lHighest Degree:Ph.D. Natl. Taiwan Ocean Univ.,R.O.C.
lSpecialty:Satellite Oceanography, Fishery Instruments, Descriptive Fishery Oceanography
lTEL:02-2462-2192 ext 5032
lLAB :Remote sensing and ecological sustainable development laboratory
Refereed Papers │ Conference Papers │ Other Publications
Refereed Papers
- Haghi Vayghan A, Ray A, Mondal S and Lee M-A (2024) Modeling of swordtip squid (Uroteuthis edulis) monthly habitat preference using remote sensing environmental data and climate indices. Front. Mar. Sci. 11:1329254.
- Riah Irawati Sihombing, Sandipan Mondal, Aratrika Ray, Ming-An Lee, and Quang-Huy Lu (2024). Recent global climate change effects: A study of Eleutheronema rhadinum in Chang-Yuen Ridge, Taiwan. Marine Environmental Research, 195:106352
- Hsieh, H.-Y.; Lee, M.-A.; Chiu, W.-L.; Meng, P.-J. Comparison of Abundance and Structure of Larval Fish Assemblages between Autumn and Spring in the Waters Surrounding Taiwan Bank, Western North Pacific. Fishes 2024, 9, 16. https://doi.org/10.3390/fishes9010016
- Sandipan Mondal, Aratrika Ray, Kennedy Edeye Osuka, Riah Irawati Sihombing, Ming‑An Lee, and Yu‑Kai Chen (2023). Impact of climatic oscillations on marlin catch rates of Taiwanese long‑line vessels in the Indian Ocean. Scientific Reports,13:22438
- Sandipan Mondal, Ming-An Lee*, Jinn-Shing Weng, Kennedy Edeye Osuka, Yu Kai Chen, Aratrika Ray (2023). Seasonal distribution patterns of Scomberomorus commerson in the Taiwan Strait in relation to oceanographic conditions: An ensemble modeling approach. Marine Pollution Bulletin 197: 115733. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.115733
- Lee MA, Mondal S, Teng S-Y, Nguyen M-L, Lin P, Wu J-H, Mondal BK. (2023). Fishery-based adaption to climate change: the case of migratory species flathead grey mullet (Mugil cephalus L.) in Taiwan Strait, Northwestern Pacific. PeerJ 11:e15788. DOI 10.7717/peerj.15788
- Kuo T-C, Su N-J, Cheng C-C, Liu K-M, Chen C-S, Lu H-J and Lee M-A (2023) Commentary: Evaluating stock status of 16 commercial fish species in the coastal and offshore waters of Taiwan using the CMSY and BSM methods. Front. Mar. Sci. 10:1152982. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1152982
- Mubarak Mammel, Ming-An Lee*, Muhamad Naimullah, Cheng-Hsin Liao, Yi-Chen Wang, Kuo-Wei Lan and Bambang Semedi (2023) Habitat Changes and Catch Rate Variability for Greater Amberjack in the Taiwan Strait: The Effects of El Niño-Southern Oscillation Events. Front. Mar. Sci. 10:1024669.doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1024669
- Mondal, S.; Ray, A.; Lee, M.-A.; Boas, M. Projected Changes in Spawning Ground Distribution of Mature Albacore Tuna in the Indian Ocean under Various Global Climate Change Scenarios. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2023, 11, 1565. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse1108156
- Mondal, S., M.-A. Lee, Y.-K. Chen, and Y.-C. Wang (2023) Ensemble modeling of black Pomfret (Parastromateus niger) habitat in the Taiwan Strait based on oceanographic variables. PeerJ 11:e14990 DOI 10.7717/peerj.14990
- Sumiko Anno, Hirakawa Tsubasa, Satoru Sugita, Shinya Yasumoto, Ming- An Lee, Yoshinobu Sasaki & Kei Oyoshi (2023): Challenges and implications of predicting the spatiotemporal distribution of dengue fever outbreak in Chinese Taiwan using remote sensing data and deep learning, Geo-spatial Information Science, DOI: 10.1080/10095020.2022.2144770
- Riah Irawati Sihombing, Aratrika Ray, Sandipan Mondal & Ming-An Lee (2023): Habitat modelling of escolar fish (Lepidocybium flavobrunneum, Smith 1843) in the southwestern Indian Ocean using remote sensing data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2023.2235644
- Mondal S and Lee M-A (2023) Habitat modeling of mature albacore (Thunnus alalunga) tuna in the Indian Ocean. Front. Mar. Sci. 10:1258535.doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1258535
- Mondal, S. and Lee, M.-A. (2023). Long-Term Observations of Sea Surface Temperature Variability in the Gulf of Mannar. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2023, 11, 102. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse11010102.
- Mammel, M.; Naimullah,M.; Vayghan, A.H.; Hsu, J.; Lee, M.-A.; Wu, J.-H.;Wang, Y.-C.; Lan, K.-W. Variability in the Spatiotemporal Distribution Patterns of Greater Amberjack in Response to Environmental Factors in the Taiwan Strait Using Remote Sensing Data. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 2932. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs1412293
- Hung-Jen Lee, Ming-An Lee, Chia-Ying Ho, Po-Chun Hsu and Yi-Chen Wang (2022) Crescent-Shaped Low-Temperature Distribution along the Convex Topography in the Southeastern Edge of Taiwan Bank in Summer. JPO, 52: 2705-2723. DOI: 10.1175/JPO-D-21-0201.1
- Chen-Tung Arthur Chen *, Ting-Hsuan Huang, Wei-Jen Huang, Yiing-Jang Yang, Sen Jan, Ming-An Lee and Ming-Ta Lee (2022). The Kuroshio radiocesium stream. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 182:114026 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.114026
- Vayghan, A.H., Lee, M. A. (2022). Hotspot Habitat Modeling of Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) in the Indian Ocean by Using Multisatellite Remote Sensing. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 22(9), TRJFAS19107. http://doi.org/10.4194/TRJFAS19107
- Sandipan Mondal , Yi-Chen Wang , Ming-An Lee* , Jinn-Shing Weng and Biraj Kanti Mondal (2022). Ensemble Three-Dimensional Habitat Modeling of Indian Ocean Immature Albacore Tuna (Thunnus alalunga) Using Remote Sensing Data. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 5278. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14205278
- Mubarak Mammel, Yi-Chen Wang∗, Yang-Chi Lan, Chien-Ming Hsu , Ming-An Lee , and Cheng-Hsin Liao (2022). Ontogenetic diet shifts and feeding dynamics of Trichiurus japonicas Temminck & Schlegel, 1844, off Guishan Island, Southern East China Sea. Regional Studies in Marine Science, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rsma.2021.102104.
