, growth, and reproduction of silky shark, Carcharhinus falciformis , in northeastern Taiwan waters. Fisheries Research, 90(2008):78-85. (SCI)
- Hsu, H.H., S.J. Joung , Y.Y. Liao and K.M. Liu. 2007. Satellite tracking of juvenile whale sharks, Rhincodon typus , in the northwestern Pacific. Fisheries Research 84(2007):25-31. (SCI)
- Huang, B.Q., W.H. Li, J.P. Ueng and S.J. Joung . 2006. A single and simple method for a non-destructive biomonitor to assess sea water pollution. J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan , 33(2):127-137. (優)
- Joung, S.J . and H.H. Hsu. 2005. Reproduction and Embryonic Development of the Shortfin Mako, Isurus oxyrinchus Rafinesque, 1810, in the Northwestern Pacific . Zoological Studies, 44(4):337-346 (SCI)
- Joung, S.J. , K.M. Liu, Y.Y. Liao and H.H. Hsu. 2005. Observed by-catch of Taiwanese tuna longline fishery in the South Atlantic Ocean . J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan , 32(1):69-77. (優)
- Joung, S. J ., Y. Y. Liao, K.M. Liu, C.T. Chen and L.C. Leu. 2005. Age, growth, and reproduction of the spinner shark, Carcharhinus brevipinna , in the northeastern waters of Taiwan . Zoological Studies, 44(1):102-110. (SCI)
- Joung, S. J. , C. T. Chen, and Y. Y. Liao. 2004. Age and growth of sandbar shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus , in northeastern Taiwan waters. Fisheries Research , 70(2004):83-96. (SCI)
- Hsu, H. H. and S. J. Joung. 2004. Four new records of Cartilaginous fishes from Taiwan, J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan , 31(3):183-189. (優)
- Liu, K. M., K. Y. Hung, and S. J. Joung. 2002. Estimate of reproductive value of the big eye Priacanthus macracanthus in the north-eastern waters off Taiwan . Fisheries Sciences , 68:523-528. (SCI)
- Chen, C.T., K.M. Liu, and S.J. Joung . 1999. By-catch and resource management of the whale shark in the waters off Taiwan . Kaiyo Monthly Special Pub . , 16:83-91. (In Japanese)
- Liu, K.M.,C.T. Chen, T.H. Liao, and S.J. Joung . 1999. Age, growth and reproduction of the pelagic thresher, Alopias pelagicus in northwestern Pacific, Copeia , 1:68-74. (SCI)
Conference Papers
- 莊守正, 2014 , 台灣地區鯨鯊保育管理及研究現況與展望。 2014 海峽兩岸海洋漁業資源與生態養護學術研討會。 2014.06.14 ,廈門。
- 莊守正 * 、徐華遜、王佳惠、蕭閎麟、林嘉彥、王勝平, 2014 , 魚苗標識放流效益評估。 2014 海峽兩岸漁業增殖放流研討會。 2014.05.13-05.14 ,台灣,台北, 12 pp. 。
- 莊守正 * , 2014 , 海域放流作業流程及後續評估。 2014 豐富海洋生命 永續漁業資源 — 海域增殖放流座談會。 2014.05.06 ,台灣,台北, p. 5-9 。
- Hsu, H.H., G.T. Lyu, S.J. Joung* , and K.M. Liu. 2014. Age and growth of the blue shark, Prionace glauca , in the South Atlantic Ocean. Mar. 10-14, Piriápolis, Uruguay, ICCAT, SCRS/2014/01, 18 pp.
- Hsu, H. H.*, M.Y. Leu, W.H. Wang, T.C. Hsieh, and S.J. Joung . 2013. Tagging and release of a captive whale shark after eight years in Taiwan's aquarium. Proceedings of the 3 rd International Whale Shark Conference. Oct. 6-10, Atlanta , USA. (abstract only)
- Hsu, H.H., S.J. Joung*, R.E. Hueter, and K.M. Liu. 2013. Age validation of northwestern Pacific whale sharks Rhincodon typus using vertebrae. Proceedings of the 3 rd International Whale Shark Conference. Oct. 6-10, Atlanta, USA. (abstract only).
- Joung, S.J. *, H.H. Hsu, and K.M. Liu. 2013. Shark species identification based on morphological characteristics and dermal denticles. The 14 th APEC Roundtable Meeting on the Involvement of the Business/Private Sector in the Sustainability of the Marine Environment. Oct. 14-16, Taipei, Taiwan. (abstract only).
