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Lan Kuo-Wei Professor & Chair

 Professor & Chair藍國瑋

lHighest DegreePh.D. Natl. Taiwan Ocean Univ., R.O.C.
lSpecialtyFishing groung environment climatic change, Oceanography remote sensing
lTEL:02-2462-2192 ext 5027
lLAB:Fishery Environmental Dynamics and Fishing Gear Research Laboratory

Refereed Papers │ Conference Papers │ Other Publications

Refereed Papers

  1. Naimullah, M., K.W. Lan*, C.H. Liao, Y.J. Yang, C.C. Chen, H.J. Liew and M. Ikhwanuddin (2023). Effects of spatial-temporal conditions and fishing vessel capacity on the capture of swimming crabs using different fishing gear around the waters of Taiwan. Marine and Freshwater Research, 74(14), 1244–1261. (IF=1.8, Ranking: Marine & Freshwater Biology, 46/106=43%).
  2. Cheng, L.C., Y.C. Lan, K.W. Lan, J.S. Weng, Y.K. Chen, S.T. Hsiao, ... and H.A. Cheng (2023). Spawning characteristics of blue sprat (Spratelloides gracilis) in the waters of Penghu, central Taiwan Strait. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, 1217897. (IF=3.7, Ranking: Marine & Freshwater Biology, 9/106=8%).
  3. Chen, C.C., H.Z. Lin*, and K.W. Lan (2023). Juvenile and Trash Fish Excluder Device (JTED) for Taiwanese Bottom Trawl. Fishes, 8, 189. (IF=3.170, Ranking: Marine & Freshwater Biology, 23/113=20%)
  4. Lee, W.Y., K.W. Lan, H.H. Chang and M. Naimullah* (2022). Residency and swimming behavior of Acanthopagrus schlegelii, Trachinotus blochii, and Acanthopagrus latus in relation to artificial reef models in a captivity experiment. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 105778. (IF=2.569, Ranking: Agriculture, Dairy and Animal Science, 19/62=26%)
  5. Wu, Y.L., K.W. Lan*, Karen Evans, Y. J. Chang and J.W. Chan (2022). Effects of decadal climate variability on spatiotemporal distribution of Indo-Pacific yellowfin tuna population. Scientific Reports, 12, 13715. (IF=4.996, Ranking: Multidisciplinary Sciences, 19/73=26%).
  6. Mammel, M., M. Naimullah, A. H. Vayghan, J. Hsu, M.A. Lee*, J H. Wu, Y.C. Wang and K.W. Lan (2022). Variability in the Spatiotemporal Distribution Patterns of Greater Amberjack in Response to Environmental Factors in the Taiwan Strait Using Remote Sensing Data. Remote Sensing, 14(12), 2932. (IF=4.848, Ranking: Geoscience, Multidisciplinary, 27/199=13%).
  7. Naimullah, M., K.W. Lan*, M. Ikhwanuddin., A. Amin-Safwan and W.Y. Lee (2022). Unbaited Light-Emitting Diode Traps Performance for Catching Orange Mud Crabs. Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan, 30(1), 48-62. (IF=0.667, Ranking: Engineering, Multidisciplinary, 83/91=91%).
  8. Naimullah, M., W.Y. Lee, Y.L. Wu, Y.K. Chen, Y.C. Huang, C.H. Liao and K.W. Lan* (2022). Effect of soaking time on targets and bycatch species catch rates in fish and crab trap fishery in the southern East China Sea. Fisheries Research, 250, 106258 (IF=2.422, Ranking: Fisheries, 20/55=36%).
  9. Chen, L.C., J.S. Weng, M. Naimullah, P.Y. Hsiao, C.T. Tseng, K.W. Lan* and C.C. Chuang (2021). Distribution and catch rate characteristics of Narrow-Barred Spanish Mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson) in relation to oceanographic factors in the waters around Taiwan. Frontiers in Marine Science (In press, IF=4.912, Ranking: Marine & Freshwater Biology, 6/110=5%).
  10. Naimullah, M., K.W. Lan*M. Ikhwanuddin., A. Amin-Safwan, and W.Y. Lee (2021). Unbaited Light-Emitting Diode Traps Performance for Catching Orange Mud Crabs. Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan (Accepted, IF=0.667, Ranking: Engineering, Multidisciplinary, 83/91=91%).
  11. Naimullah, M., Y.L. Wu, M.A. Lee and K.W. Lan* (2021). Effect of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle on the catches and habitat patterns of three swimming crabs in the Taiwan Strait. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 763543. (IF=4.912, Ranking: Marine & Freshwater Biology, 6/110=5%).
  12. Hsiao, P.Y., T. Shimada, K.W. Lan*, M.A. Lee, C.H. Liao (2021). Assessing Summertime Primary Production Required in Changed Marine Environments in Upwelling Ecosystems Around the Taiwan Bank. Remote Sensing, 13, 765. (IF=4.848, Ranking: Geoscience, Multidisciplinary, 27/199=13%).
  13. Chang, Y.J.*, J. Hsu, P.K. Lai, K.W. Lan and W. P. Tsai (2021). Evaluation of the impacts of climate change on albacore distribution in the South Pacific Ocean by using ensemble forecast. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 731950. (IF=4.912, Ranking: Marine & Freshwater Biology, 6/110=5%).
  14. Liu, D., Y. Tian*, S. Ma, J. Li, P. Sun, Z. Ye, C. Fu, K.W. Lan and S. Zhou (2021). Long-term variability of piscivorous fish in China Seas under climate change with implication for fisheries management. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 581895 (IF=4.912, Ranking: Marine & Freshwater Biology, 6/110=5%).
  15. Lan, K.W.*Y.L. Wu, L.C. Chen, M. Naimullah, and T.H. Lin (2021). Effects of climate change in marine ecosystems based on the spatiotemporal age structure of top predators: A case study of bigeye tuna in the Pacific Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 615494. (IF=4.912, Ranking: Marine & Freshwater Biology, 6/110=5%).
  16. Chen, L.C., Y.T. Yeh, M.Y. Chuang, C.Y. Cheng, K.W. Lan, C.T. Tseng and Y.C. Chang* (2020). A preliminary study on the fishing activity of different artisanal fisheries around the waters off Penghu. The Journal of Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 47(3): 153-162. (科技部優良期刊).
  17. Wu, Y.L., M.A. Lee, L.C. Chen, J.W. Chan and K.W. Lan* (2020). Evaluating a Suitable Aquaculture Site Selection Model for Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) during Extreme Events in the Inner Bay of the Penghu Islands, Taiwan. Remote Sensing, 12(17), 2689. (IF=4.509, Ranking: Remote Sensing, 9/30=30%).
  18. Naimullah, M., K.W. Lan*, C.H. Liao, P.Y. Hsiao, Y.R. Liang and T.C. Chiu (2020). Association of environmental factors in the Taiwan Strait with distributions and habitat characteristics of three swimming crabs. Remote Sensing, 12(4), 2231. (IF=4.509, Ranking: Remote Sensing, 9/30=30%).
  19. Wu, Y.L., K.W. Lan*, Y.J. Tian (2020). Determining the effect of multiscale climate indices on the global yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) population using a time series analysis. Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 175, 104808. (SCI, IF=2.697, Ranking: Oceanography, 19/66=29%).
  20. Lan, K.W., L.J. Lian, C.H. Li*, P.Y. Hsiao and S.Y. Cheng (2020). Validation of a primary production algorithm of vertically generalized production model derived from multi-satellite data around the waters of Taiwan. Remote Sensing, 12, 1627. (IF=4.509, Ranking: Remote Sensing, 9/30=30%).
  21. Lan, K.W.*, Y.J. Chang, and Y.L. Wu (2020). Influence of oceanographic and climatic variability on the catch rate of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) cohorts in the Indian Ocean. Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 175, 104681. (SCI, IF=2.697, Ranking: Oceanography, 19/66=29%).
  22. Tseng, H.C., W.L. You, W. Huang, C.C. Chung, A.Y. Tsai, T.Y. Chen, K.W. Lan and G.C. Gong* (2020). Seasonal variations of marine environment and primary production in the Taiwan Strait. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, 38. (SCI, IF=3.086, Ranking: Marine & Freshwater Biology, 13/108=12%).
  23. Lee, M.A., J.S. Weng, K.W. Lan, A.H. Vayghan, Y.C. Wang and J.W. Chan (2019). Empirical habitat suitability model for immature albacore tuna in the North Pacific Ocean obtained using multisatellite remote sensing data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 1-19. (SCI, IF=2.493, Ranking: Remote Sensing, 14/30=46%).
  24. Chang, Y.J., K.W. Lan, W. Walsh, J. Hsu and C.H. Hsieh (2019). Modelling the impacts of environmental variation on habitat suitability for Pacific saury in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean. Fisheries Oceanography, 28, 291-304. (SCI, IF=2.66, Ranking: Fisheries, 12/52=23%).
  25. Chang, Y.J., K.W. Lan, W. Walsh, J. Hsu and C.H. Hsieh (2018). Modelling the impacts of environmental variation on habitat suitability for Pacific saury in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean. Fisheries Oceanography, 27(4), 1-14. (SCI, IF=1.578, Ranking: Fisheries, 18/50=36%).