- Teng, S.-Y.; Su, N.-J.; Lee, M.-A.; Lan, K.-W.; Chang, Y.;Weng, J.-S.;Wang, Y.-C.; Sihombing, R.I.;Vayghan, A.H (2021). Modeling the Habitat Distribution of Acanthopagrus schlegelii in the CoastalWaters of the Eastern Taiwan Strait Using MAXENT with Fishery and Remote Sensing Data. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2021, 9, 1442. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse9121442
- Sandipan Mondal, Ali Haghi Vayghan, Ming-An Lee * , Yi-Chen Wang and Bambang Semedi (2021). Habitat Suitability Modeling for the Feeding Ground of Immature Albacore in the Southern Indian Ocean Using Satellite-Derived Sea Surface Temperature and Chlorophyll Data. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 2669.
- Naimullah M, Wu Y-L, Lee M-A and Lan K-W (2021) Effect of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Cycle on the Catches and Habitat Patterns of Three Swimming Crabs in the Taiwan Strait. Front. Mar. Sci. 8:763543.
- Weng, J.-S.; Cheng, L.-C.; Lo, Y.-S.; Shiao, J.-C.; He, J.-S.; Lee, M.-A.; Liu, K.-M. Demographics of Scomberomorus commerson in the Central Taiwan Strait. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2021, 9, 1346.
- Hsu, T.-Y.; Chang, Y.; Lee, M.-A.;Wu, R.-F.; Hsiao, S.-C. (2021). Predicting Skipjack Tuna Fishing Grounds in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean Based on High-Spatial-Temporal-Resolution Satellite Data. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 861. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13050861
- Hsiao, P.-Y.; Shimada, T.; Lan, K.-W.; Lee, M.-A.; Liao, C.-H (2021). Assessing Summertime Primary Production Required in Changed Marine Environments in Upwelling Ecosystems Around the Taiwan Bank. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 765. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13040765
- Chen, Yu-Kai, Chia-Yi Pan, Yi-Chen Wang, Hsiu-Ju Tseng, Bo-Kun Su, Long-Jing Wu, and Ming-An Lee* (2021) Interannual variability of larval fish assemblages associated with water masses in winter in the Taiwan Strait (western North Pacific) during 2007–2013. Fisheries Science, 87:131–144
- Yi Chen Wang; Ming-An Lee* (2021). Composition and spatiotemporal distribution of ichthyoplankton on the continental shelf of southern East China Sea. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., Vol. 32, No. 2, 241-260.
- Ming-An Lee, Wei-Po Huang, Yi-Lo Shen, Jinn-Shing Weng, Bambang Semedi, Yi-Chen Wang and Jui-Wen Chan (2021). Long-term observations of interannual and decadal variation of sea surface temperature in the Taiwan Strait. JMST-Taiwan., Vol. 29, No. 4, 525-536.
- Manh-Linh Nguyen, Jin-Yih Chen, Cheng-Hsin Liao, Jun-Hong Wu, Ming-An Lee (2018). Study on the fishing activity of torch-light squid fishery in the waters off Northeastern Taiwan. JFST, 48(1): 11-18.
- Yi-Chun Kuo, Ming-An Lee*, and Yi Chang (2020) Satellite Observations of Typhoon-Induced Sea Surface Temperature Variability in the Upwelling Region off Northeastern Taiwan. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 3321; doi:10.3390/rs12203321.
- Yan-Lun Wu, Ming-An Lee, Lu-Chi Chen, Jui-Wen Chan and Kuo-Wei Lan* (2020). Evaluating a Suitable Aquaculture Site Selection Model for Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) during Extreme Events in the Inner Bay of the Penghu Islands, Taiwan. Remote Sensing, 12, 2689; doi:10.3390/rs12172689.
- Ali Haghi Vayghan, Ming-An Lee*, Jinn-Shing Weng, Sandipan Mondal, Ching-Te Lin and Yi-Chen Wang (2020). Multisatellite-Based Feeding Habitat Suitability Modeling of Albacore Tuna in the Southern Atlantic Ocean. Remote Sensing, 12, 2515; doi:10.3390/rs12162515.
- Jinn-Shing Weng, Shwu-Feng Yu, Yun-Sin Lo, Jen-Chieh Shiao, Ming-An Lee, Kwang-Ming Liu, Hsing-Han Huang, Yi-Chen Wang, Long-Jing Wu (2020). Reproductive biology of the narrow-barred Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson) in the central Taiwan Strait, western Pacific. Deep-Sea Research Part II.175, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2020.104755
- Wang Yi-Chen and Ming-An Lee (2020). Ontogenetic habitat differences in Benthosema pterotum during summer in the shelf region of the southern East China Sea. Deep-Sea Research Part II.175, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2020.104739
- Lee, M.A. J. S. Weng, K.W. Lan, A. H. Vayghan, Y. C. Wang and J.W. Chan (2020). Empirical habitat suitability model for immature albacore tuna in the North Pacific Ocean obtained using multisatellite remote sensing data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 41, (15): 5819–5837. DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2019.1666317
- Anno, Sumiko., Takeshi Hara, Hiroki Kai, Ming-An Lee, Yi Chang, Kei Oyoshi, Yousei Mizukami, Takeo Tadono (2019). Spatiotemporal dengue fever hotspots associated with climatic factors in Taiwan including outbreak predictions based on machine-learning. Geospatial Health 2019; volume 14:771
- Wang, Y. C. and Lee, M.A. (2019). Composition and distribution of fish larvae surrounding the upwelling zone in the waters of northwestern Taiwan in summer. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 463-471
- Lan, K.W., M.A. Lee, C.P. Chou, and A. H. Vayghan (2018). Association between the interannual variation in the oceanic environment and catch rates of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the Atlantic Ocean. Fisheries Oceanography, 27:395-407 DOI: 10.1111/fog.12259. IF: 1.794 (fisheries 17/50)
- Wang, Yi-Chen, Wen-Yu Chen, Yu-Kai Chen, Yi-Chun Kuo, and Ming-An Lee (2018). Winter abundance and species composition of anchovy larvae associated with hydrological conditions in the coastal waters of Tanshui, Taiwan. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 465-474 (2018) DOI: 10.6119/JMST.2018.06_(3).0018.
- Oey, L.Y, J. Wang, and M.A. Lee (2018). Fish catch is related to the fluctuations of a western boundary current. J. Physical Oceanography, 48, 705-721. DOI: 10.1175/JPO-D-17-0041.1
- Yi-Chen Wang, Jui-Wen Chan, Yan-Chi Lan, Wan-Chen Yang & Ming-An Lee (2018): Satellite observation of the winter variation of sea surface temperature fronts in relation to the spatial distribution of ichthyoplankton in the continental shelf of the southern East China Sea, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 39(13): 4550-4564. DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2017.1407053
- Kuo, Yi-Chun, Jui-Wen Chan, Yi-Chen Wang, Yi-Lo Shen, Yi Chang and Ming-An Lee (2018). Long-term observation on sea surface temperature variability in the Taiwan Strait during the northeast monsoon season. International Journal of Remote sensing, 39(13): 4330-4342. https://doi.org/10.1080/01431161.2017.1387311
- Lee, M.A., Y.-C. Lan, Y-K Chen, L-S Lee, Y.-C. Wang, J.-L. Lin and C.-C. Chuang (2018). Seasonal variation in fish assemblage of the small-scale gillnet fishery in the coastal waters of Chang-Yuen Rise, Taiwan. JFST, 45(3): 183-199.