- Hsu, H.H., S.J. Joung *, and K.M. Liu. 2013. Tracking study of the whale shark in Taiwan since 2002. International Symposium- The Filter-Feeding Elasmobranchs: Unraveling their many mysteries. Jun. 29, Okinawa, Japan. (abstract only).
- Lin, J.Y., S.J. Joung* , and B.Q. Huang. 2013. Morphological studies on the electric organ of Japanese sleeper ray, Narke japonica . The 9 th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference. Jun. 24-27, Okinawa, Japan. (abstract only).
- Hsieh, T.C., S.J. Joung *, and K.M. Liu. 2013. Age, growth, and reproduction of the fanray, Platyrhina tangi in the northeastern waters off Taiwan. The 9 th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference. Jun. 24-27, Okinawa, Japan. (abstract only).
- Lai, W., S.J. Joung* , H.H. Hsu, and C.J. Yu. 2013. Analyses of stomach contents of four large shark species in the northeastern waters off Taiwan. The 9 th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference. Jun. 24-27, Okinawa, Japan. (abstract only).
- Cruz, F.A., S.J. Joung* , K.M. Liu, and H.H. Hsu. 2012. A feasibility study of whale shark ecotourism in Taiwan. 2012 1 st International Conference on Marine Tourism and Sports Leisure Industry. Jun. 1-3, Penghu, Taiwan.
- Hsu, H.H., G.T. Lyu, S.J. Joung* , and K.M. Liu. 2012 . Age and growth of the blue shark, Prionace glauca , in the central and south Pacific. May 28 – June 4, Shimizu, Japan. ISC/12/SHARKWG-1/16, 22 pp.
- Hsu, H.H., S.J. Joung* , and K.M. Liu. 2012. Utilization, management, and research of the whale shark Rhincodon typus in Taiwan. International Workshop and Conference on Biodiversity and Conservation of Chondrichthyes of Taiwan. Mar. 17-18, Pingtung, Taiwan. ( abstract only ).
- 呂冠廷, 莊守 正 * , 2011 ,南半球大西洋及太平洋水域鋸峰齒鮫( Prionace glauca )年齡與成長研究, 台灣水產學會學術論文發表會,高雄。
- 楚繼興, 莊守 正 * , 2011 ,台灣東北部海域黃扁魟( Urolophus aurantiacus )年齡與成長之研究, 台灣水產學會學術論文發表會,高雄。
- 許智宇, 莊守 正 * , 2011 ,臺灣澎湖海域沙拉白眼鮫( Carcharhinus sorrah )之年齡與成長研究, 台灣水產學會學術論文發表會,高雄。
- Hsu, H.H., S.J. Joung* , G.T. Lyu, K.M. Liu, and C.C. Huang . 2011. Age and growth of the blue shark, Prionace glauca , in the northwest Pacific . Ageing Workshop of ISC Shark Working Group Meeting, Dec. 5-6, La Jolla, CA, USA. ISC/11/SHARKWG-2/, 20 pp.
- Joung, S.J.* , H.H. Hsu, K.M. Liu, and T.Y. Wu. 2011. Reproduction biology of the blue shark, Prionace glauca , in the northwestern Pacific. Ageing Workshop of ISC Shark Working Group Meeting, Dec. 5-6, La Jolla, CA, USA. ISC/11/SHARKWG-2/, 18 pp.
- 賴衛、 莊守正 , 2010 ,台灣東北部海域三種大型鮫類之胃內容物分析 , 2010 台灣水產學會學術論文發表會,基隆,台灣。
- 曾正豪、 莊守正 , 2010 ,以齒板進行箕竹氏兔銀鮫( Hydrolagus mitsukurii )年齡查定之可行性研究 , 2010 台灣水產學會學術論文發表會,基隆,台灣。
- 謝孜齊、 莊守正 , 2010 , 台灣東北部海域中國黃點鯆( Platyrhina sienensis )年齡與成長之研究 , 2010 台灣水產學會學術論文發表會,基隆,台灣。
- Hsu, H.H. and S.J. Joung . 2010. Winter and spring migration of the whale shark Rhincodon typus in east and southeast Asian coastal. International Symposium on Tuna and Billfish Tagging. Taitung , Taiwan .