  26. Liao, C.H., K.W. Lan*, H.Y. Ho, K.Y. Wang, and Y.L.Wu (2018). Variation in the catch rate and distribution of swordtip squid (Uroteuthis edulis) associated with factors of the oceanic environment in the southern East China. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 10, 452-464. (SCI, IF=1.422, Ranking: Fishery, 22/52=42%).
  27. Chen, L.C.,*, K.W. Lan, Y. Chang and W.Y. Chen (2018). Summer assemblages and biodiversity of larval fish associated with hydrographic characteristics in the northern South China Sea. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 10, 467-480. (accepted, SCI, IF=1.422, Ranking: Fisheries, 22/52=42%).
  28. Lan K.W.*, C.P. Chou, M.A. Lee and A.H. Vayghan (2018). Association between the interannual variation in the oceanic environment and catch rates of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the Atlantic Ocean. Fisheries Oceanography, 27(4), 1-13. (SCI, IF=1.578, Ranking: Fisheries, 18/50=36%).
  29. Lan K.W.*, T. Shimada, M.A. Lee, N.J. Su and Y. Chang (2017). Using remote-sensing environmental and fishery data to map potential yellowfin tuna habitats in the tropical Pacific Ocean. Remote Sensing, 9(5), 444. (SCI, IF=3.244, Ranking: Remote Sensing, 7/29=24%).
  30. Lan K.W., C.I. Zhang*, H.J. Kang, L.J. Wu, and L.J. Lian (2017). Impact of fishing exploitation and climate change on the grey mullet (Mugil cephalus L.) stock in the Taiwan Strait. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 9, 271-281. (SCI, IF=1.422, Ranking: Fishery, 22/52=42%).
  31. Hsiao P.Y., K.W. Lan* and L.S. Lee (2017). Seasonal variations of fishery resources structure of Trammel nets in the coastal water of Changyuen Rise, Taiwan. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 44(3), 1-13. (科技部優良期刊).
  32. Lan K.W., C.C. Chen*, L.X. Li, and P.H. Huang (2017). Effect of improved weighted branch lines on the fish catching rates of longline fisheries in the waters near Taiwan. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 44(2), 11pp. (科技部優良期刊).
  33. Shimada, T., Y. Chang and K.W. Lan (2016). Climatological features of surface winds blowing through the Taiwan Strait. International Journal of Climatology, 36(13), 4287–4296. (SCI, IF=3.398, Ranking: Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, 17/76=22%).
  34. Ho, C.H.*, H.J. Lu, J.S. He, K.W. Lan and J.L. Chen (2016). Changes in Patterns of Seasonality Shown by Migratory Fish under Global Warming: Evidence from Catch Data of Taiwan’s Coastal Fisheries. Sustainability, 8, 273. (SCI, IF=0.942, Ranking: Environmental Sciences, 176/223=78%).
  35. Lan, K.W., M.A. Lee*, S.P. Wang and Z.Y. Chen (2015). Environmental variations on swordfish (Xiphias gladius) catch rates in the Indian Ocean. Fisheries Research, 166, 67-69.  DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2014.08.010. (SCI, IF=1.843, Ranking: Fisheries, 12/50=24%).
  36. Lan, K.W., M.A. Lee*, C.I. Zhang, P.Y. Wang, L.J. Wu and K.T. Lee (2014). Effects of climate variability and climate change on the fishing conditions for grey mullet (Mugil cephalus L.) in the Taiwan Strait. Climatic Change, 126:189-202. DOI 10.1007/s10584-014-1208-y. (SCI, IF=4.622, Ranking: Environmental Science, 13/216=6%).
  37. Lee M.A., Y.C. Yang, Y.L. Shen, Y. Chang*, W.S. Tsai, K.W. Lan and Y.C. Kuo (2014) Effects of an unusual cold-water intrusion in 2008 on sudden change in catch of the coastal fisheries around Penghu Islands, Taiwan. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 25(1), 107-120. (IF=0.705, Ranking: Oceanography, 46/60=76%).
  38. Chen, W.Y., M.A. Lee*K.W. Lan and G. C. Gong (2014). Distributions and assemblages of larval fish in the East China Sea in the northeasterly and southwesterly monsoon seasons 2008. Biogeosciences, 11, 547-561, doi:10.5194/bg-11-547-2014. (SCI, IF=3.754, Ranking: Ecology, 28/136=20%).
  39. Lan, K.W., K. Evans and M.A. Lee* (2013). Effects of climate variability on the distribution and fishing conditions of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the western Indian Ocean. Climatic Change, 119, 63-77, doi:10.1007/s10584-012-0637-8. (SCI, IF=3.634, Ranking: Environmental Science, 22/210=10%).
  40. Tzeng, M.T., K.W. Lan* and J.W. Chan (2012). Interannual Variability of Wintertime Sea Surface Temperatures in the Eastern Taiwan Strait. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 20(6), 702–712. (SCI, IF=0.461, Ranking: Engineering Multidisciplinary, 63/90=70%).
  41. Lee, M.A., K.W. Lan, W.K. Lin, K.T. Lee and C.H. Chien (2013). A study on the activities of costal harvest fishery in Kong-Liao region. Monthly Journal of Taipower’s Engineering, 772, 57–61.
  42. Lan, K.W., T. Nishida, M.A. Lee*, H.J. Lu, H.W. Huang, S.K. Chang and Y.C. Lan (2012). Influence of the marine environment variability on the yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) catch rate by the Taiwanese longline fishery in the Arabian Sea, with special reference to the high catch in 2004. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 20(5), 514–524. (SCI, IF=0.461, Ranking: Engineering Multidisciplinary, 63/90=70%).
  43. Lan, K.W., M.A. Lee*, T. Nishida, H.J. Lu, J.S. Weng and Y. Chang (2012). Environmental effects on yellowfin tuna catch by the Taiwan longline fishery in the Arabian Sea. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33(23), 7491–7506. (SCI, IF=1.138, Ranking: Remote Sensing, 16/27=59%).
  44. Lan, K.W., H. Kawamura, M.A. Lee*, H.J. Lu, T. Shimada, K. Hosoda and F. Sakaida (2012). Relationship between albacore (Thunnus alalunga) fishing grounds in the Indian Ocean and the thermal environment revealed by cloud-free microwave sea surface temperature. Fisheries Research, 113, 1–7, doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2011.08.017. (SCI, IF=1.695, Ranking: Fisheries, 17/50=34% ).
  45. Hosoda, K., H. Kawamura, K.W. Lan, T. Shimada and F. Sakaida (2012). Temporal scale of sea surface temperature fronts revealed by microwave observation. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 9(1), 3–7, 10.1109/LGRS.2011.2158512. (SCI, IF=1.823, Ranking: Remote Sensing, 8/27=29%).
  46. Lan, K.W., M.A. Lee*, H.J. Lu, W.J. Shieh, W.K. Lin, and S.C. Kao (2011). Ocean variations associated with fishing conditions of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 68(6), 1063-1071, doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsr045. (SCI, IF=2.277, Ranking: Fisheries, 7/50=14%).
  47. Chang, Y., W.J. Shieh, M.A. Lee*, J.W. Chan, K.W. Lan and J.S. Weng (2010). Fine-scale sea surface temperature fronts in wintertime in the northern South China Sea. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31, 4807–4818. (SCI, IF=1.138, Ranking: Remote Sensing, 16/27=60%).
  48. Chang, Y., K.T. Lee, M.A. Lee* and K.W. Lan (2009). Satellite observation on the exceptional intrusion of cold water in the Taiwan Strait. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 20(4), 661–669. (SCI, IF=0.705, Ranking: Oceanography, 46/60=76%).
  49. Lan, K.W., H. Kawamura, M.A. Lee*, Y. Chang, J.W. Chan and C.H. Liao (2009). Summertime sea surface temperature fronts associated with upwelling around the Taiwan Bank. Continental Shelf Research, 29, 903–910. (SCI, IF=2.115, Ranking: Oceanography, 21/58=36%).
  50. Hsieh, F.J., M.A. Lee*, J.Y. Pan, Y.T. Wang, K.W. Lan and Y.C. Lan (2007). Winter distribution and composition of ichthyoplankton associated with thermal front on the continental shelf of the southern East China Sea. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 34(1), 69–85.


Conference Papers

  1. Lee, W.Y., K.W. Lan, W.H. Kao, M. Naimullah, M. Ikhwanuddin, K.W.H. Fazhan and S. Hajisamae (2023). Fisheries Biology of Portunus Pelagicus in coastal fisheries and the catch selectivity of escape devices using crab traps in Taiwan. 11th International Fisheries Symposium, 22-25 Nov., Bangkok, Thailand.
  2. Lan, K.W., Y.L. Wu, T.Y. Liang and L.C. Chen (2023), Asynchronous fluctuation patterns of tuna population and marine ecosystems effected by the climate change in the Pacific Ocean. 11th International Fisheries Symposium, 22-25 Nov., Bangkok, Thailand.
  3. Liang, T.Y., Y.L. Wu, K.W. Lan and M. Naimullah (2023), The abundance of tropical tuna and the characteristics of the forage community in the Western Indian Ocean affected by climate variation. 11th International Fisheries Symposium, 22-25 Nov., Bangkok, Thailand.