- Ma, Ying-Pu, Yang-Chi Lan, Yi-Le Sheng, Hern-Yi Hsieh, Chin-Te Lin and Lee, M.A. (2018). Winter distribution and community structure of copepods surrounding the Penghu Islands in 2018. JFST, 45(4): 245-252.
- Lee, M.A., W.C. Yang, I.C. Hung and S.-Y. Teng (2018). Predicting winter potential fishing zones of albacore Tuna (Thunnus alalunga) using maximum entropy models and remote sensed data in the south Indian Ocean. Conference paper, 978-1-5386-7150-4/18/IGARSS 2018.
- Jinn-Shing Weng, Ming-An Lee, Kwang-Ming Liu*, Hsing-Han Huang and Long-Jing Wu (2017). Habitat and behaviour of adult yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the waters off southwestern Taiwan determined by pop-up satellite archival tags. Aquat. Living Resour. 2017, 30, 34. DOI: 10.1051/alr/2017034
- Lan Kuo-Wei,* T. Shimada, Ming-An Lee, Nan-Jay Su and Yi Chang (2017). Using Remote-Sensing Environmental and Fishery Data to Map Potential Yellowfin Tuna Habitats in the Tropical Pacific Ocean. Remote sensing, 9, 444; doi:10.3390/rs9050444
- Yi-Chun Kuo, Ming-An Lee*, Che-Chen Chuang, and Ying-Pu Ma (2017). Analysis of Long-Term AVHRR SST Change in the Taiwan Strait Using Rotated EOF Method. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. 28, 1-10, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2016.07.13.01(CCA) (SCIE) (IF=0.556, OCEANOGRAPHY,173/184=94.02%)
- Lee, M.A., A. H. Vayghan, D.C. Liu and W.C. Yang (2017). Potential and prospective seasonal distribution of hotspot habitat of albacore tuna (thunnus alalunga) in the South Indian Ocean using the satellite data. Conference paper, DOI 10.1109/IGARSS.2017.8128313.
- Lo, Kuo-Cheng, Sheng-Yuan Teng, Yi-Chen Wang, Ming-An Lee, Jia-Lin Lin, Tzu-Hua Lu and I-Ling Huang (2017). Resource structure of an artisanal gillnet fishery in the coastal waters of Tamsui, Taiwan. J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan, 2017, 44(3): 147-157.
- Lan, Yang-Chi, Yi-Le Sheng, Ming-An Lee, Yi Chang, Wan-Sheng Tsai and Yi-Chen Wang (2017). The change in copepod abundance and diversity possibly influenced by an anomalous China Coastal Current in the southern Taiwan Strait. J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan, 44(2): 111-123.
- Lin, Jia-Lin, Sheng-Long Kao and Ming-An Lee (2017) A feasibility of CubeSat Automatic Identification System on the fishing application in Taiwan. J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan, 44(2): 101-110.
- Wang, Yi-Chen, Li-Ping Lin, Yi-Le Sheng, Jinn-Shing Weng and Ming-An Lee (2017). Stomach content analysis of Etrumeus micropus in the coastal waters of Penghu off Taiwan in late summer. J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan, 44(2): 135-145.
- Teng, Sheng-Yuan, Ming-AN Lee*, Jhen Hsu, Tzu-Ping Lin, Yu-Chen Lin and Yi Chang (2016). Assessing the vulnerability of fishery villages influenced by climate change and anthropogenic activity in the coastal zone of the Tamsui River. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 24, No. 6, pp. 1115-1126. DOI:10.6119/JMST-016-1205-1
- Yu-Kai Chen, Wen-Yu Chen, Yi-Chen Wang, Ming-An Lee* (2016). Winter assemblages of ichthyoplankton in the waters of the East China Sea Shelf and surrounding Taiwan. Fisheries Science, 82(5): 755–769.
- Han-Yang Lin, Mei-Yun Chiu, Yu-Ming Shih, I-Shiung Chen, Ming-An Lee and Kwang-Tsao Shao (2016). Species composition and assemblages of ichthyoplankton during summer in the East China Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 126: 64-78.
- Yi-Chun Kuo, Ming-An Lee*, and Mong-Ming Lu (2016) Association of Taiwan’s October Rainfall Patterns with Large-Scale Oceanic and Atmospheric Phenomena. Atmospheric Research, 180: 200-210.
- Szu-Chia Kao, Ming-An Lee*, and Kohji Iida (2016). Diel change in acoustic characteristics and zooplankton composition of the sound scattering layer in I-Lan Bay in Northeastern Taiwan. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 282-291 (2016) DOI:10.6119/JMST-015-0313-2
- Ali HAGHI VAYGHAN*, Hasan FAZLI, Rasul GHORBANI, Ming-An LEE, Hasan NASROLLAHZADEH SARAVI (2016). Temporal habitat suitability modeling of Caspian shad (Alosa spp.) in the southern Caspian Sea. J. Limnol., 2016; 75(1): 210-223 DOI: 10.4081/jlimnol.2015.1215
- Yi-Chun Kuo, Ming-An Lee*, and Mong-Ming Lu (2016) Association of Taiwan’s Rainfall Patterns with Large-Scale Oceanic and Atmospheric Phenomena. Advances in Meteorology, 2016: 1-11. NSC101-2625-M-019-006 and 102-2811-M-019-001
- Jinn-Shing Weng, Ming-An Lee, Kwang-Ming Liu*, Ming-Shu Hsu, Mine-Kune Hung, and Long-Jing Wu (2015) Feeding Ecology of Juvenile Yellowfin Tuna from Waters Southwest of Taiwan Inferred from Stomach Contents and Stable Isotope Analysis. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 7:537–548.
- Ming-an Lee, Yi Chang, Teruhisa Shimada (2015). Seasonal evolution of fine-scale sea surface temperature fronts in the East China Sea. Deep-Sea Research II, 119,20-29.
- Ming-An Lee, Yi-Chun Kuo, Jui-Wen Chan, Yu-Kai Chen, and Sheng-Yuan Teng (2015). Long-Term (1982 - 2012) Summertime Sea Surface Temperature Variability in the Taiwan Strait. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci, 26(2), Part II, 183-192.
- Kuo-Wei Lan, Ming-An Lee , Sheng-Ping Wang, Zhao-Yang Chen (2015). Environmental variations on swordfish (Xiphias gladius) catch rates in the Indian Ocean. Fisheries Research, 166, 67-79.
- Oey, L.Y., M.C. Chang, S.M., Huang, Y.C. Lin and M.A. Lee (2015). The influence of shelf-sea fronts on winter monsoon over East China Sea. Climate Dynamics, 44(1).