- 莊守正 , 2010 , 台灣地區鯨鯊保育管理及研究現況與展望 , 現代漁業科技論壇。浙江、中國。
- Hsu, H.H., S.J. Joung , K.M. Liu, and Y.Y. Liao. 2010. Managing whale shark ( Rhincodon typus ) fishing mortality in Taiwan . Fifth International Fishers Forum on Marine Spatial Planning and Bycatch Mitigation . Taipei , Taiwan .
- Joung, S.J. 2010. Utilisation, management, and research of the whale shark Rhincodon typus in Taiwan . Japan-Taiwan Fisheries Research Symposium. Ishigaki City , Okinawa , Japan . January.
- Lin, J.Y., S.J. Joung , and B.Q. Huang. 2009. Morphological studies on electric organ of Japanese sleeper ray, Narke japonica . 2009 Annual Meeting the Fisheries Society of Taiwan., Kaoshung, Dec.
- Juang, J.R., S.B. Wang, and S.J. Joung . 2009. Studies on the reproductive biology and energy storage cycle of Parapristipoma trilineatum in surrounding water of Guei-Shan Island , northeastern Taiwan . 2009 Annual Meeting the Fisheries Society of Taiwan., Kaoshung, Dec.
- Yu, C.H., S.B. Wang, and S.J. Joung . 2009. Studies on the reproductive biology and energy storage cycle of Acropoma japonicum in surrounding waters of Guei-Shan Island , northeastern Taiwan . 2009 Annual Meeting the Fisheries Society of Taiwan., Kaoshung, Dec.
- Shiao, H.L. and S.J. Joung . 2009. Age and growth of pointed snout dogfish, Squalus japonicus in the northeastern waters of Taiwan . 2009 Annual Meeting the Fisheries Society of Taiwan., Kaoshung, Dec.
- 陳婧綺、 莊守正 、劉光明, 2008 ,以尾棘做為廣東老闆鯆年齡形質之可行性研究, 2008 台灣水產學會學術論文發表會,台北。
- 林家萍、劉光明、 莊守正 , 2008 ,以多體長頻度分析法( MULTIFAN )估計台灣東北部海域梭氏蜥鮫( Galeus sauteri )之年齡與成長, 2008 台灣水產學會學術論文發表會,台北。
- 吳喬斌、劉光明、 莊守正 , 2008 ,板鰓類成長方程式配適之研究, 2008 台灣水產學會學術論文發表會,台北。
- Hsu, H.H., S.J. Joung* and K.M. Liu. 2008. Age, growth, and satellite tracking of the whale shark, Rhincodon typus in the northeastern Pacific. International Symposium on Elasmobranch Resources and Management, Kaohsiung , Taiwan , June. P.39-64
- 李姵萱、 莊守正 、劉光明, 2007 ,台灣東北部海域耳棘老闆鯆年齡與成長之估計, 2007 台灣水產學會學術論文發表會 , 高雄。
- 林小雯、 莊守正 , 2007 ,台灣東北部海域日本電?之生殖生物學研究, 2007 台灣水產學會學術論文發表會 , 高雄。
- 顏若伊、 莊守正 、黃寶貴, 2006 ,三酚基錫( Triphenyltin, TPT )對班竹狗鮫( Chiloscyllium plagiosum )之血液毒性作用, 2006 年魚類學學術研討會 , 基隆。
- 余俊賢、 莊守正 、王世斌, 2006 ,台灣東北部海域黃扁魟( Urolophus aurantiacus )的生殖生物學研究, 2006 年魚類學學術研討會 , 基隆。
- 李美羚、劉光明、 莊守正 、張永州, 2006 ,台灣東部海域矛尾翻車魨( Masturus lanceolatus )年齡與成長之研究, 2006 年魚類學學術研討會 , 基隆。
- 莊守正 、徐華遜, 2006 ,台灣東部海域翻車魚資源變動及洄游路徑研究,漁業資源評估管理及利用研討會 . 2006 年 12 月。
- 張永州、劉光明、 莊守正 , 2006 ,台灣東部海域翻車魚資源變動及洄游路徑研究,漁業資源評估管理及利用研討會 . 2006 年 12 月。
- Hsu, H.H., S.J. Joung , Y.Y. Liao, and K.M. Liu. 2005. Satellite tracking of juvenile whale sharks, Rhincodon typus, in the northwestern Pacific. The 1 st International Whale Shark Conference: Promoting International Collaboration in Whale Shark Conservation, Science and Management. Perth , Australia , April.