  4. Wu, Y.L., J. Blanchard, P. Woodworth-Jefcoats and K.W. Lan (2023). Investigate the pelagic ecosystem variation under the climate change by using the Western Pacific Ocean region for a case study. 11th International Fisheries Symposium, 22-25 Nov., Bangkok, Thailand.
  5. Naimullah M. and K.W. Lan (2023). Effect of climate change on the future habitat suitability and catch rates of three swimming crabs in the Taiwan Strait. 11th International Fisheries Symposium, 22-25 Nov., Bangkok, Thailand.
  6. Wu Y.T., T.Y. Liang and K.W. Lan (2023). Modeling construction of trawl fishery on the vulnerability of habitat and biodiversity in the Taiwan Strait. University 15th Consortium on Aquatic Sciences, 23-26 Oct. Hong Kong.
  7. Liang, T.Y., Y.L. Wu and K.W. Lan (2023), Changes in tropical tuna abundances and forage community characteristics affected by climate variation in the Western Indian Ocean. The Society for Coastal Ecosystems Studies, 27-31 Oct. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  8. Wu, Y.L., R. Forestier, J. Blanchard, P. Woodworth-Jefcoats and K.W., Lan (2023). The population simulation of pelagic ecosystem under climate scenario in western Pacific Ocean. NOAA Fisheries 6th National Ecosystem Modeling Workshop (NEMoW6) and the Fisheries and Marine Ecosystem Model Intercomparison Project (FishMIP), 29th Aug- 1st Sep. Honolulu, Hawaii.
  9. Liang, T.Y., K.W., Lan, Y.L. Wu, M. Naimullah and Y.R. Liang (2023). Abundance variability of predators: Asynchronous fluctuation of tuna species in the Atlantic Ocean due to predation strategies and climatic effects. The 12th International Symposium on Earth Observation and Social Impact, 12-13 June, Taipei, Taiwan.
  10. Naimullah M. and K.W. Lan (2023). Climate change and future habitat suitability and catch rates of swimming crabs in the Taiwan Strait. The 12th International Symposium on Earth Observation and Social Impact, 12-13 June, Taipei, Taiwan.
  11. Wu, Y.T., T.Y. Liang, Y.J. Yang and K.W. Lan (2023). Modeling construction of trawls fisheries on the vulnerability of habitat and biodiversity in the Taiwan Strait. Poster exhibition. The 12th International Symposium on Earth Observation and Social Impact, 12-13 June, Taipei, Taiwan.
  12. 梁婷淯、藍國瑋、吳研綸、陳律祺 (2023),印度洋經濟性鮪類與餌料生物豐度與結構受海洋環境變動影響之研究。2023 Ocean Science Conference with MOST Ocean Science Project Presentation. 2-4 May., Taichung, Taiwan.
  13. 蕭博元、藍國瑋、廖正信(2023),氣候震盪對臺灣淺灘海洋生態系統營養動態結構和功能的影響。2023 Ocean Science Conference with MOST Ocean Science Project Presentation, 2-4 May, Taichung, Taiwan.
  14. 黃淯慈、鄭力綺、陳律祺、翁進興、藍國瑋(2023),澎湖縣丁香魚扒網漁場分布與捕撈魚種結構特性之分析。2023 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 7 Jan., Keelung, Taiwan.
  15. Naimullah M. and K.W. Lan (2023). The influence of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events on the catches trends and habitat shifting of three swimming crabs in the Taiwan Strait. 2023 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 7 Jan., Keelung, Taiwan.
  16. 莊哲禎、李明安、藍國瑋、張懿、楊文璽(2023),金門沿近岸海域經濟魚種的族群及時空間變動。2023 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 7 Jan., Keelung, Taiwan.
  17. 高彣和、李維祐、Muhamad Naimullah、藍國瑋(2023),沿近海遠海梭子蟹漁業概況暨籠具逃脫環選擇性之研究。2023 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 7 Jan., Keelung, Taiwan.
  18. 楊雨溱、藍國瑋、Muhamad Naimullah、蕭博元(2023),利用IPCC AR6模式進行氣候變遷情境對臺灣沿近海尾槍魷屬棲地與脆弱度的影響。2023 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 7 Jan., Keelung, Taiwan.
  19. 李立翔、藍國瑋、李孟洲、莊哲禎(2023),指標物種監測系統建置與分析-以桃園縣觀音與新屋區觀新藻礁為例 2023 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 7 Jan., Keelung, Taiwan.
  20. 高彣和、李維祐、李政璋、藍國瑋(2023),毛足特氏蟹對於不同波長光源趨性行為應用於陸蟹通道可行性之研究。2023 Congress of Animal Behavior & Ecology of Taiwan, 17 Jan, Taichung, Taiwan.
  21. Hsiao, P.Y. and K.W. Lan (2022). Impacts of climate change-induced environmental fluctuations on the structure of marine ecosystem around the Taiwan Bank. 2022 Small Pelagic Fish Symposium, 7-11 Nov., Lisbon, Portugal.

  22. Naimullah, M. and Lan, K.W. (2022). The influence of El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events on the catches trends and habitat shifting of three swimming crabs in the Taiwan Strait. Small Pelagic Fish-2022 International Symposium on New Frontiers in Science and Sustainable Management, 7-11 November 2022, Lisbon, Portugal.
  23. Lan, K.W., Y.L. Wu, T.Y. Liang and L.C. Chen (2022). Impact of climate change in marine ecosystems on the spatiotemporal age structure of tuna population in the Pacific Ocean. KOFFST International conference 2022-Fisheries Science in Pandemic era, 3-4 Nov., Busan, Rep. of Korea.
  24. Yang, Y. J., M. Naimullah, K.W. Lan, and P.Y. Hsiao (2022). IPCC AR6 simulates the impact of climate change under different scenarios on the marine environment and cephalopods in the southern Eastern China Sea. PICES-2022 Annual Meeting, 23 Sep. – 2 Oct., Busan, Rep. of Korea.
  25. Liang, T.Y., Y.L. Wu, K.W. Lan and L.C. Chen (2022). Indicators of pelagic forage community shifts related with the abundance of economic tunas in the Indian Ocean. PICES-2022 Annual Meeting, 23 Sep. – 2 Oct., Busan, Rep. of Korea.
  26. 李政璋、蔡齡瑩、藍國瑋、高彣和、李維祐、Muhamad Naimullah (2022),毛足特氏蟹(Tuerkayana hirtipes)的光趨性應用於陸蟹通道(underpass)的可能性。墾管處的陸蟹保育發表會,28 Sep., Kenting National Park Headquarters, Taiwan.
  27. Lan, K.W., Y. L. Wu, and K. Evans (2022). Effects of decadal climate variability on spatiotemporal distribution of Indo-Pacific yellowfin tuna population. Taiwan Geosciences Assembly: 2022 Ocean Science Conference with MOST Ocean Science Project Presentation, 7-10 Jun., Nangang, Taiwan.蕭博元、藍國瑋、廖正信、李韋澔 (2022),臺灣淺灘生態系統結構變動受氣候變異影響之研究。Taiwan Geosciences Assembly: 2022 Ocean Science Conference with MOST Ocean Science Project Presentation, 7-10 Jun., Nangang, Taiwan.
  28. 梁婷淯、吳研綸、許哲偉、藍國瑋 (2022),印度洋經濟性鮪類豐度變動特性與餌料生物資源結構關係之研究。Taiwan Geosciences Assembly: 2022 Ocean Science Conference with MOST Ocean Science Project Presentation, 7-10 Jun., Nangang, Taiwan.
  29. 許哲瑋、藍國瑋、吳研綸、黃柏涵 (2022),探討影響太平洋鮪類豐度同步變動關係因子特性之研究。Taiwan Geosciences Assembly: 2022 Ocean Science Conference with MOST Ocean Science Project Presentation, 7-10 Jun., Nangang, Taiwan.
  30. Naimullah, M. and K. W. Lan (2022). Effects of climate variability on the catches and habitat variations of three swimming crabs in the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan Geosciences Assembly: 2022 Ocean Science Conference with MOST Ocean Science Project Presentation, 7-10 Jun., Nangang, Taiwan.
  31. Hsiao, P. Y., K. W. Lan, W.H. Lee and C.H. Liao (2022). Impacts of climate change-induced environmental fluctuations on the structure of summer marine ecosystems around the southwest water of Taiwan. International Conference on Marine Science & Aquaculture, 8-10 Mar., UMS, Malaysia.Naimullah, M. and K.W. Lan (2022). Unbaited Light-Emitting Diode Traps Performance for Catching Orange Mud Crabs. International Conference on Marine Science & Aquaculture, 8-10 Mar., UMS, Malaysia.
  32. 周縈珍、王彙喬、藍國瑋 (2022),以IPA探討地方傳統漁業轉型策略之研究-以雲林縣口湖鄉為例。2022 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 22 Jan., Chiayi, Taiwan.
  33. 陳律祺、何珈欣、鄭力綺、廖正信、藍國瑋 (2022),臺灣周邊海域三種重要經濟性馬加鰆屬魚類之捕獲率及空間分布初探。2022 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 22 Jan., Chiayi, Taiwan.
  34. 李立翔、藍國瑋、莊哲楨、陳律祺 (2022),卯澳周邊海域重要放流物種放流成效調查與評估模型建置。2022 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 22 Jan., Chiayi, Taiwan.