- Kuo, Y.C., M.A. Lee and C. S. Chern (2014). Typhoon-induced ocean responses off the southwest coast of Tiawan. Ocean dynamics, 64: 1569-1581.
- Lan, Kuo-Wei, Ming-An Lee*, C. IK. Zhang, P. Y. Wang, L. J. Wu and K. T. Lee (2014,). Effects of climate variability and climate change on the fishing conditions for grey mullet (Mugil cephalus L.) in the Taiwan Strait. Climatic change, 126: 189-202.
- Chang, Y., J.-W. Chan, Y.-C. Huang, W.-Q. Lin, M.-A. Lee*, K. T. Lee, C.-H. Liao, K.-Y. Wang and Y.-C. Kuo (2014). Typhoon-enhanced upwelling and its influence on fishing activities in the southern East China Sea. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35(17): 6561-6572.
- Igor M. Belkin and Ming-An Lee* (2014). Long-term variability of sea surface temperature in Taiwan Strait . Climatic change , 124, 821–834.
- W. Y. Chen, M. A. Lee*, K. W. Lan, and G. C. Gong (2014). Distributions and assemblages of larval fish in the East China Sea in the northeasterly and southwesterly monsoon seasons 2008. Biogeosciences , 11: 547-561. (SCI)(IF=3.754, ECOLOGY, 28/136=20.59%, GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 13/172=7.56%)
- Ming-An Lee, Yi-Chou Yang, Yi-Lo Shen, Yi Chang*, Wann-Sheng Tsai, Kuo-Wei Lan, and Yi-Chun Kuo (2014, Feb). Effects of an Unusual Cold-Water Intrusion in 2008 on the Catch of Coastal Fishing Methods around Penghu Islands, Taiwan. TAO, 25(1): 107-120. (SCI) (IF=0.705, OCEANOGRAPHY, 46/60=76.67%, METEOROLOGY & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 69/74=93.2%, GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 140/172=81.4%)
- Yi-Chun Kuo and Ming-An Lee (2013, Dec). Decadal variation of wintertime Sea Surface Temperature in the Taiwan Strait. Journal of Marine Science and Technology (Taiwan) 21(S): 117-123, (SCI) (IF=0.483, ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY , 56/90=62% )
- Yi-Chen Wang, Wen-Yu Chen, Yi Chang , and Ming-An Lee (2013, Dec). Ichthyoplankton community associated with oceanic fronts in early winter on the continental shelf of the southern East China Sea. Journal of Marine Science and Technology (Taiwan) 21(S): 65-76, (SCI) (IF=0.461, ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 63/90=70% )
- Ming-An Lee, Yi-Chen Wang, Yu-Kai Chen, Wen-Yu Chen*, Long-Jing Wu, Don-Chung Liu, Ji-Lun Wu, and Sheng-Yuan Teng (2013, Dec). Summer assemblages of ichthyoplankton in the waters of the East China Sea shelf and around Taiwan in 2007. Journal of Marine Science and Technology (Taiwan) 21(S): 41-51, (SCI) (IF=0.461, ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 63/90=70% )
- Yung-Yen Shih, Jin-Sheng Hsieh, Gwo-Ching Gong, Chin-Chang Hung*, Wen- Chen Chou,Min-An Lee, Kuo-Shu Chen, Meng-Hsien Chen, and Chau-Ron Wu (2013, Oct). Field Observations of Changes in SST, Chlorophyll and POC Flux in the Southern East China Sea Before and After the Passage of Typhoon Jangmi. TAO, 24(5): 899-910. (SCI) (IF=0.705, OCEANOGRAPHY, 46/60=76.67%, METEOROLOGY & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 69/74=93.2%, GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 140/172=81.4%)
- Chin-Chang Hung, Chih-Ching Chung, Gwo-Ching Gong, Sen Jan,Yaling Tsai, Kuo-Shu Chen, Wen Chen Chou, Ming-An Lee, Yi Chang, Meng-Hsien Chen, Wen-Rong Yang, Chiung-Jung Tseng and Glen Gawarkiewicz (2013, Jul). Nutrient supply in the Southern East China Sea after Typhoon Morakot. Journal of Marine Research, 71, 133-150.(SCI)(IF=0.986, OCEANOGRAPHY, 42/60=70%)
- Kae-Yih Wang, Ke-Yang Chang, Cheng-Hsin Liao, Ming AN Lee and Kuo-Tien Lee* (2013, Jul). Growth strageties of the Swordtip squid, Uroteuthis edulis, in response to environmental changes in the southern East China Sea- A cohort analysis. Bulletin of Marine Science, 89(3): 677-698.(SCI)(IF=1.297, MARINE & FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, 54/100=54%, OCEANOGRAPHY,35/60=58.3%)
- J.-S. Weng, M.-K. Hung, C.-C. Lai, L.-J. Wu, M.-A. Lee and K.-M. Liu* (2013) Fine-scale vertical and horizontal movements of juvenile yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) associated with a subsurface fish aggregating device (FAD) off southwestern Taiwan. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 29 (2013), 990–1000.(SCI)(IF=0.902, FISHERIES, 32/50=64%, MARINE & FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, 70/100=70%)
- Hui-Ling Ko, Yu-Tze Wang, Tai-Sheng Chiu, Ming-An Lee, Ming-Yih Leu, Kuang-Zong Chang, Wen-Yu Chen4, Kwang-Tsao Shao* (2013). Evaluating the Accuracy of Morphological Identification of Larval Fishes by Applying DNA Barcoding. PLOS one, 8(1): e53451. (SCI) (IF=3.73, Biology, 7/56=12.5%)
- Yi Chang*, Ming-An Lee, Kuo-Tien Lee, Kwang-Tsao Shao (2013) Adaptation of fisheries and mariculture management to extreme oceanic environmental changes and climate variability in Taiwan. Marine policy, 38:476-482 (SSCI)(IF=1.865, Environmental studies,23/89=25%; international relations: 9/81:11.1%)
- Kuo-Wei Lan, Karen Evans, Ming-An Lee* (2013) Effects of climate variability on the distribution and fishing conditions of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the western Indian Ocean. Climatic Change, DOI 10.1007/s10584-012-0637-8 (SCI) (IF=3.634, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES , 22/210=10.48% , METEOROLOGY & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 8/74=10.8%)
- Kuo-Wei Lan, Karen Evans, Ming-An Lee* (2012 ) Effects of climate variability on the distribution and fishing conditions of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the western Indian Ocean. Climatic Change, DOI 10.1007/s10584-012-0637-8 (SCI) IF=3.385
- Kuo-Wei Lan, Hiroshi Kawamura, Ming-An Lee*, Hsueh-Jung Lu, Teruhisa Shimada, Kohtaro Hosoda and Futoki Sakaida (2012) Relationship between albacore (Thunnus alalunga) fishing grounds in the Indian Ocean and the thermal environment revealed by cloud-free microwave sea surface