- Joung, S.J. , Hua-Hsun Hsu, Y.Y. Liao, and K.M. Liu. 2005. Whale shark research in Taiwan : satellite tracking and its perspective. International workshop on whale shark ecotourism. Taipei , Taiwan , April.
- Liu, K.M., S.J. Joung , and C.T. Chen. 2005. Whale shark fishery, management and conservation in Taiwan : an overview. International workshop on whale shark ecotourism. Taipei , Taiwan , April.
- Chen, C.T., K.M. Liu, S.J. Joung , K.L. Lin, and Y.Y. Liao. 2004. Current status of the elasmobranch fishery and management in Taiwan . An International Symposium, Elasmobranch Studies, Present Achievement and Future Advancement. Okinawa , Japan .
- Joung, S.J. , K.M. Liu, and H.H. Hsu. 2004. Observed by-catch of Taiwanese tuna longline fishery in Atlantic Ocean . ICCAT SCRS/2004/184. 12 pp.
- Liu, K.M., W.P. Tsai, and S.J. Joung . 2004. Standardized CPUE for sharks and blue sharks caught by Taiwanese longline fishery in the south Atlantic Ocean. ICCAT Shark Stock Assessment Meeting, Tokyo , Japan , June, SCRS/2004/26, 8pp.
- Joung, S.J. , Y.Y. Liao, H.H. Hsu, K.M. Liu, and C.T. Chen. 2004. Utilization and management on whale shark in Taiwan area. In Proceedings of 2004 International Conference on Marine Science and Technology, p.223-230.
- 莊守正, 2004 ,我國漁業混獲資料蒐集與研究之整合與未來策略,重要國際漁業議題發展趨勢分析座談會(我國漁業統計與資源評估體系芻議),高雄,台灣。實錄集 P.19-41 。
- Chen, T. S. and S.J. Joung. 2003. Fisheries biology of dusky shark, Carcharhinus obscurus in the northwestern Pacific Ocean . Conf. of Taiwan Fish. Soc., Kaoshung , Taiwan .
- 莊守正 , 2003 ,國際間對遠洋漁業混獲鯊魚之討論與我國之因應,國際間對混獲議題之討論與我國之因應座談會,高雄,台灣。 P.2-18 。
李柏鋒、 莊守正 、邵廣昭, 2003 ,台灣海域烏鯊屬之新種 — 長吻烏鯊, 2003 年魚類學學術研討會,台北,台灣。
- 徐華遜、 莊守正 , 2003 ,台灣地區鯨鯊漁獲情形及洄游路徑調查研究, 2003 年魚類學學術研討會,台北,台灣。
- 陳哲聰、陳朝清、林坤龍、吳金鎮、 莊守正 、劉光明、王世斌、廖翊雅, 2003 ,台灣周邊海域瀕危軟骨魚類資源狀態評估(一),行政院農業委員會科技計畫研究報告 — 漁業技術及資源管理研討會, p.33-40 。
- 莊守正 、陳哲聰、劉光明, 2003 ,鯨鯊的永續利用及保育,行政院農業委員會科技計畫研究報告 — 漁業技術及資源管理研討會, p.24-31 。
- 張永州、 莊守正 , 2003 ,台灣東部翻車魚資源評估及生物學研究,行政院農業委員會科技計畫研究報告 — 漁業技術及資源管理研討會, p.127-133 。
- 劉光明、蔡文沛, 莊守正 ,廖翊雅, 2002 ,以預警法進行台灣沿近海鯊魚漁業管理(三),行政院農業委員會科技計畫研究報告 — 漁業技術及資源管理研討會, p.16-23 。
- 侯彥隆、 莊守正 , 2002 ,台灣東北部海域廣東鰩之漁業生物學研究, 2002 年魚類學學術研討會,台北,台灣。
- 李賢浩、 莊守正 、陳哲聰, 2002 ,台灣東北部海域平滑白眼鮫之漁業生物學研究, 2002 年魚類學學術研討會暨中華民國魚類學會 91 年會員大會,台北,台灣。
- 劉秀珠、 莊守正 , 2002, 台灣東北海域丫髻鮫之生殖研究, 2002 年魚類學學術研討會暨中華民國魚類學會 91 年會員大會,台北,台灣。
- Chen, C.T., K.M. Liu, and S.J. Joung . 2002. Preliminary report on Taiwan 's whale shark fishery. In Proceeding of the International Seminar and Workshop, Sabah , Malaysia , IUCN species survival commission No.25, 162-167.