  35. 蕭博元、藍國瑋、廖正信、Muhamad Naimullah (2022),臺灣淺灘夏季海洋生態系統結構受環境變動影響之研究。2022 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 22 Jan., Chiayi, Taiwan.
  36. 楊雨溱、蕭博元、陳律祺、藍國瑋 (2022),解析臺灣沿近海重要經濟性頭足類之漁法組成與空間變動。2022 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 22 Jan., Chiayi, Taiwan.
  37. 黃柏涵、鄭力綺、翁進興、藍國瑋 (2022),澎湖日本銀帶鯡(Spratelloides gracilis)漁業動態與混獲率調查之研究。2022 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 22 Jan., Chiayi, Taiwan.
  38. 高彣和、李維祐、黃淯慈、藍國瑋 (2022),網漁具生命週期與溯源暨管理之可行性分析。2022 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 22 Jan., Chiayi, Taiwan.
  39. 吳研綸、藍國瑋 、黃柏涵 (2022),年代際氣候變異指數對印度-太平洋黃鰭鮪釣獲率及棲地適合指數之時空間分佈影響。2022 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 22 Jan., Chiayi, Taiwan.
  40. 梁婷淯、吳研綸、藍國瑋、李維祐 (2022),氣候變遷對印洋洋重要經濟性鮪類棲地競合關係之研究。2022 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 22 Jan., Chiayi, Taiwan.
  41. 李維祐、藍國瑋、Muhamad Naimullah、莊哲禎 (2022),利用動物軌跡追蹤系統比較不同餌料對梭子蟹科(Portunidae)之行為影響。2022 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 22 Jan., Chiayi, Taiwan.
  42. 許哲瑋、藍國瑋、吳研綸、黃柏涵 (2022),探討太平洋大目鮪與黃鰭鮪豐度與棲地同步變動特性之研究。2022 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 22 Jan., Chiayi, Taiwan.
  43. 李韋澔、蕭博元、廖正信、藍國瑋 (2022),臺灣西南海域生態系統結構及受漁業捕撈之影響。2022 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 22 Jan., Chiayi, Taiwan.
  44. 莊哲禎、李明安、詹瑞文、藍國瑋 (2022),西北太平洋烏魚(Mugil cephalus)與海水表面溫度及多尺度氣候變異指數的年間變化。2022 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 22 Jan., Chiayi, Taiwan.
  45. 黃淯慈、呂學榮、白尚儒、陳德平、藍國瑋 (2022),臺灣海域岸際與船釣漁業資源結構與空間變動之研究。2022 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 22 Jan., Chiayi, Taiwan.
  46. Chuang, C.C., M.A. Lee., P.Y. Hsiao, Y.L.Wu and K.W. Lan (2021). The annual variations of grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) population in related to changed sea surface temperature and multiscale climate indices in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. PICES-2021 Virtual Annual Meeting, 25-27 Oct. hosted by Qingdao, China.
  47. Naimullah, M., Y.L. Wu, M.A. Lee, and K.W. Lan (2021). Effects of climate variability on the catches and habitat suitability variations of three swimming crabs in the Taiwan Strait. PICES-2021 Virtual Annual Meeting, 25-27 Oct. hosted by Qingdao, China.
  48. Wu, Y.L., K.W. Lan, K. Evans, M. Naimullah, and P.Y., Hsiao (2021). Decadal climate indices effect on the spatiotemporal distribution in Indo-Pacific yellowfin tuna population. PICES-2021 Virtual Annual Meeting, 25-27 Oct. hosted by Qingdao, China.
  49. Hsiao, P.Y., K.W. Lan, M.A. Lee and C.H. Liao (2021). Climate-induced fluctuations in primary production required in summertime upwelling ecosystems around the Taiwan Bank PICES-2021 Virtual Annual Meeting, 25-27 Oct. hosted by Qingdao, China.
  50. Lee, W.H., K. W. Lan, C. C. Chuang, and W. Y. Lee (2021). The Structure of Fishery Resources and Construction of Ecosystem Model in the Southwestern Waters of Taiwan. PICES-2021 Virtual Annual Meeting, 25-27 Oct. hosted by Qingdao, China.
  51. Sheu J.W., K.W. Lan, Y.L. Wu, and P.Y. Hsiao(2021).Explore the simultaneous characteristics of abundance and habitats of tuna species in the Pacific Ocean. PICES-2021 Virtual Annual Meeting, 25-27 Oct. hosted by Qingdao, China.
  52. Li, Y.L., L.C. Chen, C.H. Liao and K.W. Lan (2021).Analyze the relationship between the fishing conditions of Scomberomorus species and changes in forage species around the waters of Taiwan. PICES-2021 Virtual Annual Meeting, 25-27 Oct. hosted by Qingdao, China.
  53. Huang, Y.C., K.W. Lan, Y.K. Chen and W. Y. Lee (2021). Investigation of the current situation on derelict fishing gear along the coast of Taiwan and evaluation of key factors for developing sustainable reduction. International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts 2021, 23-24 Aug. Miaoli, Taiwan
  54. Chen, Y.K., K.W. Lan, Y.C. Huang and C.C. Chuang (2021). The compositions and distributions of coastal fishing debris related with the property of fisheries in the coastal of Taiwan. International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts 2021, 23-24 Aug. Miaoli, Taiwan.
  55. Lee, W.Y., K.W. Lan, Naimullah, M., and L.C. Chen (2021). Using animal trajectory tracking software to compare the effects of different baits on the behavior of Portunidae. International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts 2021, 23-24 Aug. Miaoli, Taiwan.
  56. 黃柏涵、藍國瑋、吳研綸、蕭博元 (2021),比較不同鮪延繩釣漁業資料來源運用IATTC鮪延繩釣資料建構太平洋重要經濟性鮪類漁場預測模式。2021 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 16 Jan., Keelung, Taiwan.
  57. 陳律祺、藍國瑋、翁進興、曾振德 (2021),解析海洋環境變動對臺灣沿近岸海域康氏馬加鰆捕獲率與分布之影響。2021 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 16 Jan., Keelung, Taiwan.
  58. 莊哲禎、李明安、藍國瑋、楊文璽 (2021),氣候變遷對台灣西部沿岸漁村漁法結構改變與社會層面衝擊及調適。2021 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 16 Jan., Keelung, Taiwan.
  59. 吳研綸、藍國瑋 (2021),年代氣候變異指數對黃鰭鮪跨洋區尺度釣獲率時空間分佈之影響。2021 Annual Meeting for Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 16 Jan., Keelung, Taiwan.
  60. 黃淯慈、藍國瑋、莊哲禎、陳翊凱 (2021),臺灣西部沿岸漁具流失與漁業廢棄物再利用現況調查之研究。2021 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 16 Jan., Keelung, Taiwan.
  61. 蕭博元、藍國瑋、島田 照久 (2021),夏季海洋環境變動對臺灣淺灘湧升生態系統與基礎生產力需求量之影響。2021 Annual Meeting for Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 16 Jan., Keelung, Taiwan.
  62. 陳翊凱、藍國瑋、Muhamad Naimullah、黃淯慈 (2021),解析臺灣沿岸漁業廢棄物組成與分布和漁港特性之關係。2021 Annual Meeting for Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 16 Jan., Keelung, Taiwan.
  63. 李維祐、藍國瑋、Muhamad Naimullah (2021),比較不同餌料對梭子蟹科(Portunidae)索餌行為變化之研究。2021 Annual Meeting for Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 16 Jan., Keelung, Taiwan.
  64. 李昱霖、藍國瑋、陳律祺、蕭博元 (2021),解析台灣沿近海康氏馬加鰆漁況與餌料生物群聚變動之關係。2021 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 16 Jan., Keelung, Taiwan.
  65. 許哲瑋、藍國瑋、吳研綸、黃柏涵 (2021),探討氣候變遷對太平洋黃鰭鮪與大目鮪棲地同步變動特性之研究。2021 Annual Meeting for Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 16 Jan., Keelung, Taiwan.
  66. 李韋澔、藍國瑋、蕭博元、廖正信 (2021),臺灣西南海域漁業資源結構與生態系統模式建構之研究。2021 Annual Meeting for Fisheries Society of Taiwan,16 Jan.,Keelung,Taiwan.
  67. Naimullah, M., K.W. Lan, P.Y. Hsiao (2021). Effect of Soaking Time on Catch Rates Target Species of Fish Trap in Taiwan Waters. 2021 Annual Meeting for Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 16 Jan., Keelung, Taiwan.
  68. 林佳蕙、廖正信、藍國瑋、吳研綸 (2021),利用包絡分析法解析臺灣周邊海域白帶魚漁業能力利用度與過剩率之研究。2021 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 16 Jan., Keelung, Taiwan.
  69. 周縈珍、張曼儀、王彙喬、藍國瑋 (2021),以創意行銷帶動地方魚貨銷售之研究-以基隆區漁會電商平台為例。
  70. Naimullah, M. and K.W. Lan (2020). Dynamic management and sustainable fisheries for swimming crab trap in Taiwan Strait. International Conference on Marine Science and Aquaculture 2020 (virtual conference), 9-10 December, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia.