temperature. Fisheries Research, 113:1-7. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2011.08.017 (SCI)
- Sheng-Ping Wang, Ming-An Lee* and Wen-Yu Chen (2012) Evaluation the uncertainty of the population growth parameter estimates of larval anchovy in the southwestern waters of Taiwan using Monte Carlo simulation. Journal of Marine Science and Technology (Taiwan) (in press, SCI)
- Wen-Yu Chen, Yi-Chen Wang, and Ming-An Lee* (2012) Early-summer ichthyoplankton biodiversity associated with oceanic factors on the continental shelf of the southern East China Sea. Journal of Marine Science and Technology (Taiwan) (in press, SCI)
- Kuo-Wei Lan, Tom Nishida, Ming-An Lee*, Hsueh-Jung Lu, Hsiang-Wen Huang , Shui-Kai Chang and Yang-Chi Lan (2012) Influence of the marine environment variability on the yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) catch rate by the Taiwanese longline fishery in the Arabian Sea, with special reference to the high catch in 2004. Journal of Marine Science and Technology (Taiwan)
20(5):514-524 (SCI)
- Kuo-Wei Lan, Ming-An Lee*, Tom Nishida, Hsueh-Jung Lu, Jinn-Shing Weng and Yi Chang (2012).Environmental effects on yellowfin tuna catch by the Taiwan longline fishery in the Arabian Sea. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 33(23): 7491-7506 (SCI)
- K. W. Yen, H. J. Lu*, Y. Chang and M. A. Lee (2012). Using remote sensing data to detect habitat suitability for yellowfin tuna in the western and central Pacific Ocean. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 33(23):7507-7522 (SCI)
- Gwo Ching Gong*, K.K. Liu, K.Ping Chiang, T.-M. Hsiung, J. Chang, C. -C. Chen, C.-C. Hung, W. C. Chou, C.C. Chung, H.Y. Chen, F.K. Shiah, A.Y.Tsai, C.h. Hsieh, J.C. Shiao, C.M. Tseng, S.C Hsu, H.J. Lee, M.A. Lee, I.I.Lin, and F.J. Tsai (2011). Yangtze River floods enhance coastal ocean
phytoplankton biomass and potential fish production. GRL, 38, L13603,doi:10.1029/2011GL047519. (SCI)
- Kuo-Wei Lan, Ming-An Lee*, Hsueh-Jung Lu, Wei-Juan Shieh, Wei-Kuan Lin, and Szu-Chia Kao (2011). Ocean variations associated with fishing conditions of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean. ICES Journal of Marine Science; doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsr045. (SCI)
- Ming.An Lee , M.-H. Chao, J.-S. Weng, Y.-C. Lan, and H.-J. Lu* (2011). Diel distribution and movement of sound scattering layer in Kuroshio waters, northeastern Taiwan . Journal of Marine Science and Technology ( Taiwan ) . (Accepted). (SCIE)
- Hung, C.C., G.C. Gong, W.C. Chou, C.C. Chung, M.A. Lee , Y. Chang, H.Y. Chen, S.J. Huang, Y. Yang, W.R. Yang, W.C. Chung, S.L. Li, and E. Laws (2010). The effect of typhoon on particulate organic carbon flux in the southern East China Sea . Biogeosciences, 7:1-12. Doi:10.5194/bg- 7-1-2010 . (SCI)
- Chang, Y., W.-J. Shieh, Ming-An Lee *; J.-W. Chan; K.-W. Lan, J.-S. Weng (2010). Fine-scale Sea Surface Temperature Fronts in Wintertime in the Northern South China Sea . IJRS, 31(17): 4807-4818. DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2010.485146. (SCI)
- Ming-An Lee , Mu-Tun Tzeng, Kohtaro Hosoda, Futoki Sakaida, Hiroshi Kawamura, and Y. Chang* (2010). Validation of JAXA/MODIS Sea Surface Temperature aboard Terra and Aqua in Water around Taiwan . TAO, 21(4): 727-735. (SCI)
- Kuo-Wei Lan, Hiroshi Kawamura, Ming-An Lee * , Yi Chang, Jui-Wen Chan, Cheng-Hsin Liao (2009). Summertime sea surface temperature fronts associated with upwelling around the Taiwan Bank. CSR, 29:903-910. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2009.01.015.
- Yi Chang, Kuo-Tien Lee, Ming-An Lee * and Kuo-Wei Lan (2009). Satellite Observation on the Exceptional Intrusion of Cold Water in the Taiwan Strait . TAO, 20(4): 661-669.
- Chih-hao Hsieh, Chih-Shin Chen, Tai-Sheng Chiu, Kuo-Tien Lee, Feng-Jen Shieh, Jia-yi Pan, and Ming-An Lee * (2009). Time series analyses reveal transient relationships between abundance of larval anchovy and environmental variables in the coastal waters southwest of Taiwan . Fisheries Oceanography, 18(2): 102-117.
- Lan Yang-Chi, Ming-An Lee * , Cheng-Hsin Liao and Kuo-Tien Lee (2009) Copepod community structure of the winter frontal zone induced by the Kuroshio Branch Current and the China Coastal Current in the Taiwan Strait. J. of Marine Science and Technology, 7(1);1-6.
- Yi Chang, Ming-An Lee *, T. Shimada, F. Sakaida , H. Kawamura , J.-W. Chan and H.-J. Lu (2008). Wintertime high-resolution features of sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a fields associated with oceanic fronts in the southern East China Sea . International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29(21): 6249-6261.
- Yi Chang, Hsiou-Ting Liao, Ming-An Lee * , Jui-Wen Chan, Wei-Juan Shieh, Kuo-Tien Lee, Guang-Hua Wang and Yang-Chi Lan (2008), Multisatellite observation on upwelling after the passage of Typhoon Hai-Tang in the southern East China Sea . GRL, VOL. 35, L03612, doi:10.1029/2007GL03285 (NSC 96-2611-M-019-007).
- Yang-Chi Lan, Ming-An Lee * , Wen-Yu Chen, Hung-Zen Shieh, Jia-Yi Pan, Don-Chung Liu, and Wei-Cheng Su (2008), Seasonal relationships between the copepod community and hydrographic conditions in the southern East China Sea . ICES Journal of Marine Science, 65:462-468.
- Yang-Chi Lan, Ming-An Lee * , Cheng-Hsin Liao, Ding-An Lee, Deng-Cheng Liu, and Wei-Cheng Su (2008), Copepod community change in the southern East China Sea between early and late northeasterly monsoon, Zoological Studies, 47(1):61-74.
- Chen Lee Yuh-Ling, Houng-Yung Chen, I-I Lin, Ming-An Lee and Jeng Chang (2007), Effects of cold eddy on phytoplankton production and assemblages in Luzon Strait bordering the South China Sea. J. Oceanography, 63: 671-683.