- Chen, C.T., K.M. Liu, S.J. Joung , and M.J. Phipps. 2002. Taiwan 's shark fishery – an overview. In Proceedings of the International Seminar and Workshop, Sabah , Malaysia , IUCN species survival commission No. 25, 95-103.
- Liu, K.M., C.T. Chen, and S.J. Joung . 2002 Taiwan 's shark research. In Proceedings of international conference on sustainable management of tropical and subtropical fisheries. Keelung , Taiwan , July 2002.
- Li, K. T. and S.J. Joung. 2002. The significance of prehistoric shark remains in Taiwan , Sharks Conference 2002: Sustainable Utilization and Conservation of Sharks, Taipei , Taiwan . ROC.
- Joung, S. J. , Y. Y. Liao, and C. T. Chen. 2002. Sustainable Utilization and management on whale shark in Taiwan . Sharks Conference 2002: Sustainable Utilization and Conservation of Sharks, Taipei , Taiwan . ROC.
- Liu, K.M., W. L. Joung, and S. J. Joung. 2002. Stock assessment of the bigeye thresher shark, Alopias superciliosus in the northeastern Taiwan waters. Sharks Conference 2002: Sustainable Utilization and Conservation of Sharks, Taipei , Taiwan . ROC.
- Chen, C. T., K. M. Liu, and S. J. Joung. 2002. Shark researches in Taiwan – past, present and future. Sharks Conference 2002: Sustainable Utilization and Conservation of Sharks, Taipei , Taiwan . ROC.
- 劉光明、陳哲聰、 莊守正 , 2002 ,以預警法進行台灣沿近海鯊魚漁業管理(二),行政院農業委員會科技計畫研究報告 — 漁業技術及資源管理研討會, p.125-132 。
- 莊守正 、陳哲聰、劉光明, 2002 ,鯨鯊的永續利用及保育,行政院農業委員會科技計畫研究報告 — 漁業技術及資源管理研討會, p.181-188 。
- Liu, K.M., C.T. Chen, and S.J. Joung . 2001. A study of shark resources in the waters off Taiwan . In Aquaculture and fisheries resources management: proceeding of the joint Taiwan-Australia aquaculture and fisheries resources and management forum (TFRI Conference Proceedings 4), p.249-256.
- Liu, K.M., W.L. Joung, and S.J. Joung . 2001. Stock assessment of the bigeye thresher shark, Alopias superciliosus in the northeastern Taiwan waters. International conference on marine resources and environment, p.61-70.
- 侯彥隆、 莊守正 , 2001 ,台灣東北部海域廣東鰩之漁業生物學研究,海洋大學生命與資源科學院教學與研究成果展。
- 劉光明、陳哲聰、莊文隆、 莊守正 、廖翊雅, 2001 ,以預警法進行台灣沿近海鯊魚漁業管理,行政院農業委員會科技計畫研究報告 — 漁業技術及資源管理研討會, p.72-79 。
- 莊守正 , 2001 ,鯨鯊的永續利用及保育,行政院農業委員會科技計畫研究報告 — 漁業技術及資源管理研討會, p.80-86 。
- 莊守正 , 2000 ,台灣地區鯨鯊利用實態調查,行政院農業委員會科技計畫研究報告 — 漁業技術及資源管理研究, p. B131-143 。
- 莊守正 、陳哲聰、劉光明, 2000 ,台灣地區鯨鯊利用實態調查,台灣水產學會論文發表會,基隆,台灣。
- 莊守正 , 2000 ,大西洋鮪延繩釣漁業混獲生物調查,海洋大學生命與資源科學院成果展。
- 陳哲聰、劉光明、 莊守正 , 2000 ,台灣沿近海鯊魚漁業評估之研究,行政院農業委員會科技計畫研究報告 — 漁業技術及資源管理研究, p.183-193 。
- 陳哲聰、劉光明、 莊守正 , 1999 ,台灣鯨鯊漁獲量調查,海洋大學生命與資源科學院研究成果展。
- 莊守正 、陳哲聰, 1999 ,遠洋漁業混獲生物資料庫之建立 — 鯊魚混獲,海洋大學生命與資源科學院研究成果展。
- Leu, L.C., C.T. Chen, S.J. Joung, and K.M. Liu. 1997. Age and growth of spinner shark, Carcharhinus brevipinna (Elasmobranchii: Carcharhinidae), from northeastern Taiwan waters. Conf. of Taiwan Fish. Soc. Pingtung , Taiwan .