  71. 梁晏榕、藍國瑋、吳研綸 (2020),比較大西洋重要經濟性鮪類豐度與棲地受氣候變遷影響關係之研究。2020 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 14 March, Tainan, Taiwan.
  72. 蕭博元、藍國瑋、島田照久 (2020),台灣淺灘夏季海洋環境變動對基礎生產力需求量影響之研究。2020 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 14 March, Tainan, Taiwan.
  73. 林佳蕙、藍國瑋、廖正信 (2020),利用不同漁業資料來源分析臺灣東北部海域生態位階結構變動。2020 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 14 March, Tainan, Taiwan.
  74. 陳律祺、藍國瑋、翁進興、曾振德 (2020),2011年~2016年臺灣週邊海域不同漁法漁獲馬加鰆屬單位努力漁獲量之空間分布研究。2020 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 14 March, Tainan, Taiwan.
  75. 邱鼎宸、藍國瑋、陳律祺、廖正信 (2020),解析漁業活動對臺灣海峽魚類資源結構與生態系統之影響。2020 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 14 March, Tainan, Taiwan.
  76. 胡宸瑀、藍國瑋、吳研綸、張懿 (2020),利用多時空間尺度資料建構中西太平洋鰹鮪圍網正鰹漁況預測模式。2020 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 14 March, Tainan, Taiwan.
  77. 李維祐、藍國瑋、陳律棋、李立翔 (2020),台灣西南海域流刺網與底刺網漁業資源結構與物種組成差異分析。2020 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 14 March, Tainan, Taiwan.
  78. Naimullah, M., K.W. Lan, Y.R. Liang, P.Y. Hsiao, T.C. Chiu, and C.H. Liao (2020), Distribution and habitat characteristics of three important commercial swimming crab (Crustacea: Decapoda: Portunidae) related with the environmental factors in Taiwan Strait. 2020 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 14 March, Tainan, Taiwan.
  79. 黃淯慈、藍國瑋、宋佩軒(2020),臺灣沿岸漁業廢棄物與漁船作業特性現況調查-以基隆市為例。2020 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 14 March, Tainan, Taiwan.
  80. 吳研綸、藍國瑋、李明安(2020),利用海洋環境資料建置寒潮入侵對澎湖箱網災損減輕模式之研究。2020 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 14 March, Tainan, Taiwan.
  81. 陳翊凱、藍國瑋、黃柏涵(2020), 臺灣各縣市沿岸漁業廢棄組成與分布豐度之關係。2020 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 14 March, Tainan, Taiwan.
  82. Liang, Y.R., T.H. Lin and K.W. Lan (2019). Synchronous and non-synchronous relationship between the catch rate and distribution of the important economical tunas in the Atlantic Ocean. International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts, 23-26 Jun. Tainan, Taiwan.
  83. Lin, J.H., K.W. Lan and Y.L.Wu (2019). Investigate the fishery resources and ecological niche in the northeastern waters of Taiwan. International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts, 23-26 Jun. Tainan, Taiwan.
  84. Chiu, T.C., P.H., Sung, and K.W. Lan (2019). The effect of the fishing capacity on the fishery resource structures and related to primary productions around the Taiwan Bank. International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts, 23-26 Jun. Tainan, Taiwan.
  85. Lan, K.W., T.H. Lin and Y.L.Wu (2019). Influence of oceanographic variability on catch rates and distributions of yellowfin tuna and bigeye tuna cohorts. 2019年海洋科學年會暨第十二屆海峽兩岸海洋科學研討會, 14-17 May, 2019, Taipei, Taiwan.
  86. Hsiao, P.Y. and K.W. Lan (2019). The influences of climatic variability on the summertime environmental variations around the upwelling areas of Taiwan Bank. 2019 International Symposium on Remote Sensing, 17-19 Apr., 2019, Taipei, Taiwan.
  87. Lan, K.W., C.H. Liao, H.Y. Ho, and Y.L.Wu (2019). Variation in the catch rate and distribution of swordtip squid (Uroteuthis edulis) associated with factors of the oceanic environment in the southern East China. The Fourth Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Science, 6-9 Jan., 2019, Xiamen, China.
  88. 林佳蕙、藍國瑋、吳研綸(2019),臺灣東北部海域沿近海漁業資源與生態位階結構變動之研究。2019 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 12 Jan., 2018, Taipei, Taiwan.
  89. 邱鼎宸、藍國瑋、宋佩軒(2019),臺灣淺堆漁業資源結構時空間組成與分布之研究。2019 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 12 Jan., 2018, Taipei, Taiwan.
  90. 梁晏榕、藍國瑋 (2019),比較大西洋重要經濟性鮪類釣獲率與分布同步與非同步關係之研究。2019 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 12 Jan., 2018, Taipei, Taiwan.
  91. 蕭博元、藍國瑋、黃柏涵 (2019),台灣淺灘夏季湧升區與周邊海域海洋環境關係之研究。2019 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 12 Jan., 2018, Taipei, Taiwan.
  92. Liang, Y.J. and K.W. Lan (2018). Using remote-sensing environmental and fishery data to map potential yellowfin tuna habitats in the tropical Pacific Ocean. 14th Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference, 4-7 November, 2018, Jeju Island, The Republic of Korea.
  93. Chiu, T.C. and K.W. Lan (2018). Using environmental and longline fishery data to map potential bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) habitats in the Indian Ocean. 14th International Symposium (Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference), 4-7 November, 2018, Jeju Island, The Republic of Korea.
  94. Hsiao, P.Y. and K.W. Lan (2018). Long-term observations of thermal fronts and primary productivity associated with upwelling around the Taiwan Bank. 14th Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference, 4-7 Nov., 2018, Jeju Island, Korea.
  95. Lee, X.L. and K.W. Lan (2018). Assessing the outcomes of stocking hatchery-reared juveniles of Girella punctate in the northeastern coast of Taiwan. 2018 North Pacific Marine Science Organization, 1-2, Nov., 2018, Yokohama, Japan.
  96. Lin, J.H., K.W. Lan and C.H. Liao (2018). Variation in the catch rate and distribution of Swordtip Squid (Uroteuthis edulis) associated with factors of the oceanic environment in the Southern East China Sea. 2018 North Pacific Marine Science Organization, 1-2, Nov., 2018, Yokohama, Japan.
  97. Lin, T.H. and K.W. Lan (2018). Spatial distributions and catch rates variability of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) cohorts related to oceanographic and climatic indices in the Pacific Ocean. 2018 North Pacific Marine Science Organization, 1-2, Nov., 2018, Yokohama, Japan.
  98. Wu, Y.L. and K.W. Lan (2018). Application of time series analysis to detect the effect of multi-scale climate indices on global yellowfin tuna population. 2018 North Pacific Marine Science Organization, 1-2, Nov., 2018, Yokohama, Japan.
  99. Lan, K.W. and M.W. Chen (2018). Influence of oceanographic variability on catch rate of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) cohorts in the Indian Ocean. 4th Climate Impacts on Oceanic Top Predators, 15-19 Oct., 2018, Keelung, Taiwan.
  100. Lan, K.W. (2018). Effects of climate change and human activities on pelagic and coastal fisheries of Taiwan. The 19th APEC Roundtable Meeting, 3-5 Sep., Taipei, Taiwan.
  101. 吳研綸、藍國瑋 (2018),利用時間序列分析法探討多尺度氣候因子對黃鰭鮪族群之影響。2018第三屆漁業海洋學國際研討會, 1-4 Aug. 2018, Qingdao, China.
  102. 林子翔、藍國瑋(2018),太平洋大目鮪各年級群捕獲率與海洋環境變動關係之研究。2018第三屆漁業海洋學國際研討會, 1-4 August, 2018, Qingdao, China.
  103. Lan, K.W. and M.W. Chen (2018). Effects of climate variability on catch rate of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) cohort in the Indian Ocean. 4th International Symposium (Effects of Climate Change), 4-8 June, 2018, Washington, DC, USA.
  104. Lan, K.W., L.S. Lee and C.H. Liao (2018). Effect of climate change on the catch rate and distribution of swordtip squid (Uroteuthis edulis) in the southern East China Sea. 2018年海洋科學年會, 2-3 May, 2018, Taipei, Taiwan.
  105. 賴詩涵、黃柏涵、藍國瑋 (2018),太平洋鮪延繩釣黃鰭鮪潛在棲地分布與預測模式建制之研究。2017 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 19 Jan., 2017, Kaohsing, Taiwan.
  106. 張香晧、李立翔、藍國瑋 (2018),利用動物軌跡追蹤系統探討黑棘鯛、布氏鯧鰺及黃鰭棘鯛游泳行為之研究。2017 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 19 Jan., 2017, Kaohsing, Taiwan.
  107. 吳研綸、藍國瑋 (2018),以全球尺度探討三大洋黃鰭鮪釣獲率空間分布與週期性之關係。2017 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 19 Jan., 2017, Kaohsing, Taiwan.
  108. 林子翔、陳明雯、藍國瑋(2018),太平洋大目鮪各年級群釣獲率分布與時空間變動之研究。2017 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 19 Jan., 2017, Kaohsing, Taiwan.
  109. Lan, K.W., C.H. Liao and M.W. Chen (2017). Catch rate and distribution variations of swordtip squid (Uroteuthis edulis) in relate to oceanic environments in the southern East China Sea. International Conference on Earth Observations & Natural Hazards 2017, 21-26 Nov, Vietnam.