- Hsieh Feng-Jen, Ming-An Lee * , Jia-Yi Pan, Yu-Tzu Wang, Kuo-Wei Lan and Yang-Chi Lan (2007). Winter distribution and composition of ichthyoplankton associated with thermal front on the continental shelf of the southern East China Sea . J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan , 34 (1): 69-85.
- Chang Yi, T. Shimada, Ming-An Lee *, Hsueh-Jung Lu, F. Sakaida and H. Kawamura (2006), Wintertime sea surface temperature fronts in the Taiwan Strait . GRL, VOL. 33, L23603, doi:10.1029/2006GL027415.
- Liao Cheng-Hsin, Wan-Ju Chang, Ming-An Lee , Kuo-Tien Lee (2006), Summer distribution and diversity of copepods in the upwelling waters of the southeast East China Sea , Zoological Studies, 45(3): 378-394.
- Liao Cheng-Hsin, Ming-An Lee , Yan-Chi Lan, Kuo-Tien Lee (2006), The temporal and spatial change in position of squid fishing ground in relation to oceanic features in the Northeastern waters of Taiwan. J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan , 33(2): 99-113.
- Lee, M.A . , Y . Chang, F. Sakaida , H. Kawamura , J.W. Chan , C.H. Cheng and, .I Huang (2005) Validation of the satellite-derived SSTs in the waters around Taiwan . TAO, 16(5): 1189-1204 .
- Lee, M.A. , Y . Chang , K.T. Lee , D. C. Liu and W.C. Su (2005) A Satellite and Field View of the Winter SST Variability in the Taiwan Strait . IEEE, IGARSS, 4:2621-2626.
- Kao, S. L., K.T. Lee, M.A. Lee and M.D. Ko (2005). Development of MEGIS for Monitoring the hydrologic Environment in Taiwan waters. J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan , 32 (2):159-173.
- Tang, D.L., H., Kawamura, T. V. Dien and M.A. Lee. (2004) An offshore increased phytoplankton biomass and the oceanographic causes in the South China Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 268:31-41 (SCI). (NSC91- 2119-M-019-007)
- Lan, Y.C., C.T. Shih, M.A. LEE and H.Z. Hsieh, 2004. Spring distribution of copepods in relation to water masses in the northern Taiwan Strait. Zoological studies. 43(2):8-19 (SCI) (NSC90- 2611-M-019-011-OP4)
- Tang, D.L., H. Kawamura, M. A. Lee and T. V. Dien (2003). Seasonal and spatial distribution of chlorophyll a concentrations and water conditions in the Gulf of Tonkin, South China Sea. Remote Sensing of Environment, 85(4): 475-483. (SCI) (NSC90- 2119-M-019-006).
- Lee, M.A., Jeng-Dong Yeah, Choa Hsuing Cheng, Jui-wen Chan and K.T. Lee (2003). Empirical orthogonal function analysis of AVHRR sea surface temperature patterns in Taiwan Straits. J. Mari. Science & Technology, 11:1-7. (EI) (NSC90- 2611-M-019-011-OP4)
- Lee, M.A., C. H. Hsiao and C.H. Liao (2002). The squid fishery oceanography in the NE waters of Taiwan - the fishing activity in relation to the oceanic features. The Proceedings of International Conferences on the tropical & subtropical Fisheries. National Taiwan Ocean University, 20pp.
- Chao Min-Shao, Ming-An Lee, Yang-Chi Lan and Kuo-Tien Lee, 2002, Relationship between biological density and volume backscattering strength of sound scatting layer at 208 kHz and 418 kHz. J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan, 29(4): 249-257.
- Lee Ming-An, Kuo-Tien Lee, Yueh-Yuan Tu, Hsien-Shiow Tsai, 2002, The activity of larval anchovy fishery in the region of Kungliaw. Monthly Journal of Taipower's Engineering, 650: 76-81.
- Hsu Chin-Han, Kuo-Tien Lee, Ming-An Lee, Cheng-Hsin Liao, and Hsueh-Jung Lu, 2000. Effects of seasonal environment changes on the mackerel purse seine fishery in the waters off northeast Taiwan monitored by satellite remote sensing. Aquaculture and Fisheries Resources Management.
Proceedings of the Joint Taiwan-Australia Aquaculture and Fisheries Resource
and Management Forum. Bull. Taiwan Fish. Res. Inst., 257-261.
- Liao C.-H., K.-T. Lee, MA Lee and H-J. Lu, 1999. Biomass distribution and zooplankton composition of the sound-scattering layer in the waters of southern East China Sea. ICES J. Mari. Sci, 56:766-778. (SCI)
- Chou SC, MA Lee*, and KT Lee,1999. Diel vertical movement of the deep scattering layer on the continental slope of I-Lan Bay, Taiwan. Fisheries Science, Japan; 65(5): 694-699(NSC87- 2611-M-019-002) (SCI).
- Chou SC, MA Lee*, and KT Lee,1999. Equivalent spherical radius and target strength of pelagic shrimps measured by two-frequency algorithm in I-Lan Bay, Taiwan, J. Fish. Soc, Taiwan, 26(3): 121-132. (NSC88- 2611-M-019-013)
- Liao C.-H., K.T. Lee, M-A Lee and H.-J. Lu, 1999. Classification of water masses and sound-scattering layer biomass in the waters off northeastern Taiwan using a fuzzy clustering method. Proceedings of the
National Science Council, R.O.C., Part B: Life Sciences, 23(1):7-18 (NSC
- Lee MA*, JR Wang, TJ Cheng, SC Chou, and KT Lee,1999. A case study on the category composition and distribution of zooplankton in the sound scattering layer of offshore waters of North Taiwan, J. Fish. Soc, Taiwan, 26(3): 133-144. (NSC85- 2611-M-019-10k2)
- Hsia, K.Y., K.T.Lee and M.A. Lee (1998). Fishing ground formation of larval anchovy in relation to oceanographic and meteorological conditions in the I-Lan Bay of Northeastern Taiwan. J. Fish. Soc., Taiwan, 25(4): 239-248.
- Liao, C.H., K.T. Lee, M.A. Lee and H.J. Lu (1998). Characteristics of surface layer biomass using optical and hydroacoustic remote sensing methods in the waters of northern Taiwan. Korea S. Fisheries Resources, 9pp (NSC 86-2321-B-019-018)
- Tsai C. F., P. Y. Chen, C.P. Chen, M. A. Lee, K. Y. Hsia and K. T. Lee (1997). Fluctuation in abundance of larval anchovy and environmental condition in coastal waters off SW Taiwan as associated with the Elnino/Southern Oscillation. Fishery Oceanography, 6(4):238-249. (SCI)
- Lee, M.A., T.G. Chang, C.M. Lin and K.T. Lee (1997). A comparison of fishing efficiencies of the mechanic and computer control panel squid-jigging machines in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan. 24(1):1-9.
- Chou, S.C. and M.A. Lee (1997). The acoustic size of living organisms by using two-frequency methods. Underwater Technology, 7(3):14-17.