- Leu, L.C., C.T. Chen, S.J. Joung, and K.M. Liu. 1997. Reproduction in the spinner shark, Carcharhinus brevipinna (Elasmobranchii: Carcharhinidae), from northeastern Taiwan waters. Conf. of Taiwan Fish. Soc. Pingtung , Taiwan .
- Joung, S.J. and C.T. Chen. 1995. First evidence of ovoviviparity for whale shark ( Rhincodon typus ). Conf. of Taiwan Fish. Soc. Keelung , Taiwan .
- Chen, C.T., K.M. Liu, and S.J. Joung. 1995. A review of the commercial shark in Taiwan . Tokyo , Japan . (日本板鰓類研究會年會)
- Liu, K.M., C.T. Chen, and S.J. Joung. 1995. Age and growth of bigeye thresher, Alopias superciliosus , in the northern waters of Taiwan . Tokyo , Japan . (日本板鰓類研究會年會)
- Joung, S.J. , C.T. Chen, and K.M. Liu. 1995. Ovoviviparous whale shark, Tokyo , Japan . (日本板鰓類研究會年會)
- Joung, S.J. and C.T. Chen. 1993. Reproduction in the sandbar shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus (Elasmorbanchii: Carcharhinidae), from northeastern Taiwan waters. Conf. of Taiwan Fish. Soc. Kaohsiung , Taiwan .
- Joung, S.J. and C.T. Chen. 1993. Age and growth of sandbar shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus (Elasmobranchii: Carcharhinidae), from northeastern Taiwan waters. Conf. of Taiwan Fish. Soc. Kaohsiung , Taiwan .
Other Publications
- 莊守正 , 2009 ,鯨鯊 — 海中溫柔的巨人,台東縣野生動物(總編輯李訓煌),行政院農業委員會特有生物研究保育中心,共 320 頁。( p.160-163 )。
- 莊守正 , 2007 ,鯊魚輓歌,海洋生物多樣性專刊( 1999-2006 )(總編輯陳麗淑),國立海洋科技博物館籌備處,共 201 頁。( p. 151-155 )。
- 莊守正 , 2005 ,台灣沿近海域鯊魚之生態與保育,九十四年度漁業資源保育種子教師研習營課程講義, p.40-47.
- 沈世傑(主任委員), 2004 ,脊椎動物百科全書,國立編譯館。(軟骨魚類部分, p.50-200 )。
- 楊鴻嘉、陳哲聰、 莊守正 , 2004 ,台灣經濟魚類圖說,第二卷,國立台灣海洋生物博物館發行。
- 莊守正 , 2004 ,我國遠洋鮪延繩釣漁業之鯊魚混獲調查,水產試驗所特刊,第五號, 47-65 頁。
- 莊守正 , 2002 ,鯊魚盾鱗的顯微世界,國立海洋科技博物館籌備處,共 38 頁。
- 李匡悌、 莊守正 , 2001 ,再論鵝鑾鼻第二史前遺址的鯊魚遺留:種及生命週期的判定。行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫成果報告。
- 莊守正 , 2001 ,水產資源學實驗課程教材,國立台灣海洋大學漁業科學學系,共 59 頁。
- 莊守正 , 2000 , 自然科教師研習手冊 ,台北市立兒童育樂中心,共 39 頁。
- 陳哲聰,劉光明, 莊守正 , 1997 ,台灣鯨鯊漁獲量調查, Traffic Bul. 17(1):1-5 。
- 陳哲聰,劉光明, 莊守正 , 1997 ,台灣的鯊魚漁獲與貿易,台北野生物貿易調查委員會, 57 頁。
- 莊守正 , 1993 ,台灣東北部海域高鰭白眼鮫(板鰓亞綱:白眼鮫科)之生物學研究。國立台灣海洋大學,博士論文, 180 頁。