  110. Wu, Y.L., K.W. Lan and P.H Huang (2017). Using remote-sensing environmental and fishery data to map potential bigeye tuna and yellowfin tuna habitats in the Indian Ocean. International Conference on Earth Observations & Natural Hazards 2017, 21-26 Nov, Vietnam.
  111. 李明安、蘇楠傑、藍國瑋*、張懿、吳龍靜 (2017),臺灣沿近海漁業資源結構組成與生態分區環境調查。2017臺灣沿海藍色經濟成長推動計畫成果研討會, 20 October, 2017, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  112. Lan, K.W., L.J. Lian, and S.Y Cheng (2017). Using high resolution multi-satellite data estimated the primary productivity in the water around Taiwan. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 14th Annual Meeting, 6–11 August, Singapore.
  113. Lai, S.H., P.H. Huang and K.W. Lan (2017). Using environmental and longline fishery data to map potential yellowfin tuna habitats in Pacific Ocean. ICES Annual Science Conference 2017, 18-21 Sep., 2017, Florida, U.S.A..
  114. Chang, H.H., L.S. Lee and K.W. Lan (2017). Study on swimming behavior of black sea bream (Acanthopagrus schlegelii) by using animal trajectory tracking software。ICES Annual Science Conference 2017, 18-21 Sep., 2017, Florida, U.S.A..
  115. Chang, H.H., K.W. Lan and L.S. Lee (2017). Study on trapping effect of artificial reefs on black sea bream (Acanthopagrus schlegelii) by using animal trajectory tracking software。ICEO&SI 2017, 25-26 Jun., 2017, Yilan, Taiwan.
  116. 賴詩涵、黃柏涵、藍國瑋 (2017),利用衛星遙測海洋環境與漁獲資料分析太平洋黃鰭鮪潛在棲地位置之研究。2016 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 17 Jan., 2017, Keelung, Taiwan.
  117. Lan, K.W., L.J. Lian, and S.Y Cheng (2017). Estimated net primary productivity using high resolution multi-satellite data and related to primary production required in the water around Taiwan。2017年海洋科學年會, 4-5 May, 2017, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  118. 連俐植、藍國瑋、鄭學淵、詹瑞文 (2017),利用高空間解析度AVHRR表水溫與MODIS水色資料反演與校正台灣周邊基礎生產力。2017年海洋科學年會, 4-5 May, 2017, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  119. 吳研綸、藍國瑋、黃柏涵、李國添 (2017),台灣東北部沿近岸海域重要放流魚種效益調查之研究。2016 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 17 Jan., 2017, Keelung, Taiwan.
  120. 楊佳宜、藍國瑋、曾萬年 (2017),臺灣周邊海域日本鰻捕獲量與中西太平洋黑潮流場變動關係之研究。2016 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 17 Jan., 2017, Keelung, Taiwan.
  121. 張香晧、藍國瑋、李立翔 (2017),利用不同影像動態分析法探討黑棘鯛(Acanthopagrus schlegelii)游泳行為之研究。2017年動物行為暨生態學研討會, 23-24 Jan., 2017, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  122. Lan, K.W. and M.W. Chen (2017) Investigation on the distributions of the yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) cohort catch rate in related to environmental variations in the Indian Ocean. The Third Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Science, 9-11 Jan., 2017, Xiamen, China.
  123. Lan, K.W. (2016). Fishing condition forecasting of the large predators with environmental data and climatic indices. Development and application of mathematical modelling for sustainable management of marine resources, 26 Nov., 2016, Taipei, Taiwan.
  124. Lai, S.H., P.H Huang and K.W. Lan (2016). Feasibility analysis on the fishing condition forecast of yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares) in the Pacific Ocean. 5th Japan-Taiwan Ecology Workshop, 12-16 Nov., 2016, Kyoto, Japan.
  125. Lian, L.J., K.W. Lan S.Y Cheng., J.W Chan (2016). Validation of Primary Productivity Algorithm Derived from Multi-satellite data in the Water around Taiwan. 5th Japan-Taiwan Ecology Workshop, 12-16 Nov., 2016, Kyoto, Japan.
  126. Chen, M.W., K.W. Lan (2016). Environmental variations in relation to yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) cohort catch rate of longline fishery in the Indian Ocean. 5th Japan-Taiwan Ecology Workshop, 12-16 Nov., 2016, Kyoto, Japan.
  127. Huang, P. H., K. W. Lan and S. Y. Cheng (2016). Decadal variation of fish species composition and mean trophic level in the northeastern waters of Taiwan. 5th Japan-Taiwan Ecology Workshop, 12-16 Nov., 2016, Kyoto, Japan.
  128. Yang, C.Y., and K.W. Lan (2016). Investigation on the elvers catches of Japanese eel in relation to the velocity of Western Pacific Kuroshio Current around the waters off Taiwan. 2016 First Symposium of the International Association of Geo-informatics (IAG'i), 14-16 Oct., 2016, Tokyo, Japan.
  129. Li, H.F., K.W. Lan., M A Lee (2016). The investigation on the fishing activity and essential fish habitat suitability of fingerling release species in the coastal waters of central Taiwan. 2016 First Symposium of the International Association of Geo-informatics (IAG'i), 14-16 Oct., 2016, Tokyo, Japan.
  130. Lan, K.W., C.I. Zhang, Y.L. Lee and M.A. Lee (2016). Effects of human activities and climate change on coastal fisheries of Taiwan. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 13th Annual Meeting, 1–5 July, Beijing, Chian.
  131. Lee, Y.L., K.W Lan (2016). The impact of climate variability on the catch rate and distribution of threadfin in the Taiwan Strait. 2016 International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts, 26-28 Jun., 2016, Keelung, Taiwan.
  132. Lan, K.W., H.Y. Ho and C.H. Liao (2016). Ocean variations in relate to catch rates and distributions of Swordtip squid (Uroteuthis edulis) of Stick-Helddip Net fishery in the northeastern waters of Taiwan. 2016 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly, Taipei, Taiwan.
  133. 李育林、藍國瑋 (2016),氣候變異對臺灣海峽多鱗四指馬鮁(Eleutheronema rhadinum)的捕獲率及分布之影響。2015 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 19 Jan., 2016, Pingtung, Taiwan.
  134. 賴詩涵、藍國瑋、李蕙芳 (2016),臺灣中部沿近岸海域魚類資源結構與分布之研究。2015 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 19 Jan., 2016, Pingtung, Taiwan.
  135. Lan, K.W. and C.P. Chou (2015). The relationship between interannual variation of environmental variations and bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) catch rates in the Atlantic Ocean. The 3rd CLIOTOP Symposium-Future of oceanic animals in a changing ocean, 14–18 Sep., San Sebastián, Spain.
  136. Lan, K.W. (2015). Effects of Human Activities and Climate Change on Coastal Fisheries of Taiwan. 2015 Agenda of Taiwan-Israel Bi-Lateral Workshop, 30– 31 Aug., Keelung, Taiwan.
  137. Lan, K.W., C.I. Zhang, M.A. Lee and L.J. Wu (2015). Long-term correlations on the biomass and recruitment of grey mullet (Mugil cephalus L.) with climatic indices in the Taiwan Strait. 2015 International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts, 28-30 Jun., 2015, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  138. 何欣穎、藍國瑋 (2015),利用微波表水溫影像探討印度洋長鰭鮪釣獲率與水溫鋒面變動關係之研究。2014 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 18 Jan., 2015, Taipei, Taiwan.
  139. 李育林、藍國瑋、胡家維 (2015),海鳥忌避措施對臺灣小型延繩釣海鳥混獲率與釣獲率之影響。2014 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 18 Jan., 2015, Taipei, Taiwan.
  140. 周芹沛、李明安、藍國瑋 (2015),大西洋大目鮪(Thunnus obesus)鮪延繩釣釣獲率與海洋環境變動關係之研究。2014 Annual Meeting for the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 18 Jan., 2015, Taipei, Taiwan.
  141. Chen, Y.H., K.W. Lan and M.A. Lee (2014). Longline catch rates of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) associated with marine environmental variations in the Indian Ocean. 2014 Pan Ocean Remote sensing Conference, 3–6 Nov., 2014, Bali, Indonesia.
  142. Lee, M.A. and K.W. Lan (2014). Effects of climate change on the fishing condition of albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) in the Atlantic Ocean. 2014 KAGIS Fall Conference, 30 Oct.– 1 Nov., 2014, Jeju Island, Korea.
  143. Lan, K.W., M.A. Lee, S.P. Wang and Z.Y. Chen (2014). Modelling the impacts of environmental variations on the fishing conditions of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) in the Indian Ocean. 2014 International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts, 22-24 Jun., 2014, Miaoli, Taiwan.
  144. Lan, K.W., M.A. Lee, C.I. Zhang, P.Y. Wang, L.J. Wu and K.T. Lee (2014). The influence of SST warming and decadal variation on the latitudinal shifts of grey mullet (Mugil cephalus L.) in the Taiwan Strait and East Chain Sea. 2014 Ocean Science Meeting, 23-28 Feb., 2014, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
  145. K.W. Lan (2013). The influence of climate change and SST warming on the decadal fluctuations of fish communities around Taiwan. The 3rd International workshop on “Impacts of global warming on coastal and marine ecosystems in the Northwest Pacific”, 10-13Nov., 2013, Jeju Island, Korea.