Conference Papers
- Lee, M.A., W.C. Yang, I.C. Hung and S.-Y. Teng (2018). Predicting winter potential fishing zones of albacore Tuna (Thunnus alalunga) using maximum entropy models and remote sensed data in the south Indian Ocean. Conference paper, 978-1-5386-7150-4/18/IGARSS 2018
- 李明安、張懿、藍國瑋、楊易洲、李國添、詹瑞文、謝委娟 (2010) 衛星觀測澎湖海域冷水入侵及其對沿岸漁業的影響,海峽兩岸海洋科學會議,臺灣花蓮 , Sep 8-10, 2010.
- J.W. Chan, Y. Chang, M.A Lee and H.S. Lin (2008) Satellite observation on seasonal variation of SST front in the East China Sea . Guangzhou , China , Dec 2-6, 2008. p71.
- W.J. Shiah, Y. Chang and M.A. Lee (2008). Satellite-derived finer-scale SST front in winter in the northern South China Sea . Guangzhou , China , Dec 2-6, 2008. p72.
- Ming-An Lee*, Yi Chang, K.T. Lee and K.W. Lan (2008). Satellite observation on the exceptional intrusion of cold water and its impact on coastal fisheries around Peng-Hu Islands , Taiwan Strait. Guangzhou , China , Dec 2-6, 2008. p31.
- Yi Chang, P. Cornillon, T. Shimada, D. Ullman, Ming-An Lee, H. Kawamura (2008) A comparison of satellite-derived sea surface temperature front using resent two edge detection methods. Guangzhou , China , Dec 2-6, 2008. p32.
- Kuo-Wei Lan, H. Kawamura , M.A. Lee, Y. Chang, J.-W. Chan, C.H. Liao (2008). Summertime sea surface temperature fronts ssociated with upwelling around the Taiwan Bank. The 9th PORSEC 2008, Guangzhou , China , Dec 2-6, 2008. p33.
- Ni, I-H., M. A. Lee and H. J. Lu. 2007. Promoting International collaboration with satellite remote sensing on sustainable fisheries. The International Symposium on Marine Affairs and the Law of the Sea, 10-11 May 2007 in Taipei , p. 5-14 to 5-29.
- Rui-Min Weng, Yi-Hui Cai, Nian-Zu Shi, Aketa M. Taanga , Ming-An Lee, and I-Hsun Ni . 2007. Torch-light Fishery in association with upwelling in southwest Taiwan waters. Poster presentation at the 2007 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly, 15-18 May 2007, TaoYuan , Taiwan .
- Weng, R. M. M.A. Lee and I-Hsun Ni. 2006. Characteristics of upwelling associated with torch-light fishery in southwest Taiwan waters. Proceeding of Fisheries Society of Taiwan 2006 Annual Meeting. p.103. (Abstract)
- Sakaida, F., T. Shimada, H. Kawamura , L. Guan, K.A. Park, M.A. Lee, Young Sang Suh, T. Suzuki ,and K. Hosoda (2006) Validation of the AVHRR SST in the western North Pacific for NGSST-C development. JOS meeting , March 2006.
- 林維寬、李明安、 李國添 ( 2005 ),利用 GIS 長期觀測台灣東北部休閒漁業之漁獲特性。台灣水產學會九十四年度論文發表會, Dec 10-11, PingTung, Taiwan, ROC 。
- 廖秀庭、張懿、李明安、李國添( 2005 ),利用衛星觀測海棠颱風期間台灣東北部湧昇區短期變動特性。台灣水產學會九十四年度論文發表會, Dec 10-11, PingTung, Taiwan, ROC 。
- 李政芳、陳彥民、黃美瑩、吳龍靜、王敏昌、劉燈城、蘇偉成、羅文增、李明安( 2005 ),台灣周邊海域浮游動物生物量季節變動特性與漁場環境之探討。台灣水產學會九十四年度論文發表會, Dec 10-11, PingTung, Taiwan, ROC 。
- 廖正信、黃彭愷、李明安、蔣國平( 2005 ),龜山島周邊海域橈足類季節組成變動之研究。台灣水產學會九十四年度論文發表會, Dec 10-11, PingTung, Taiwan, ROC 。
- 謝豐任、李明安、王友慈( 2005 ),台灣地區勿仔魚漁業魚種組成之時空間變動特性。台灣水產學會九十四年度論文發表會, Dec 10-11, PingTung, Taiwan, ROC 。
- 潘佳怡、王友慈、李嘉林、吳世宏、李明安( 2005 ), 2005 年春季台灣東北部海域仔稚魚群聚構造之研究。台灣水產學會九十四年度論文發表會, Dec 10-11, PingTung, Taiwan, ROC 。
- 潘佳怡、謝豐任、李明安、王友慈、劉燈城( 2005 ),台灣北部海域冬季仔稚魚種類組成與水文環境之研究。台灣水產學會九十四年度論文發表會, Dec 10-11, PingTung, Taiwan, ROC 。
- 李明安( 2005 ),台灣海洋環境科學與漁業科學之現況與展望。 2005 年兩岸 海洋環境科學與漁業科學之現況與展望 研討會 , Dec 8, Keelung, Taiwan, ROC 。
- 李明安、廖正信( 2005 ),台灣沿近海火誘網漁業資源之利用現況。 2005 年東海、南海作業水域漁業資源共同維護研討會 , Dec 8, Keelung, Taiwan, ROC 。
- 李明安 、藍揚麒 ( 2005 ), 聲光遙測 台灣東北部湧昇域附近水域浮游動物群集結構與海況變動特性 - 國科會海洋科學成果發表會, p70-79,Mar 28-30, NanTou, Taiwan 。
Other Publications
- W.-Y. Chen and M. A. Lee (2012). 東海仔稚魚組成成結構與環境互動關係 .. The 2nd Cross-straits workshop on marine biodiversity. October 12-14, 2012. National Taiwan Ocean University. P. 84.
- Yuei-An Liou , M.A. Lee, J.K. Liu, F.P. Lin, C.C. Lin and K.T. Shao (2012). TAIWAN GROUP ON EARTH OBSERVATIONS (TGEO) The 5th AP-BON Workshop & The 5th Asia-Pacific GEOSS Symposium, April 2 to 4, 2012. Tokyo, Japan
- Ming-An Lee and Yi Chang (2012). Suffering and recovery of fishery resources from climatic extreme - a case study of exceptional cold water intrusion in Penghu archipelagic waters in year 2008. APEC semainar on sharing the experience of mitigating the impact of extreme climate on aquaculture and fisheries. March 21-23, Taipei.
- K.-W. Lan, Y. Chang, M.A. Lee, I. Belkin and T. Nishida (2012). Oceanic thermal fronts and net primary production related to the longline catches of albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) in the southern Indian Ocean. 2012 Ocean Science Meeting, Feb 20 to 24, 2012. Salt Lake city, Utah.