  146. 藍國瑋、李明安、李國添、吳龍靜 (2013),氣候變遷對臺灣海峽烏魚漁獲變動的可能衝擊。海峽兩岸水產資源養護與開發研討會,13–14 Sep., 2013, Fu-chou, China.
  147. K.W. Lan, M.A. Lee, H. Kawamura, H.J. Lu, T. Shimada, K. Hosoda and F. Sakaida (2012). Relationship between albacore (Thunnus alalunga) fishing grounds in the Indian Ocean and the thermal environment revealed by cloud-free microwave sea surface temperature. International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts, 25–27 Jun., 2012, Taipei, Taiwan.
  148. Lee, M.A., P.Y. Wang, M.T. Tzeng and K.W. Lan (2012). Effects of long-term sea surface temperature variability on the gray mullet (Mugil cephalus L.) fishery in the Taiwan Strait. 2nd Int. Symposium on "Effects of Climate Change on the World's Oceans", 12–21 May, 2012, Yeosu, Korea.
  149. Lan, K.W. and M.A. Lee (2012). Effects of climate variability on the distribution and fishing conditions of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the Indian Ocean. 2nd Int. Symposium on "Effects of Climate Change on the World's Oceans", 12–21 May, 2012, Yeosu, Korea.
  150. Lan, K.W., Y. Chang, MA Lee, I. Belkin and T. Nishida (2012). Oceanic thermal fronts and net primary production associated with longline catches of albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) in the southern Indian Ocean. 2012 Ocean Science Meeting, 20–24 Feb., 2012, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
  151. Lan, K.W., and M.A. Lee (2011). Climatic and marine environmental variations associated with fishing conditions of tuna species in the Indian Ocean. International Workshop on Climate and Ocean Fisheries, 3–5 Oct., 2011, Rarotonga, Cook Islands.
  152. Lan, K.W., M.A. Lee, T.J. Yan. and T. Nishida (2010). Time series analysis reveal transient relationships between abundance of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and environmental variables in the Arabian Sea. 2010 Pan Ocean Remote sensing Conference, 18–23 Oct., 2010, Keelung, Taiwan.
  153. Yang, Y.C., Y. Chang, M.A. Lee and K.W. Lan (2010). Satellite observations of upwelling induced by different typhoons with different intensities in the southern East China Sea. 2010年海峽兩岸遙測/遙感研討會, 15–19 Mar., 2010, Jung-Li, Taiwan.
  154. M.A. Lee, Y. Chang, K.W. Lan, and J.W. Chan (2010). Satellite observation on the cold water intrusion related to the exceptional fishery disaster during the ENSO events in the Taiwan Strait. 2010年海峽兩岸遙測/遙感研討會, 15–19 Mar., 2010, Jung-Li, Taiwan.
  155. Lan, K.W., M.A. Lee, H.J. Lu, and W.J. Shieh (2010). Fishing Conditions of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus Albacares) Associated with Variations in the Marine Environment in the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean. 2010年海峽兩岸遙測/遙感研討會, 15–19 Mar., 2010, Jung-Li, Taiwan.
  156. Lan, K.W., M.A. Lee, and H.J. Lu (2010). A Study on Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) stocks and fishing conditions in relation to oceanic environmental variation in the Atlantic Ocean. International Symposium on "Climate change effects on fish and fisheries", 25–29 April, 2010, Sendai, Japan.
  157. Lan, K.W., H. Kawamura, M.A. Lee, T. Shimada and Y. Chang (2009). Climatology of Summertime Sea Surface Temperature Fronts Associated with Upwelling around the Southern Taiwan Strait. Proceedings of NTOU Taiwan and KU Japan Aquaculture and Fisheries Students Symposium-I, 91–96.
  158. Lan, K.W., H. Kawamura, M.A. Lee, T. Shimada and Y. Chang (2009). Climatology of Summertime Sea Surface Temperature Fronts Associated with Upwelling around the Southern Taiwan Strait. NTOU and JKU Aquaculture and Fisheries student Symposium, 5–6 March, 2009, Taiwan.
  159. Lan, K.W., M.A. Lee and T. Nishida (2009). The relation between the catch of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and marine environment in the northwestern Indian Ocean. Conference of International Symposium on Remote Sensing, 28–30 Oct., 2009, Busan, Korea.
  160. Lan, K.W., M.A. Lee, T. Nishida, H.J. Lu and S.K. Chang (2008). The fishing condition of yellow-fin tuna associated with the marine environment variation in the Arabian Sea. The 4th Joint Taiwan-Australia Aquaculture, Fisheries Resources and Management Forum IV, 18–19 Nov., 2008, Keelung, Taiwan.
  161. Lan, K.W., M.A. Lee, Y. Chang, H.J. Lu and C.H Liao (2008). Summertime Sea Surface Temperature fronts in the Taiwan Strait. IEEE International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2008), 6–11 July, 2008, Boston, U.S.A.
  162. 王沛元、陶瑜卿、藍國瑋、李明安 (2008),利用多衛星觀測颱風期間台灣東北海域湧昇現象之研究。臺灣水產學會九十七年度論文發表會,Taipei, Taiwan。
  163. Lan, K.W., H. Kawamura, M.A. Lee, Y. Chang, J.W. Chan and C.H. Liao (2008). Summertime sea surface temperature fronts associated with upwelling around the Taiwan Bank. The Ninth Biennial Pan Ocean Remote sensing Conference, 18–23 Oct., 2008, Guangzhou, China.
  164. 藍國瑋、李明安、張懿、謝委娟 (2009),遙感探測技術在澎湖寒害預警制度之應用。臺灣水產學會九十八年度論文發表會,Kao-Hsiung, Taiwan。
  165. 藍國瑋、西田 勤、李 明安、張 水楷、毛利 雅彦、張 懿 (2007). アラビア海のまぐろはえ縄漁業におけるキハダの漁況と海況との関係. 2007 年度日本水産海洋学会要旨集. p.3.
  166. 藍國瑋、李明安、西田勤、張懿 (2007),阿拉伯海黃鰭鮪漁況與環境變動特性之研究。臺灣水產學會九十六年度論文發表會,Kao-Hsiung, Taiwan。
  167. 藍國瑋、張懿、李明安 (2006),印度洋黃鰭鮪的分布與海洋環境間的關係。台灣水產學會九十五年度論文發表會,14–16 Dec., 2006, Keelung, Taiwan。

Other Publications

  1. 吳研綸、藍國瑋 (2022),鮪魚都跑去哪裡了?—淺談氣候變遷對漁場變化的影響。漁業推廣,行政院農委會漁業署,426,20–23。

  2. 藍國瑋、李立翔、李國添 (2022),設置栽培漁業區 活化海洋生物資源—以卯澳灣海域為例。漁業推廣,行政院農委會漁業署,425,33–35。
  3. 黃淯慈、藍國瑋、楊政霖 (2022),淺談臺灣海域岸際與船釣資料收集與分析之重要性。海洋漫波,海洋委員會海洋保育署,11,32–35。
  4. 吳昀庭、藍國瑋 (2022),澎湖海域日本銀帶鯡受環境影變動影響之研究。111年度大學生暑期學習實務體驗計畫,海洋科學與資源學院,第一名。
  5. 許哲瑋、藍國瑋、吳研綸、黃柏涵 (2022),探討影響太平洋鮪類豐度同步變動關係因子特性之研究。Taiwan Geosciences Assembly: 2022 Ocean Science Conference with MOST Ocean Science Project Presentation, 海報競賽生物組,佳作。
  6. Hsiao, P. Y., K. W. Lan, W. H. Lee and C. H Liao (2022). Impacts of climate change-induced environmental fluctuations on the structure of summer marine ecosystems around the southwest water of Taiwan. Best presentation of Student Oral Presentation Award, Virtual International Conference on Marine Science and Aquaculture (vICOMSA), 08-10 Mar., 2022, Borneo Marine Research Institute, University Malaysia Sabah.
  7. 蕭博元、藍國瑋、廖正信、Muhamad Naimullah (2022),臺灣淺灘夏季海洋生態系統結構受環境變動影響之研究。臺灣水產學會111年學術論文海報比賽,水產生物生態B組,第一名。
  8. 藍國瑋、黃柏涵、廖正信、蕭博元、李維祐 (2021),宜蘭縣沿近岸重要漁法漁業動態與資源結構現況分析。2021南方澳漁港百週年國際學術研討會紀念專輯,24pp。
  9. 藍國瑋、陳翊凱 (2021),創造刺網漁業友善環境-減少混獲、海洋廢棄物與過度捕撈問題,漁業推廣,行政院農委會漁業署,414,28–31。
  10. 黃淯慈、藍國瑋 (2021),漁業廢棄物源頭管理創造循環利用價值,漁業推廣,行政院農委會漁業署,414,16–19。
  11. 許哲瑋、藍國瑋、吳研綸、黃柏涵 (2021),探討氣候變遷對太平洋黃鰭鮪與大目鮪棲地同步變動特性之研究。臺灣水產學會110年學術論文海報比賽,漁業資源及管理組,第一名。
  12. Muhamad Naimullah、李維祐、藍國瑋 (2021),聰明漁法-籠具逃脫環改良研究。妙點子救海洋-海洋保育創意競賽,海洋委員會海洋保育署,第一名。
  13. 藍國瑋 (2019),淺談網目大小限制應用於刺網漁業管理之可行性,漁業推廣,行政院農委會漁業署,399,8–12.
  14. 藍國瑋 (2019),邁向大海-學生海上實習訓練。漁業推廣,行政院農委會漁業署,394,50–53.
  15. 梁晏榕、藍國瑋 (2019),比較大西洋重要經濟性鮪類釣獲率與分布同步與非同步關係之研究。臺灣水產學會108年學術論文海報比賽,漁業資源、管理組,第二名。
  16. 蕭博元、藍國瑋、黃柏涵 (2019),台灣淺灘夏季湧升區與周邊海域海洋環境關係之研究。臺灣水產學會108年學術論文海報比賽,漁業資源、管理組,佳作。
  17. 林佳蕙、藍國瑋、吳研綸 (2019),臺灣東北部海域沿近海漁業資源與生態位階結構變動之研究。臺灣水產學會108年學術論文海報比賽,漁業資源、管理組,佳作。
  18. P.Y. Hsiao and K.W. Lan (2018). Long-term observations of thermal fronts and primary productivity associated with upwelling around the Taiwan Bank. Certificate of student poster award, the best presentation in the 14th Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference (PORSEC 2018), Jeju Island, Korea.
  19. 李維祐、胡宸瑀、藍國瑋 (2018),北北基海洋廢棄物資料分析。107學年度跨校聯合壁報競賽大學組,第一名。
  20. 蕭博元、藍國瑋 (2018),利用衛星海表溫資料觀測臺灣淺灘海洋環境長期變動。107學年度跨校聯合壁報競賽大學組,第二名。
  21. 梁晏榕、藍國瑋 (2018),海洋環境變動對大西洋鮪延繩釣黃鰭鮪潛在棲息分佈影響之研究。107學年度跨校聯合壁報競賽大學組,第三名。
  22. 林佳蕙、藍國瑋 (2018),海洋環境變動對台灣東北部海域圓花鰹漁業捕獲率與分布關係之研究。107學年度跨校聯合壁報競賽大學組,佳作。
  23. Lin, T.H. and K.W. Lan (2018). Spatial distributions and catch rates variability of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) cohorts related to oceanographic indices in the Pacific Ocean. Certificate of student poster award, the excellent poster in the ICEO-SI 2018 International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
  24. Wu, Y.L. and K.W. Lan (2018). Application of time series analysis to detect the effect of multi-scale climate indices on global yellowfin tuna population. Certificate of student poster award, the excellent poster in the ICEO-SI 2018 International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
  25. 吳研綸、藍國瑋 (2018),以全球尺度探討三大洋黃鰭鮪釣獲率空間分布與週期性之關係。臺灣水產學會107年度學術論文發表會壁報競賽,第二名。
  26. 吳研綸、藍國瑋 (2017),氣候變遷對三大洋黃鰭鮪空間分布之影響。106年度聯合專題研究壁報競賽,第二名。
  27. 林子翔、藍國瑋 (2017),太平洋大目鮪各年級群釣獲率與組成比例之研究。106年度聯合專題研究壁報競賽,佳作。
  28. 劉旆辰、藍國瑋 (2017),利用動物軌跡追蹤系統分析黑棘鯛游泳行為之研究。國立臺灣海洋大學大學生暑期學習實務體驗計畫,海洋科學與資源學院,第二名。
  29. 張香晧、藍國瑋 (2017),利用不同影像動態分析法探討黑棘鯛(Acanthopagrus schlegelii)游泳行為之研究。2017動物行為暨生態研討會海報競賽,行為生態組,佳作。
  30. 藍國瑋 (2016),氣候變遷調適之海岸專業課程-近岸漁業生態。教育部氣候變遷調適土地使用、海岸和維生基礎設施專業課程融入計畫-海岸專業課程(陸曉筠 副教授彙集主編), 10 pp. H.F., K.W Lan and M A Lee (2016) The investigation on the fishing activity and essential fish habitat suitability of fingerling release species in the coastal waters of central Taiwan. Certificate of poster award, International Association of GEO-informatics, Tokyo, Japan.
  31. Lai, S.H., P.H Huang and K.W Lan (2016). Feasibility analysis on the fishing condition forecast of yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares) in the Pacific Ocean. 國立臺灣海洋大學海洋與地球環境科學課群菁英計畫壁報競賽,大學組,第一名。
  32. Yang, C.Y. and K.W. Lan (2016). Investigation on the elvers catches of Japanese eel in relation to the velocity of Western Pacific Kuroshio Current around the waters off Taiwan. 國立臺灣海洋大學海洋與地球環境科學課群菁英計畫壁報競賽,碩士組,第二名。
  33. Lian, L.J., K.W Lan, S.Y Cheng and J.W Chan (2016). Validation of Primary Productivity Algorithm Derived from Multi-satellite data in the Water around Taiwan. 國立臺灣海洋大學海洋與地球 環境科學課群菁英計畫壁報競賽,碩士組,第三名。
  34. Chen, M.W. and K.W. Lan (2016). Environmental variations in relation to yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) cohort catch rate of longline fishery in the Indian Ocean. 國立臺灣海洋大學海洋與地球環境科學課群菁英計畫壁報競賽,碩士組,第三名。
  35. Lee, Y.L., K.W. Lan (2016). The impact of climate variability on the catch rate and distribution of threadfin in the Taiwan Strait. Certificate of student persentation award, the excellent presentation in the ICEO-SI 2016 International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts, Keelung, Taiwan.
  36. 陳明雯、藍國瑋(2016),印度洋黃鰭鮪各年級群釣獲率與海洋環境變動關係之研究。臺灣水產學會105年學術論文海報比賽,水生生物技術(C)組,第三名。
  37. 藍國瑋、胡家維、謝寬永(2015),利用外掛式咬鉛改良鮪延繩釣支繩加重方式,專利編號NTOU-LKW-P001-TWU。
  38. 賴詩涵、藍國瑋(2015),台灣中部沿近岸海域魚類資源結構與分析之研究。國立臺灣海洋大學大學生暑期學習實務體驗計畫,海洋科學與資源學院,第一名。
  39. 藍國瑋、龔國慶 (2015),全球變遷對海洋漁業資源的衝擊。科技報導-焦點話題,第402期,pp 4–7。
  40. 藍國瑋、李明安 (2014),氣候變遷如何影響印度洋黃鰭鮪的分佈與釣獲率。國立臺灣海洋大學海洋中心電子報,第十三期,2pp。
  41. Lan, K.W. (2013). Application of ocean remote sensing to the distribution of fishing grounds. For the excellent poster paper in Multi-Spectral & Synergistic Mapping presented at the Advanced Training Course in Ocean Remote Sensing under ESA-MOST Dragon 3 Cooperation, Hong Kong, P.R. China.
  42. Lan, K.W., M.A. Lee, H. Kawamura, H.J. Lu, T. Shimada, K. Hosoda and F. Sakaida (2012). Relationship between albacore (Thunnus alalunga) fishing grounds in the Indian Ocean and the thermal environment revealed by cloud-free microwave sea surface temperature. Certificate of student persentation award, the excellent presentation in the ICEO-SI 2012 International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts.
  43. Lee, M.A., Y. Chang, K.W. Lan, J.W. Chan and W.J. Hsieh (2011). Satellite Observation on the Exceptional Intrusion of Cold Water and Its Impact on Coastal Fisheries Around Peng-Hu Islands, Taiwan Strait. Remote Sensing of the Changing Oceans, Part 4, 281-292, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-16541-2_14.
  44. Lan, K.W., M.A. Lee, H.J. Lu and W.J. Shieh (2010). Fishing Conditions of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus Albacares) Associated with Variations in the Marine Environment in the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean. 2010年海峽兩岸遙測/遙感研討會,傑出學生論文獎。
  45. 藍國瑋、李明安、張懿、謝委娟(2009),遙感探測技術在澎湖寒害預警制度之應用。臺灣水產學會2009年學術論文海報比賽 水生生物技術(C)組,第一名。
  46. Lan, K.W., H. Kawamura, M.A. Lee*, T. Shimada and Y. Chang (2009). Climatology of Summertime Sea Surface Temperature Fronts Associated with Upwelling around the Southern Taiwan Strait. Proceedings of NTOU Taiwan and KU Japan Aquaculture and Fisheries Students Symposium-I, 91–96.
  47. Lan, K.W., H. Kawamura, M.A. Lee, Y. Chang, J.W. Chan and C.H. Liao (2008). Summertime sea surface temperature fronts associated with upwelling around the Taiwan Bank. 國立台灣海洋大學水產生物科技頂尖研究中心97年度主題研究計畫成果學生壁報比賽,佳作。
  48. 王沛元、陶瑜卿、藍國瑋、李明安 (2008),利用多衛星觀測颱風期間台灣東北海域湧昇現象之研究。 臺灣學產學會2008年學術論文海報比賽 水生生物技術(C)組,第一名。
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