- M. A. Lee, W.-Y. Chen, Y.-K. Chen, Y.-C. Lan, G.C. Gong, N. Lo and D.C. Liu (2012). Summer assemblages of ichthyoplankton in waters of the East China Sea shelf and Taiwan in 2007. 2012 Ocean Science Meeting, Feb 20 to 24, 2012. Salt Lake city, Utah.
- 李明安 (2012) The possible GOCI application in fishing activity and environment of East China Sea in Taiwan. 2 nd GOCI 與 GOCI-II 遙測國際研討會報告 , Jan 11 to 14, 2012, 韓國安山 .
- 李明安 (2011) 臺灣海洋學人才培育的現況與展望 , 第二屆海峽兩岸海洋科學與人文研討會 , Sep 21 to 24, 2011, 中國青島 .
- 廖正信、李宏泰、王文伸、王凱毅、李國添、張懿、李明安 (2011). 颱風對台灣東北海域燈火漁業之影響 . July 27 to 31, 2011. 第二屆海峽兩岸颱風科學與危機管理研討會 . 中國廣州 .
- 李明安 (2011) 由衛星取得與資料模組模擬西北太平洋颱風所導致的湧升流 . July 27 to 31, 2011. 第二屆海峽兩岸颱風科學與危機管理研討會 . 中國廣州 .
- 洪慶章、龔國慶、李明安、廖正信 (2011). 颱風對東海南部海水特性與漁獲量造成的影響 . July 27 to 31, 2011. 第二屆海峽兩岸颱風科學與危機管理研討會 . 中國廣州 .
- Ming-An Lee, H.J. Lu, Y. Chang and K.T. Lee (2011). Influence of climate variability on fishery around Taiwan. Taiwan-Japanese conference. P. 15. Aug 25 to 26, 2011, Sapporo, Japan.
- Ming-An Lee, H.J. Lu, Y. Chang and K.T. Lee (2011). Influence of climate change on fishery ecology around Taiwan. Taiwan-AU-NZ conference-Marine Biology, Biodiversity and ecosystem. P. 33. June 20 to 21, 2011, Keelung, Taiwan.
- Wen-Yu Chen, Yi Chang, Yu-Kai Chen, Ming-An Lee (2011). Ichthyoplankton community associated with oceanic fronts in early winter on the continental shelf of the southern East China Sea. International symposium on Remote sensing. O45. Nov 2 to 4, 2011, Yeosu, Korea.
- Chia-Wei Hu, Kuo-Wei Lan, Hiroshi Kawamura, Ming-An Lee, Hsueh-Jung Lu, Teruhisa Shimada, Kohtaro Hosoda and Futoki Sakaida (2011). Relationship between albacore (Thunnus alalunga) fishing grounds and the thermal environment revealed by AMSR-E sea surface temperature in the Indian Ocean. International symposium on Remote sensing. P. 44. Nov 2 to 4, 2011, Yeosu, Korea.
- Ming-An Lee, Kuo-Wei Lan, Yi Chang, Igor Belkin and Tom Nishida (2011). Oceanic thermal fronts and net primary production associated with longline catches of albacore (Thunnus alalunga) in the southern Indian Ocean. International symposium on Remote sensing. P.45. Nov 2 to 4, 2011, Yeosu, Korea.
- Yi Chang, Ming-An Lee, Jui-Wen Chan, Wei-Juan Shieh (2011) LORECS: Seasonal variation of thermal/chlorophyll fronts in the East China Sea. 海洋學門研討會,中研研究院與國立中央大學, 2011 年 4 月 13-15 日臺灣苗栗
- Szu-Chia Kao, Ming-AN Lee (2010) Comparision of Acoustic Zooplankton Biomass Related to Different Mesh Size in the Waters off Northern Taiwan. The international conference on under water acoustics for sustainable fisheries in Asia, 2010. p30. 14-16 Dec. 2010, Penang, MALAYSIA.
- 陳重隆、徐誌國、李明安、陳義雄、蕭松山、方惠民、賴澄燦 (2010) 海岸構造物與生態棲地多樣性關係研究。第 32 屆海洋工程研討會論文集,國立臺灣海洋大學, 2010 年 11 月 25-26 日。
- Y.C. Lan, C.T. Lee, M.A. Lee, W.S.Tsai and Y.L. Sheng (2010). Does the cold water event around Penghu make changes of the copepod compositions before and after February 2008? PORSEC-2010, OCT 18-23. Keelung, Taiwan. P 84.
- K. Y. Wang, K.T. Lee, C.H. Liao and M.-A. Lee (2010) The spatial-temporal pattern of swordtip squid abundance in the southern East China Sea during 1997-2008. PORSEC-2010, OCT 18-23. Keelung, Taiwan. P 54.
- Y. Chang, M.T. Tzeng, M.-A. Lee, J.-W. Chan and W.-J. Shieh (2010) Long-term observation on wintertime sea surface temperature in the Eastern Taiwan Strait. PORSEC-2010, OCT 18-23. Keelung, Taiwan. P 52.
- K.W. Lan, M. A. Lee, T.J. Yan, T. Nishida and H. J. Lu (2010). Time series analysis of fishing condition of yellowfin tuna and environmental variables based on Taiwanese regular and deep tuna longlines in the Arabian Sea. PORSEC-2010, OCT 18-23. Keelung, Taiwan. P 50.
- M.-A. Lee, Y. Chang, Y.-C. Yang, J.-W. Chan and W.-J. Shieh (2010) Satellite observation of upwelling induced by different typhoons with different intensities in the southern East China Sea. PORSEC-2010, OCT 18-23. Keelung, Taiwan. P 41.
- 李明安、張懿、藍國瑋、楊易洲、李國添、詹瑞文、謝委娟 (2010) 衛星觀測澎湖海域冷水入侵及其對沿岸漁業的影響,海峽兩岸海洋科學會議,臺灣花蓮 , Sep 8-10, 2010.
25 Y. Chang, M.-A. Lee, Y.-C. Yang, J.-W. Chan and W.-J. Shieh (2010) Satellite observation of upwelling induced by different typhoons with different intensities in the southern East China Sea. ISRS-2010, OCT 27-29. Jeju island, Korea.P 22.
- 李國添 、 謝寬永 、李明安、劉光明、莊慶達、 呂學榮 , 2005 ,台北縣貢寮地區漁業之調查研究期末報告,台灣電力公司委託,國立台灣海洋大學執行 , pp259-355 。 ‧ 李明安、張懿、藍國瑋、楊易洲、李國添、詹瑞文、謝委娟 (2010) 衛星觀測澎湖海域冷水入侵及其對沿岸漁業的影響,海峽兩岸海洋科學會議,臺灣花蓮 , Sep 8-10, 2010.
- 邵廣昭、李明安、樊同雲 (2008) 氣候變遷對台灣海洋生物多樣性的影響及其因應對策 , 全球暖化與極地保護國際研討會論文集。 p. 107-121 ,財團法人牽成永續發展文教基金會, 97 年 11 月 24 日,台北中正紀念堂。
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